Pretend chat 2

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I have tecnu because we have poison ivy and sumac in our woods and I always get it on my legs even though I am careful.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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emysemys said:
Don't you just hate the chase-me-chase-me game? Misty is like that too when she doesn't want to be caught.

The problem is, you can't chase them that makes them worse.


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I am all over that stuff tomorrow :) I have to get some. My allergies are soo bad.
My eyes are wore out from looking at logs. I was awaken out of my bed this morning because of the crisis. I have been looking at data all day.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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CtTortoiseMom said:
All right peeps, what would you rather be Supermodel, President or lottery winner?
P.S. this is all Cowboy's fault.

Not a supermodel as they look sick to me. A president gets blamed for things he has no real control over and I would not like to be the fall guy for everything. Now a lottery winner I could do and do well. I can always figure out how to spend all the money, so I am well prepared for the job.


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We went to some friends house today. They asked if we would bring Ava with use for a play date with their dog. Ava is sound asleep in her doggie bed after a day of running hard chasing and being chased half the day. It's gonna be a quite night.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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I am making progress with the three dogs I am babysitting. Today I finally got all three of them to come to the chair, when I am sitting. They even all cuddled up and slept around me on the chair. Now if I could just get them to quit attacking me when I come in the door, let them out the door to their yard to go potty and when I leave to go home. The one is no problem, but the two newer ones sorta feed off of each other and get excited with the door, then they do the run in a nip the pant leg thing. I did learn their owner is getting surgery in both hands on Monday.


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Jacqui said:
I am making progress with the three dogs I am babysitting. Today I finally got all three of them to come to the chair, when I am sitting. They even all cuddled up and slept around me on the chair. Now if I could just get them to quit attacking me when I come in the door, let them out the door to their yard to go potty and when I leave to go home. The one is no problem, but the two newer ones sorta feed off of each other and get excited with the door, then they do the run in a nip the pant leg thing. I did learn their owner is getting surgery in both hands on Monday.

They will eventually love you more and more as you continue to be the source of food. My dog today got into my laptop bag and threw it around the floor. She found some food in it last weekend and went back to look for more. :p
I am sorry about the surgery :(


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
That sucks! Having surgery on both hands at the same time would be hard.


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Aug 23, 2012
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I really think you should try the tea tree oil first. My husband had that problem on his scalp, behind his ears, on his neck and other areas. He uses the oil after morning shower, and reapplies it at night. It helps with the itch and keeps it under control. When I get a rash that is itchy, I use the tecnu. That is some great product!
Jacqui said:
African Daisy?

sibi said:
All you who are suffering from allergies, did you ever try using tea tree oil? My hubby has psoriasis and it gets worst with stress. The tea tree oil really helps with that. Also, you may find relief with a product called Tecnu. It wad originally created to wash radioactive material off your skin. But now, they found that it helps people whose skin problems causes itching. I've used it for poison Ivy, strange itching,and it helped. It's worth a try.

I'll have to see if I can find some. My psoriasis is currently far worse then it has ever been or I even ever imagined it could be. None of the over the counter creams and lotions or the vinegar or bleach baths are making any kind of dent in it or making me feel less yucky. I am miserable. It hurts to sit or lay down, because thats where the solid huge patches are. Riding in a car is hard to get comfortable doing. Seems any movement either rubs or pulls the spts and makes it uncomfortable to do. If it's not the pain, it's the itching. Why does it feel so darn good to just sratch and sratch some more? Shouldn't your body make scratching feel like a bad thing? Sure would help. :D :rolleyes: Jeans really make it seem worse, so I have been wearing the sweat pants. When I take off my pants, it's like a blizzard with the dry skin that falls out and the socks have this big white line around the cuffs of skin pieces. I shouldn't whine too much, atleast at this point my palms, soles and face are free of spots/patches. I on one hand hope it stays cold, because I can't imagine facing going out in public with my bare arms showing. On the other, will be nice to not have that extra layer of clothing rubbing against me. I am so hoping that Monday morning the Dr has some magical cream, pill, or shot for me. Okay major whine and self pity party over,



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Jacqui said:
I am making progress with the three dogs I am babysitting. Today I finally got all three of them to come to the chair, when I am sitting. They even all cuddled up and slept around me on the chair. Now if I could just get them to quit attacking me when I come in the door, let them out the door to their yard to go potty and when I leave to go home. The one is no problem, but the two newer ones sorta feed off of each other and get excited with the door, then they do the run in a nip the pant leg thing. I did learn their owner is getting surgery in both hands on Monday.

Oh boy! That would make it really hard to look after dogs!

Rob told me today that Dagny is too big to sleep in our bed anymore and when we move to the new house I better have her trained to sleep in a different bed:(. I love sleeping with Dagny, she is so warm and sweet, so I am a little bummed.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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:D Except I don't feed them. :D She has a big pot on the floor with their food in it. It will last them a month I bet. :D :D

Yeah I feel a bit sorry for her for both hands being done. I have a hard time figuring how she is going to be driving home (about 2.5 hrs) and then once home taking care of herself and the dogs.


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Jacqui said:
:D Except I don't feed them. :D She has a big pot on the floor with their food in it. It will last them a month I bet. :D :D

Yeah I feel a bit sorry for her for both hands being done. I have a hard time figuring how she is going to be driving home (about 2.5 hrs) and then once home taking care of herself and the dogs.

