Russian Tort in Bad Shape


Sep 23, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New York State
So I have a teacher that has a Russian tortoise in a 20 gal or so tank it has a hide it can fit under not much space to walk around only a heat lamp nothing else a big water dish and a food bowl, I'm pretty sure it only gets fed iceberg lettuce though, it gets nothing to supply it calcium. And the beak is way over grown, it's jagged at the end and is probably 2 or 3 inches long it is grown further down than its chin. I am more of a shy person and I don't know what to do about this. So I'm mainly asking for advice.


10 Year Member!
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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So I have a teacher that has a Russian tortoise in a 20 gal or so tank it has a hide it can fit under not much space to walk around only a heat lamp nothing else a big water dish and a food bowl, I'm pretty sure it only gets fed iceberg lettuce though, it gets nothing to supply it calcium. And the beak is way over grown, it's jagged at the end and is probably 2 or 3 inches long it is grown further down than its chin. I am more of a shy person and I don't know what to do about this. So I'm mainly asking for advice.
That sounds like a case of animal abuse.
I hate hearing stories like this one.
Maybe let the teacher know about the TFO.....
I understand your situation. But it needs to be reported.

jsheffield - In Memoriam

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Sep 29, 2018
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That sounds like a case of animal abuse.
I hate hearing stories like this one.
Maybe let the teacher know about the TFO.....
I understand your situation. But it needs to be reported.
Almost the worst part about a situation like this is that Russian Tortoises are so tough that the tortoise could live in those abysmal conditions for years....

I would first assume that the person doesn't know any better, and direct them to this group for proper care guidelines.

If that doesn't work, I'd report the situation to the principal or superintendent as animal cruelty/abuse, prior to reporting it to police or animal control.

If, at any point in the process, they throw their hands up in the air, wanting to give up on the animal - good! Post back here, and if nobody else will take in the Russian, I'll drive down and pick up the tortoise.

Thanks for caring enough about the animal to fight for it!



Sep 23, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New York State
That sounds like a case of animal abuse.
I hate hearing stories like this one.
Maybe let the teacher know about the TFO.....
I understand your situation. But it needs to be reported.
I helped another class pet las
Almost the worst part about a situation like this is that Russian Tortoises are so tough that the tortoise could live in those abysmal conditions for years....

I would first assume that the person doesn't know any better, and direct them to this group for proper care guidelines.

If that doesn't work, I'd report the situation to the principal or superintendent as animal cruelty/abuse, prior to reporting it to police or animal control.

If, at any point in the process, they throw their hands up in the air, wanting to give up on the animal - good! Post back here, and if nobody else will take in the Russian, I'll drive down and pick up the tortoise.

Thanks for caring enough about the animal to fight for it!

Yup, I do believe that he doesn't know better as I believe the animal was given to him by a student years ago, honestly if he gives up on the animal and in allowed to I'll take it myself.


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Apr 19, 2022
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Los Angeles
If you are too shy to address him directly, you could try writing a note (or email) which would give you time to craft what you would like to say, that you are a little knowledgeable about tortoises, that many people think they can live in small fish tank, but its the equivalent of keeping a dog in a 2' x 2' cage in your living room and never letting it out. You could provide a link to this forum as a resource for him to learn their needs, and that you would take it (assuming you are able to keep it properly yourself) or help him find a home


Sep 23, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New York State
If you are too shy to address him directly, you could try writing a note (or email) which would give you time to craft what you would like to say, that you are a little knowledgeable about tortoises, that many people think they can live in small fish tank, but its the equivalent of keeping a dog in a 2' x 2' cage in your living room and never letting it out. You could provide a link to this forum as a resource for him to learn their needs, and that you would take it (assuming you are able to keep it properly yourself) or help him find a home
I have a leopard myself so if I'm allowed to ill take it if needed as I know how to care, that's a great idea to email him, if I chicken out today on speaking with him I'll write an email. I think I forgot to mention this is a full grown tort that he has had for years I believe the shell is discolored too but not positive as I haven't encountered many others, ill take a photo of it later if I can and post it here.

Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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I have a leopard myself so if I'm allowed to ill take it if needed as I know how to care, that's a great idea to email him, if I chicken out today on speaking with him I'll write an email. I think I forgot to mention this is a full grown tort that he has had for years I believe the shell is discolored too but not positive as I haven't encountered many others, ill take a photo of it later if I can and post it here.

@Lyn W , please help.
Thanks very much.


