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Nov 18, 2011
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I was talking about the Franklins I have in my wallet…Ben passed a few years ago from what I've seen on the Internet machine.
I've an allergy to honey bees. They'll kill me in 30mins.
Dairy is just entertainment for me. I've always thought, as long as I didn't mix dairy and the meat of the parent animal I would be kosher. No? Shows you what this hick

Goy, right?

That should have read as; Shows you what this hick goy knows, right?


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Cowboy_Ken said:
I was talking about the Franklins I have in my wallet…Ben passed a few years ago from what I've seen on the Internet machine.
I've an allergy to honey bees. They'll kill me in 30mins.
Dairy is just entertainment for me. I've always thought, as long as I didn't mix dairy and the meat of the parent animal I would be kosher. No? Shows you what this hick

Goy, right?

That should have read as; Shows you what this hick goy knows, right?

You are right :D..
If you eat meat and dairy you have to wash it in different sinks and you have to have different pans and appliances for cooking each. I am a goy too. :p
I got a hive patch right after I typed that. I fear it was psychosomatic. :D
I thought men just like to drop bombs anyway ;)


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Aug 15, 2011
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Morning, all!

I've gone and got myself ill, so I'm feeling all sorry for myself.

I don't cope well with illness. Only a minor one, this one, so I'll survive as long as it doesn't turn into what MOST people call a minor illness. :p


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I decided to distract myself by getting started on my craft kits. Interesting experience.

I've very quickly made up my mind which I prefer.

I started with the soap. It was relaxing, I felt excited to be creating something and the finished product is looking great.

Then, I moved on to the candles. They were gel ones, and it said to melt the gel but NOT to heat it to more than 90C. That scared me, because our hob is hard to control and obviously water boils on it pretty easily. Then, it started crackling, and I'd read the warnings saying it's a fat and if it sets on fire I should put a damp cloth over it. I'm scared of fire, so I sort of freaked out at that point. It was taking ages to melt because I kept getting scared and lifting it away from the hob, so I called Ian in and he took over the melting stage.

When it was time to pour the gel into glasses, the wicks kept falling to the side. There were shells and pebbles to add in layers, but the gel hasn't turned out clear and it's got so many bubbles that you can't really see the decoration inside. It's just a bubble-gel mess, in a glass, with a wick that's leaning on the side.

I'm giving things a little longer to cool and set properly, then I'll post pictures. Was going to give my first attempts as gifts - one candle and one bar of soap per gift set - but now I might give the soaps away and the candles we'll burn ourselves. They're not gift quality.

Definitely taking up soap making though! Going to spend today getting some supplies online. :D


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Jun 12, 2012
I'm not certain how many of you are Game of Thrones fans, but I feel like this is to awesome to not post. I just danced the salsa with a guy who looked exactly like Jon Snow from the TV series. I'm also equally overjoyed that I'm not the only "my age" person who can dance the salsa.

Yellow Turtle

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cherylim said:
Morning, all!

I've gone and got myself ill, so I'm feeling all sorry for myself.

I don't cope well with illness. Only a minor one, this one, so I'll survive as long as it doesn't turn into what MOST people call a minor illness. :p

Speedy recovery for you Chery :D

BowandWalter said:
I'm not certain how many of you are Game of Thrones fans, but I feel like this is to awesome to not post. I just danced the salsa with a guy who looked exactly like Jon Snow from the TV series. I'm also equally overjoyed that I'm not the only "my age" person who can dance the salsa.

I'm a big fan of Game of Thrones since long time. I read the series long time ago. Too bad the writer takes too long time between new series.... I like Jon Snow as well, and if you really like Jon Snow, well you'll be very angry after reading the last TPB.. Oh and you might be surprised, but the 2nd character I like is Tyrion and 3rd one is Arya.

Wow salsa, I'd love to learn that. But I'm not really good at dancing :D


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Allllrighty then. Change of plan, again.

