Pretend chat 2

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Aug 23, 2012
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The same as Ricky, sulcatas. I give zucchini raw, but I cook the squash only. I mainly cook the squash because baby Runt can't bite it raw. His jaw is too weak yet.

Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi, I'm sorry, what type of tortoises do you have?

And why cooked zucchini? Why not raw?



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Cowboy_Ken said:
I kinda like the little bugger.

Are they gonna have a raffle?

Yep, darn I knew i was forgetting something. That would not fly in my blue state!


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I think they're going great. The world is full of stunted sulcatas and I think too many people don't get that as youngsters, Sulcatas have food everywhere and eat till full then eat again. As long as exercise is provided to help bones and muscles develop strong I think yours are doing great.


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Jacqui, if there were leftovers I'd share!

Cute tort! I see sulcatas and aldabras and feel like Rosie is a runt.. But she is a redfoot afterall!

Also, I noticed there's a new forum member with the name redfoot rosie, so don't go getting confused! I was skimming posts and was like, "wait, I didn't post that!" Then realized it wasn't me anyway! Haha


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Aug 23, 2012
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What would we do without Cowboy? Is anyone gonna get back to me about my sullies? Spoke too soon. Thanks Cowboy. The real amazing thing is getting Baby Runt to grow as big in the next couple of years. He's almost a lb now. Yippy!

CtTortoiseMom said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
I kinda like the little bugger.

Are they gonna have a raffle?

Yep, darn I knew i was forgetting something. That would not fly in my blue state!



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RosieRedfoot said:
Jacqui, if there were leftovers I'd share!

Cute tort! I see sulcatas and aldabras and feel like Rosie is a runt.. But she is a redfoot afterall!

Also, I noticed there's a new forum member with the name redfoot rosie, so don't go getting confused! I was skimming posts and was like, "wait, I didn't post that!" Then realized it wasn't me anyway! Haha

I check every morning what I posted the night before. Haha


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I am not an expert in any way but is sounds like you are doing the right stuff to me. As long as they are continually gaining they are doing well. Ii you are really worried or want comparisons, start a thread with their current pics, weight & measurements.


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Aug 23, 2012
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well, I'm really not worried. It's just that I feed them more food than most here give theirs. I was beginning to think I may be overfeeding them. But, then again, they're sullies...eating machines. Also, I have no idea what normal sullies should weigh at their age.


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sibi said:
well, I'm really not worried. It's just that I feed them more food than most here give theirs. I was beginning to think I may be overfeeding them. But, then again, they're sullies...eating machines. Also, I have no idea what normal sullies should weigh at their age.

Tom would be a good resource for averages. He has, I believe, raised some to this age and more.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Good idea Cowboy. I think I'll do that. Must say goodnight to all. I'm exhausted and need to go to bed. So, speak to you all tomorrow.
Cowboy_Ken said:
sibi said:
well, I'm really not worried. It's just that I feed them more food than most here give theirs. I was beginning to think I may be overfeeding them. But, then again, they're sullies...eating machines. Also, I have no idea what normal sullies should weigh at their age.

Tom would be a good resource for averages. He has, I believe, raised some to this age and more.


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sibi said:
They are 16 months old and weigh 5 1/2 lbs and 5 lbs respectively. Both are 9 1/2" long. Is that normal?

Do you know the sexes yet?


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Aug 23, 2012
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no, but based on what others say about personalities, I may have a male and female, but they are siblings.
jaizei said:
sibi said:
They are 16 months old and weigh 5 1/2 lbs and 5 lbs respectively. Both are 9 1/2" long. Is that normal?

Do you know the sexes yet?

Good morning everyone:D weather is a factor for some here. Florida is sunny but cold this morning.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Morning! We have a fresh light layer of snow on the ground this am. They also have decided to let us look forward to three straight days of the pretty stuff. Had a really bad night of lotds of itching and little sleep, so I may be even grumpier then usual today, so be ware. :p I was up til 10 pm checking the phone for messages from the neighbor on when she is coming home and had none. So no idea how much longer my time will be split between the two places.

Jeff is in WA picking up a load to go to VA. He wil be losing his partner once they get to Chicago. Hopefully he will get a new student soon.


