Sick burmese star

braige thomas

Feb 22, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
So i have 3 other stars that are not sick only this guy the littlest of the group is bubbling at the nose I've has this happen before with my first 2 stars and it was because the temps had gotten to low
But now I have a Pvc enclosure which stays around 80 at night and around 85 to 90 through out the day so I'm wondering how only he got sick snd how I can fix him humidity 80 to 90%


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Chubbs the tegu

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May 9, 2019
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What are u using for thermometers?
Do u have an infrared heat gun? Check floor level temps with that.
Do they all sleep in the same area?

Chubbs the tegu

Well-Known Member
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May 9, 2019
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Ur gonna have to bump up the temps to 85 day and night in the entire enclosure for a couple weeks.


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Are you sure it's not just a one time thing? After a drink maybe? Dust? A piece of grass or something went up his nose?
Bump the temps like Chubbs the tegu said and see if it actually happens again or if it continues.

braige thomas

Feb 22, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
What are u using for thermometers?
Do u have an infrared heat gun? Check floor level temps with that.
Do they all sleep in the same area?
Usual yes they sleep all together I have a laser heat gun and 2 thermometers at each end if the tank and it's always aleast 80 mabye 79 on the ground under the plants and stuff here lately the sick one has been going off at the other end of the tank and sleeping alone

braige thomas

Feb 22, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Are you sure it's not just a one time thing? After a drink maybe? Dust? A piece of grass or something went up his nose?
Bump the temps like Chubbs the tegu said and see if it actually happens again or if it continues.
Thanks I turned it up a couple degrees in my whole house so it will stay warmer for them it only really drops once I get below 70 in the whole house and I haven't noticed him being sick lately but he has been bubbly all day today


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Thanks I turned it up a couple degrees in my whole house so it will stay warmer for them it only really drops once I get below 70 in the whole house and I haven't noticed him being sick lately but he has been bubbly all day today
Just check to if you can, that there isn't something in one of the nostrils.
Upping the temp for at least a week past all symptoms are gone should work. Seems you caught it right away.

Chubbs the tegu

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May 9, 2019
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Usual yes they sleep all together I have a laser heat gun and 2 thermometers at each end if the tank and it's always aleast 80 mabye 79 on the ground under the plants and stuff here lately the sick one has been going off at the other end of the tank and sleeping alone
I would bump up to 85. Once the symptoms are gone i would keep it at 82

braige thomas

Feb 22, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Are you sure it's not just a one time thing? After a drink maybe? Dust? A piece of grass or something went up his nose?
Bump the temps like Chubbs the tegu said and see if it actually happens again or if it continues.
Well it's been almost a month no problems with any other tort expect the sick one he's still sick and not sure why I've bumped the temp 2 plus degrees and he is still.bubbly at the nose eating well and active but bubbly please help I'm getting to the point where I ready to just get rid of them I've had them over a year and it's just never ending with them

braige thomas

Feb 22, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Well it's been almost a month no problems with any other tort expect the sick one he's still sick and not sure why I've bumped the temp 2 plus degrees and he is still.bubbly at the nose eating well and active but bubbly please help I'm getting to the point where I ready to just get rid of them I've had them over a year and it's just never ending with them
Also the sick tort is now sleeping with the rest of them in the same spot unlike before

Chubbs the tegu

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 9, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Well it's been almost a month no problems with any other tort expect the sick one he's still sick and not sure why I've bumped the temp 2 plus degrees and he is still.bubbly at the nose eating well and active but bubbly please help I'm getting to the point where I ready to just get rid of them I've had them over a year and it's just never ending with them
Do you have a infrared temp gun? I would check ground temps all over enclosure with the gun to get accurate temps

braige thomas

Feb 22, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Read post 9 in this thread.
Thread 'Sulcata Tortoise Illness'