Poor thing, does she have any family?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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sibi said:
I really think you should try the tea tree oil first. My husband had that problem on his scalp, behind his ears, on his neck and other areas. He uses the oil after morning shower, and reapplies it at night. It helps with the itch and keeps it under control. When I get a rash that is itchy, I use the tecnu. That is some great product!

I think I am beyond the point of not seeing a Dr, but I will still give these a try once I find them. It is causing such a major problem with my life. Jeff and I got to be together for our anniversry and I was so broken out he couldn't hold me or even snuggle in bed with me because every place hurt so much. :( Was such a bummer.

We are still getting the snow here. Was funny, once more when I went to do the dogs it wasn't snowing, but as soon as I was there the snow really came down. Just lucky it is still small flakes.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Btw, all you scratchers, keep your stress levels down at all cost. That's what is causing flare ups. When my hubby is all upset or stressed, that's when I see hives and flare ups almost immediately.
Kerryann said:
Jacqui said:
African Daisy?

sibi said:
All you who are suffering from allergies, did you ever try using tea tree oil? My hubby has psoriasis and it gets worst with stress. The tea tree oil really helps with that. Also, you may find relief with a product called Tecnu. It wad originally created to wash radioactive material off your skin. But now, they found that it helps people whose skin problems causes itching. I've used it for poison Ivy, strange itching,and it helped. It's worth a try.

I'll have to see if I can find some. My psoriasis is currently far worse then it has ever been or I even ever imagined it could be. None of the over the counter creams and lotions or the vinegar or bleach baths are making any kind of dent in it or making me feel less yucky. I am miserable. It hurts to sit or lay down, because thats where the solid huge patches are. Riding in a car is hard to get comfortable doing. Seems any movement either rubs or pulls the spts and makes it uncomfortable to do. If it's not the pain, it's the itching. Why does it feel so darn good to just sratch and sratch some more? Shouldn't your body make scratching feel like a bad thing? Sure would help. :D :rolleyes: Jeans really make it seem worse, so I have been wearing the sweat pants. When I take off my pants, it's like a blizzard with the dry skin that falls out and the socks have this big white line around the cuffs of skin pieces. I shouldn't whine too much, atleast at this point my palms, soles and face are free of spots/patches. I on one hand hope it stays cold, because I can't imagine facing going out in public with my bare arms showing. On the other, will be nice to not have that extra layer of clothing rubbing against me. I am so hoping that Monday morning the Dr has some magical cream, pill, or shot for me. Okay major whine and self pity party over,

We are the itchers and scratchers huh. :p I have huge hive patches up both of my legs. I don't get dry skin really. i used to but I put gold bond medicated on every day twice a day and as long as I keep on it it keeps dry skin from forming. My husband gets dry cracking skin on his elbows.

My issue I had under control is now back out of control. My team responded to it well. Okay so they didn't respond like I would but they responded better than ever and my assistant's communication with the client has been superb. I am still a wreck over here. I hate when this happens but I also hate wearing down my team every weekend and nights for this. :( I love my clients and I love my peeps so I hate these situations..



Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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CtTortoiseMom said:
Poor thing, does she have any family?

She has two grown twin sons. The one and his wife pretty much have no use for her since she divorced their dad. The other one is where she is staying right now (with him, his gf and her child). So both sons are 2.5 hrs away.

sibi said:
Btw, all you scratchers, keep your stress levels down at all cost. That's what is causing flare ups. When my hubby is all upset or stressed, that's when I see hives and flare ups almost immediately.

Yep, stress is my key kicker. :(


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I somehow missed what is causing your pain Jacqui, is it psoriasis?


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Jacqui said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
I somehow missed what is causing your pain Jacqui, is it psoriasis?


Oh no, I am sorry!! I have heard taking fish oil helps. Robs gets so bad on his leg that is cracks and bleeds like crazy. He gets some sort of cream from his doc. But it is a really powerful steroid and he cannot touch the kids when he uses it so he doesn't use it often.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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I have had this since I was in grade school. Usually I only have a spot or two, but mostly it is on my head. I had what was then to me a real bad outbreak about 10 years ago. The cream I used was great on it. Then this year, these last couple of months it just got horrible. My head did not get bad, but now I have active spots and patches every where except the face itself, the palms of my hands, and the soles of my feet. The butt, hips and back of the right arm and along the line where your pants are on your stomach are huge patches dollar bill sizes or so. The rest are mainly spots of various sizes, but a large amount of them. I feel like I spend most of my night trying to either ease the pain of laying on them wrong or fighting with myself on scratching them. Just sitting here, I am miserable.


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Jacqui said:
I have had this since I was in grade school. Usually I only have a spot or two, but mostly it is on my head. I had what was then to me a real bad outbreak about 10 years ago. The cream I used was great on it. Then this year, these last couple of months it just got horrible. My head did not get bad, but now I have active spots and patches every where except the face itself, the palms of my hands, and the soles of my feet. The butt, hips and back of the right arm and along the line where your pants are on your stomach are huge patches dollar bill sizes or so. The rest are mainly spots of various sizes, but a large amount of them. I feel like I spend most of my night trying to either ease the pain of laying on them wrong or fighting with myself on scratching them. Just sitting here, I am miserable.

Are you sure it is psoriasis and not shingles? I only ask because people who have autoimmune diseases can be prone to other issues and shingles has been terrible this year.
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