Tips for my undersized Sulcata


New Member
Sep 14, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas
Hi this is Crush, my 3 almost 4 year old sulcata tortoise. I just got him a few days ago from a family member who wasn’t able to care for him the way they wanted to so he was passed down to me. I looked up other tortoises his age and they seem way bigger. He’s barely grown since he was a baby.

They used a regular house light bulb for most his life span, he’s been housed with a bigger Russian tortoise for a year or so of his life. They didn’t have separate hide out or bowls. I’m not sure how often he was fed but I was told the other tortoise bullied him so I’m sure he didn’t get to eat much. Didn’t get soaks as a baby. Covered in fecal matter. He shows signs of pyramiding & respiratory infection (blows bubbles & gasps) plz give me some tips and how I can help him. He’s been surviving his whole life. I want him to thrive. I’m doing me best with his enclosure it’s slowly coming together. He’s very happy. Eating, sleeping, I take him outside for an hour or longer everyday. I live in NV so it’s warm out. I’ve been giving him oat grass, wheat grass, dandelion leaves & romaine lettuce. I’m scared to ruin his shell more by a bad diet so let me know what’s best to feed him. I’ve been soaking him to help him poop. He’s pooped once since the 3 days he’s been with me. So I’m worried about that too :(


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The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Hello and welcome. Here is the info you need:

Read through each of these at least twice. You'll gain a lot from the second reading. Questions are welcome.

Due to this guy's size and condition, I'd set him up like a small baby.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Oh bless he’s very stunted! Definitely give toms threads a read!

And feel free to check this one out I made, I include lots of visual examples for stuff, typically the age yours is they should be ready to be outside, but as he’s stunted, he’ll benefit from a closed chamber until he’s measuring closer to 10 inches. I give an example on how to do that in this thread, along with the right kind of equipment, appropriately maintaining humidity, correct levels, and there’s a link for some of the diet side of things🙂

This one is good to go over to avoid incorrect bulbs, materials etc👍

Hope this helps!

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