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Apr 19, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Los Angeles
If you do speak to him, you can also say something to the effect of "I can email you some resources if you'd like to research" and then direct him to this forum. You can even say (something that gets said here a lot) - "unfortunately there's a lot of really bad and outdated information out there, so its hard to find a trusted source, but this site has a lot of experienced tort owners and good FAQs and care sheets."


Sep 23, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New York State
If you do speak to him, you can also say something to the effect of "I can email you some resources if you'd like to research" and then direct him to this forum. You can even say (something that gets said here a lot) - "unfortunately there's a lot of really bad and outdated information out there, so its hard to find a trusted source, but this site has a lot of experienced tort owners and good FAQs and care sheets."
Thank you that helps a lot, and calms my nerves a the tiniest of bits.


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May 29, 2014
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Is this tortoise kept in school or at the teacher’s house. I’m guessing at school. Since your teacher has had him for such a long time, be prepared for the standard “it’s survived like this for years, i must be doing something right.” What is done over the long Summer holiday? Is there some trusted teacher or guidance counselor that you can approach?

Teacher can just choose to ignore your email. 🤷‍♂️

Soooo, in class i see.


Sep 23, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New York State
Is this tortoise kept in school or at the teacher’s house. I’m guessing at school. Since your teacher has had him for such a long time, be prepared for the standard “it’s survived like this for years, i must be doing something right.” What is done over the long Summer holiday? Is there some trusted teacher or guidance counselor that you can approach?

Teacher can just choose to ignore your email. 🤷‍♂️

Soooo, in class i see.
Ya its in class, I don't think he would ignore my email as he is one of those "fun" "cool" teachers but there are always surprises. There are trusted guidance counselors at the school but I wanted to try and resolve the issue before getting them involved. No idea what is done over the summer.

Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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Ya its in class, I don't think he would ignore my email as he is one of those "fun" "cool" teachers but there are always surprises. There are trusted guidance counselors at the school but I wanted to try and resolve the issue before getting them involved. No idea what is done over the summer.
Let's just hope for the best.

And please keep us updated.


Sep 23, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New York State
Ya its in class, I don't think he would ignore my email as he is one of those "fun" "cool" teachers but there are always surprises. There are trusted guidance counselors at the school but I wanted to try and resolve the issue before getting them involved. No idea what is done over the summer.

Let's just hope for the best.

And please keep us updated.
I will, I'm going to talk to him after school today and I'll let you all know how that goes. Assuming he is in the room and I don't chicken out of course.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
I will, I'm going to talk to him after school today and I'll let you all know how that goes. Assuming he is in the room and I don't chicken out of course.
When you are doing something on behalf of someone else, I think it is much easier to be brave - and you absolutely know you are doing the right thing, after all !!


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Nov 7, 2021
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Coeur D Alene,ID
Hello, Lilly I admire your concern about your Teacher's Tortoise. IMO: That Tortoise does need intervention. You should Not confront the Teacher Directly as it would only result in the Tortoise being taken out of the Classroom to potentially the Teachers residence. Mention to the Teacher that you know of someone who wants a Tortoise and is willing to Volunteer, Buy or Trade for one. You never know what your teacher is thinking without asking, you may get lucky. I wish you All the Best in this situation.


Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Mar 16, 2020
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London, UK
Looks like it is the chemistry lab at school, so must get some bad air when they are experimenting chemistry. Maybe he has it on the basis of biology. Agree not a healthy env and needs attention and well done for noticing and helping the tortoise.
The care sheet is here so you could print it and leave visibly near the enclosure or add the link into your mail.



Sep 23, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New York State
Hello, Lilly I admire your concern about your Teacher's Tortoise. IMO: That Tortoise does need intervention. You should Not confront the Teacher Directly as it would only result in the Tortoise being taken out of the Classroom to potentially the Teachers residence. Mention to the Teacher that you know of someone who wants a Tortoise and is willing to Volunteer, Buy or Trade for one. You never know what your teacher is thinking without asking, you may get lucky. I wish you All the Best in this situation.
I spoke to him, he is going to get a cuttlefish fish bone to help wear down the beak until we are able to get it trimmed, he said I could do it but I am not confident enough to do it correctly. I have yet to talk to him about the enclosure situation as in size but he seems very open to new ideas and help. I told him about the forum and he seemed interested as well so I think we're taking a step in the right direction, along with getting a new bulb for the tortoise and we compared diets of our two torts so the food situation is going to be solved as well.