Turns out, you can't sell soap without a license (who knew?), and I'd like to be able to sell excess so I'm going for candles.

Not the gel ones, obviously - the type made in a similar way to soap. Just purchased my wicks, mould, wax, colours and fragrances that should cover me for 12 weeks.

Here are my soaps and candles from this morning:




5 Year Member
Oct 13, 2011
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Morning all. Just up to put let the dog out to do his business, then back in -- too cold for even dogs to be out -- and then back to bed. I sleep in whenever I can.

Cherylim, those soaps are absolutely adorable. They look like frosted cakes and cookies. Are they melt and pour or cold press?

I was thinking of adding lotions, lip balm, possibly soaps (melt and pour) to my inventory this summer for the weekend market. But as is, I am behind on getting my Jewlery stock up. I've been too distracted as of late. I need to get my rear in gear.

And Ken, of course you were talking about your wallet, I was just causing trouble. Sorry all, I bad.

Yvonne G

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'Morning, all! I'm afraid I'm much too busy reading and napping to take up any hobbies like soap/candle making! :p


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ijmccollum said:
Morning all. Just up to put let the dog out to do his business, then back in -- too cold for even dogs to be out -- and then back to bed. I sleep in whenever I can.

Cherylim, those soaps are absolutely adorable. They look like frosted cakes and cookies. Are they melt and pour or cold press?

I was thinking of adding lotions, lip balm, possibly soaps (melt and pour) to my inventory this summer for the weekend market. But as is, I am behind on getting my Jewlery stock up. I've been too distracted as of late. I need to get my rear in gear.

They're melt and pour. :)

They include (in various measures, each different) poppy seeds, aniseed, linseed and dried marigold petals.


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I just feel like I have to point out here that while Ben is indeed dead, he was never a president.


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Jan 17, 2011
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Good Morning TFO! Well it's almost 10. But it's a great day since my daughter stopped throwing up around 2am. She is her normal self again, yay!!

Yellow Turtle, I love Game of Thrones and I LOVE Tyrion! I cannot wait for it to come back on!!

Chelylim, I hope you have a speedy recovery and your soaps & candles are awesome!!

Cowboy (bomb dropping) Ken, my youngest two are lactose intolerant but they can have a little bit of cheese and a few other things but if I ever give them too much the noises that come's out of both ends of their little bodies is crazy!!


5 Year Member
Oct 13, 2011
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N. Utah
cherylim said:
They're melt and pour. :)

They include (in various measures, each different) poppy seeds, aniseed, linseed and dried marigold petals.
Very nice! Are you using essential oils as well? I am a doTerra consultant if you are interested.
Edna said:
I just feel like I have to point out here that while Ben is indeed dead, he was never a president.

Yes, but he should have been. :p


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CtTortoiseMom said:
Good Morning TFO! Well it's almost 10. But it's a great day since my daughter stopped throwing up around 2am. She is her normal self again, yay!!

Yellow Turtle, I love Game of Thrones and I LOVE Tyrion! I cannot wait for it to come back on!!

Chelylim, I hope you have a speedy recovery and your soaps & candles are awesome!!

Cowboy (bomb dropping) Ken, my youngest two are lactose intolerant but they can have a little bit of cheese and a few other things but if I ever give them too much the noises that come's out of both ends of their little bodies is crazy!!

My husband said with wind chill it's negative 1 here. I went outside to load the Jeep quick and my hair froze. :)
The soaps are pretty.


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Aug 15, 2011
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Leyland, UK
ijmccollum said:
cherylim said:
They're melt and pour. :)

They include (in various measures, each different) poppy seeds, aniseed, linseed and dried marigold petals.
Very nice! Are you using essential oils as well? I am a doTerra consultant if you are interested.

These have a lemon oil in them. Got two more batches to make but won't be doing them until next weekend - started feeling more ill so I'm lying on the sofa watching Disney movies. :p
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