So you mean the part where it says it may not be ri could be stress or myco infection he definitely could be sick or diseased I bought him for 500$ when the other 3 I've had 0 problems with I paid 700 each and tou could just tell a different in heath I mean he looks like a runt if that's a thing with tortoises
Should I take him to a vet never had to do that but mabye they could tell me if he has anyhting wrong like that

Another thing my tank temps are like 84 85 on the sides and in the middle over 90 100 ground temp cause the lamp obviously so at night it drops to exactly 80 81 what It really only goes from 90 to 80 daily not huge drops

braige thomas

Feb 22, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
So you mean the part where it says it may not be ri could be stress or myco infection he definitely could be sick or diseased I bought him for 500$ when the other 3 I've had 0 problems with I paid 700 each and tou could just tell a different in heath I mean he looks like a runt if that's a thing with tortoises
Should I take him to a vet never had to do that but mabye they could tell me if he has anyhting wrong like that

Another thing my tank temps are like 84 85 on the sides and in the middle over 90 100 ground temp cause the lamp obviously so at night it drops to exactly 80 81 what It really only goes from 90 to 80 daily not huge drops
I did up the temp in my house 2 plus degree to try and keep it hotter

Chubbs the tegu

Well-Known Member
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May 9, 2019
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I would definitely double check ur temps with a gun. Check the temps during the day and also at night again after the lights have been out for a few hours. Im guessing urvtemps are still a lil low and ur thermometers might be a lil off.


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So you mean the part where it says it may not be ri could be stress or myco infection he definitely could be sick or diseased I bought him for 500$ when the other 3 I've had 0 problems with I paid 700 each and tou could just tell a different in heath I mean he looks like a runt if that's a thing with tortoises
Should I take him to a vet never had to do that but mabye they could tell me if he has anyhting wrong like that

Another thing my tank temps are like 84 85 on the sides and in the middle over 90 100 ground temp cause the lamp obviously so at night it drops to exactly 80 81 what It really only goes from 90 to 80 daily not huge drops
The paragraph below I wanted you to read on post 9 of the other thread.
Zovick posted
(The tortoise may have a Mycoplasma infection which flares up every so often, making its nose run. If Mycoplasma is the culprit, it is incurable, and will come and go as long as the tortoise lives.)


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I agree with what Chubbs said. You need to raise their temps not just your house. Make it never lower than 85 day and night. You need to know the exact temp in their enclosure. A temp gun is needed.
If it never goes away or comes and goes, it might be what I post that Zovick had said.


The Dog Trainer
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I did up the temp in my house 2 plus degree to try and keep it hotter
That doesn't do anything. The thermostat in your house keeps your house 2 degrees warmer. That just means that the thermostat on your enclosure doesn't have to work as hard to maintain the same temp in your enclosure, but it doesn't raise the enclosure temp. Is the way I'm explaining this making sense? If your house was set to 70 and your enclosure is set to 80, then bumping your house up to 72 does not increase the temperature in the enclosure at all. It just makes it so the enclosure heaters run a little less to still maintain your set point of 80. You need to set the enclosure temp up to 85, and possibly more than that if its cooler than that in a far corner away from the heat lamps. Make the coldest part of the enclosure 85 at the lowest.

Adjust the thermostat on your enclosure so that the coldest farthest corner of the enclosure is 85 day and night. No lower than 85 anywhere at any time. Maintain that temp for at least two weeks after symptoms disappear. Daytime high should creep into the 90s with the heat lamp on all day. Stars like it hot. At the first sign of a problem like this, temps should be bumped up. Be sure you are soaking daily for at least 30-40 minutes with the increased temperature and keep humidity up too. Keep the soak water warm the entire time. I soak inside my closed chambers to keep temps up, or soak outside in summer when its 100 degrees here every day. 105 today... ugh... I sure hate the winter cold, but this extreme mid day summer heat is no fun either. Bit good for soaking tortoises outside! The high ambient temperature offset the evaporative cooling effect. Use caution. Keep the water warm, but don't make turtle soup! 😳