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sibi said:
Hey, does anyone have an opinion on the size of my tort? I feed them mazuri everyday with chopped up orchard grass. In the early morning, I feed them spring mix. Then, around 2 p.m. I feed them the mazuri mix with some collard greens or kale. After lunch, I take them outside (weather permitting) to graze. Then at 6 or 7 p.m. I give them so.e more spring mix. Every once in a while, I give them cooked squash ot zucchini.
They are 16 months old and weigh 5 1/2 lbs and 5 lbs respectively. Both are 9 1/2" long. Is that normal?

Thalatte, I'm glad you're leaving that impossible job; but, you'll find a job. The market is opening up again. What you need is a full time job, not a part-time job so you can pay all your bills. Keep us posted, and look on line for what current résumés look like, and what employer's look for in them.
I am not knowledgeable about tortoise sizes other than marginateds and Russians. :( My betty was small when I got her but man she caught up quick once she got proper lighting and diet.

sibi said:
The same as Ricky, sulcatas. I give zucchini raw, but I cook the squash only. I mainly cook the squash because baby Runt can't bite it raw. His jaw is too weak yet.

Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi, I'm sorry, what type of tortoises do you have?

And why cooked zucchini? Why not raw?

Aww he's so lucky he has you.
I give my tortoises raw squash and pumpkin but I slice it very thin for betty. Her beak deformity makes things a little harder for her to eat.

sibi said:
What would we do without Cowboy? Is anyone gonna get back to me about my sullies? Spoke too soon. Thanks Cowboy. The real amazing thing is getting Baby Runt to grow as big in the next couple of years. He's almost a lb now. Yippy!

CtTortoiseMom said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
I kinda like the little bugger.

Are they gonna have a raffle?

Yep, darn I knew i was forgetting something. That would not fly in my blue state!

I feel like it must have taken betty a while to get her nutrition caught up and then she grew in this huge spurt after about 9 months of having her. It was wild. She went through two hide sizes in 3 months. I am sure your runt will get a spurt soon. You don't notice when they do until you weigh and measure them. Actually with betty we bought her a new hide and then a few months later she was having a hard time squeezing in so I realized she must have grown, and then measured and weighed her. Her weight went way up when I first got her but I think she was kept dehydrated.
Talking tortoise, After we got betty a bigger hide she stopped digging so her nails started getting long quick (her beak and nails are crazy for growth) so I started filing them with an emory board. Almost as if she knew why I was doing it she excavated her whole enclosure again one day and her nails were all of a sudden trimmed. Now if she would just start doing that with her beak :p:tort:

Jacqui said:
Morning! We have a fresh light layer of snow on the ground this am. They also have decided to let us look forward to three straight days of the pretty stuff. Had a really bad night of lotds of itching and little sleep, so I may be even grumpier then usual today, so be ware. :p I was up til 10 pm checking the phone for messages from the neighbor on when she is coming home and had none. So no idea how much longer my time will be split between the two places.

Jeff is in WA picking up a load to go to VA. He wil be losing his partner once they get to Chicago. Hopefully he will get a new student soon.

Itching from what? My allergies have been out of control lately. I think I have a new allergy or stress maybe is causing my hives? Whatever it is I have to make it stop. I have been waking up at night itching also. Are you having sympathy itching for me?

Okay so talk about stress. My client that I just got back into happy land called me this morning at 7 am all frantic. He got scheduled into a meeting today at 11 and realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly needed me on the phone. I have new employee orientation and training today so I got a hold of the HR lady and had her move my time earlier as that was when I was scheduled to do my training section. So I get into work and get everything going and he just emails me and says never mind... his client cancelled the meeting :p Now he wants to do the meeting on Wednesday and he wants me there in person. I am in a bad spot because I am in leadership training at University of Michigan next week and the course has already been paid in full. Soo.. now I have to talk to the CEO and ask if I should miss training (very spendy executive training only offered once a year) orrrrrrrrrrrrrr serve my client??? ugh..



Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
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A Land Far Away...
Does she have an overbite or what causes her beak issues?

Yvonne's here, time for me to hide. See ya later. :D

Yvonne G

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She knows a good thing when she's got one. She took advantage of you and has to start all over again with a new person.


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98 pages in, I still mentally append 'Electric Boogaloo' to the title of this thread.


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jaizei said:
98 pages in, I still mentally append 'Electric Boogaloo' to the title of this thread.

I googled the Electric Boogaloo ref. because i never heard it. and think you mean Chat 2 should never have been made. Am I right?
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