Sleeping and low appetite


5 Year Member
Feb 2, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Fort Wayne In
Reggie is our 8 year old tortoise. Like most tortoises, he slows down in the fall/winter. But he is sleeping more than he did last year at this time, about 22 hours a day, for 4 days. I think he would sleep around the clock if I didn't wake him to soak and eat. His eating has also dropped off in the past 4 days to only a few bites of zucchini sprinkled with orchard hay and maybe 5 mulberry leaves. He stopped eating Mazuri and ZooMed pellets in June. (He did this last summer, too, but resumed eating it a few months later) He eats grass and weeds pretty well when the temps are warm enough. We have had several unusually cool August days so he's not been outside every day this month. It was 95 just last week and back to 50's - mid-70's this week. Hoping for 82 tomorrow. Is this normal? I'm worried about him

Nothing has changed in his enclosure: he has UV bulbs, basking bulbs, temps at 84-87 degrees based on digital thermometers around his room.

I appreciate your help and insight.


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For summer, my leopards have a summer hide they can come and go outside whenever they want, except at night. They come out every day to eat grazing on mulberry and grass/weeds. On days that are cooler, or gloomy, I turn on the heat for their hide and the basking bulb. I'm in Chicago, so our weather shouldn't be to much different than yours.
What do you have for him for outside?


5 Year Member
Feb 2, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Fort Wayne In
Thank you for the quick reply, Wellington. Our situation is less than ideal. We take him outside every day that the temps are 79 or higher. We live in a subdivision within the city. 30 years ago we planted a tree line on the back of our property that is now 40 feet tall, making it impossible to put up a fence. We never dreamed back then that we would be in love with an adorable tortoise. We adopted Reggie when our grandson lost interest in him five years ago. Babysitting turned into love-ship, now here we are. You and Tom and a few others were so very helpful to help us create a bedroom for him. We could have never accomplished it without the Forum. Some challenges but it has worked well.


5 Year Member
Feb 2, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Fort Wayne In
What kind of ambient lighting do you have? Are there any other symptoms?
We have LED bulbs with a high CR rating: in a ceiling fan, in lamps around the room, and in fixtures paired with his UV lights. In fair weather he is up and about most of the day for 8 - 12 hours. We're accustomed to him sleeping longer in fall/winter but this is extreme. Our August weather has not been typical, though, with 50's - 70's instead of 80's - 90's about half the time, so maybe this is contributing?


5 Year Member
Feb 2, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Fort Wayne In
We have LED bulbs with a high CR rating: in a ceiling fan, in lamps around the room, and in fixtures paired with his UV lights. In fair weather he is up and about most of the day for 8 - 12 hours. We're accustomed to him sleeping longer in fall/winter but this is extreme. Our August weather has not been typical, though, with 50's - 70's instead of 80's - 90's about half the time, so maybe this is contributing?
Correcting myself: the bulbs pared with the UV are old style incandescent bulbs 75 watt that we purchased before the ban. They are providing basking/heat. We will need to experiment with flood lights when our supply soon is exhausted. The other lights are LED and this summer we added two ring lights.


The Dog Trainer
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Correcting myself: the bulbs pared with the UV are old style incandescent bulbs 75 watt that we purchased before the ban. They are providing basking/heat. We will need to experiment with flood lights when our supply soon is exhausted. The other lights are LED and this summer we added two ring lights.
If he is indoors in a warm, well lit enclosure, the weather outside should have minimal impact. Can we see pictures of the enclosure? Maybe we will see something that can help.


5 Year Member
Feb 2, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Fort Wayne In
If he is indoors in a warm, well lit enclosure, the weather outside should have minimal impact. Can we see pictures of the enclosure? Maybe we will see something that can help.
Thank you Tom. Here are views around the room. Humidity is about 75-77. Temp 82-87.
Reptibark substrate T8 UV bulbs about6 months old. He very seldom sleeps in his hide, preferring alternating corners. Tonight he ate a little better than yesterday but not great. His first day outside since Saturday and he refused to eat any grass or clover for the first time ever. He pooped today, not lots but he hasn’t been eating a lot.
I so appreciate your help.


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Aug 8, 2024
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Vancouver bc
Thank you Tom. Here are views around the room. Humidity is about 75-77. Temp 82-87.
Reptibark substrate T8 UV bulbs about6 months old. He very seldom sleeps in his hide, preferring alternating corners. Tonight he ate a little better than yesterday but not great. His first day outside since Saturday and he refused to eat any grass or clover for the first time ever. He pooped today, not lots but he hasn’t been eating a lot.
I so appreciate your help.
What a cool room! What a lucky tort!


5 Year Member
Feb 2, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Fort Wayne In
To add to the story, we took him to the vet in June because he sneezed a big hunk of clear phlegm. No other symptoms. He was prescribed a round of ceftazidime for an RI. He’s acted fine then and ever since until now. He is very sleepy and lethargic. Tonight he let me hold him in my arms for over thirty minutes. He’s cuddly but not usually for that long.

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