
Well-Known Member
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Jun 23, 2018
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Thanks Adam had about 3 hours sleep.
Lola was fine the first 3 years I had him, summer and winter.
I just don't know what to do for the best for him at the moment.
He has had a lovely long soak today and eaten a little bit - encouraged by me.
I have upped his temps, the rain has stopped and there's some sunshine - so maybe he will perk up a bit today. (fingers crossed)

I’ll be thinking about Lola especially.. prayers for all of you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I have been directing JoesDad in the garden. We have some particularly invasive, not very attractive irises that we are waging war on. It requires digging that my back can’t take so JoesDad has to do it.

I am very pleased with my new insect friendly patch. The plants have established well... the creeping thyme has crept much better than I expected and will need taming once it has finished flowering. Right now it is full of bees ranging in size from teeny ones that are not much bigger than ants right up to great big bumbles :)

The bigger plants at the back are growing more slowly, but next year should come together better :)

View attachment 248025
Beautiful Linda. Those bees sure are lucky and all of the other insects as well of course.:D


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I got up at 6:00 am along with hubby to make coffee for him, since he’s going into New Orleans to a PPLA (Professional Photographers of Louisiana) all-day board meeting.

He’s headed out, so do I get on the treadmill or go back to bed...hmmm...decisions, decisions...[emoji6]
I would have gone back to bed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Evening all.
I've had a busy day so only just finding time to pop in.
Went to a place called Sully this morning to meet up with some family and we walked over to Sully Island while the tide was out, and made it back in plenty of time before the tide came back in! (obviously or I wouldn't be here now!)
Then had a delicious lunch with another sister.

The PO contacted me and finally came to the house this evening which was just as well because, while I was out, 6 more branches had been cut off my shrub and left in the lane at the end of my garden.

However, she was very young and when I showed her the damage she started by asking me several times if I was absolutely sure it wasn't an accident - took some convincing - and then proceeded to tell me a story about a neighbour's hedge at the end of her own garden which was 9 feet high so she rang the council and apparently they told her she could cut it and throw the debris onto her neighbours garden so she cut it down to 2 feet! :eek:
She didn't seem to know anything about the fact that it's trespass or criminal damage to reach over the boundary and damage plants.
My heart sank!:(
She then went next door and I heard them in the garden complaining about my little fence which for 12 years has behind there 6 foot fence. Then I could hear a great deal of laughter from inside the house. The PO was in there for ages and didn't come back to tell me what they said. She's just ticked a box to say complaint dealt with.

I heard neighbours out in garden later and they have strung a line down the garden which they say is the boundary (gaining them about a foot of my garden) and he said that as they could cut back to the line of the boundary there was loads they could cut and would take it off with a hedge trimmer. I know my plants are well behind the boundary.

Sorry this is so long I am just letting off steam - I am so fed up with them making my life a misery.:(
I would hate to leave my family home but I can't think of anther solution.
I think that it is time to get a lawyer involved. Because it sounds to me that you are not going to get anywhere else with them otherwise. And obvisouly the PO did not help. I would also go to the Police station and lay a complaint against the PO with regards to the way the she handled the situation.


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5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2016
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Good evening Laura. Always a nice suprise to see you here. Life is hot but good in my corner of the world.:D
Hi Sabine sorry I didn’t get back sooner the notification did not come thru hope u are ok the weather here is cold today n keeps raining but all good at this end :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Evening all.
I've had a busy day so only just finding time to pop in.
Went to a place called Sully this morning to meet up with some family and we walked over to Sully Island while the tide was out, and made it back in plenty of time before the tide came back in! (obviously or I wouldn't be here now!)
Then had a delicious lunch with another sister.

The PO contacted me and finally came to the house this evening which was just as well because, while I was out, 6 more branches had been cut off my shrub and left in the lane at the end of my garden.

However, she was very young and when I showed her the damage she started by asking me several times if I was absolutely sure it wasn't an accident - took some convincing - and then proceeded to tell me a story about a neighbour's hedge at the end of her own garden which was 9 feet high so she rang the council and apparently they told her she could cut it and throw the debris onto her neighbours garden so she cut it down to 2 feet! :eek:
She didn't seem to know anything about the fact that it's trespass or criminal damage to reach over the boundary and damage plants.
My heart sank!:(
She then went next door and I heard them in the garden complaining about my little fence which for 12 years has behind there 6 foot fence. Then I could hear a great deal of laughter from inside the house. The PO was in there for ages and didn't come back to tell me what they said. She's just ticked a box to say complaint dealt with.

I heard neighbours out in garden later and they have strung a line down the garden which they say is the boundary (gaining them about a foot of my garden) and he said that as they could cut back to the line of the boundary there was loads they could cut and would take it off with a hedge trimmer. I know my plants are well behind the boundary.

Sorry this is so long I am just letting off steam - I am so fed up with them making my life a misery.:(
I would hate to leave my family home but I can't think of anther solution.
AND I am really sorry that she did not do her job and help you properly like she should have.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
It really is upsetting and I feel very let down and pretty crushed if I'm honest.
If the police aren't interested where do I turn?
I am going to ring the PO tomorrow to find out what the neighbours said.
She told them what I said, so it is only fair I know what they said about me.
I will also tell her what I heard about the hedge trimmer - but I won't expect her to rush to my defence.
Let us know what she says. I am so angry on your behalf.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good evening all. Hubby and I took the kids camping in Arkansas on Lake Greeson this weekend. I have just finished all the unpacking and I’m just worn out. We played hard and everyone had a blast so it was a great weekend.
What beautiful pictures. And it sounds like you had an awesome time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I don't think I m going to get much sleep tonight but must go and try.
I have to be up early tomorrow to guard my shrubs and boundary!
Better get that shotgun loaded!
So Nos Da and have a good Monday.
Shame Lyn, I so wish that I had a good solution for you. In the meantime, you could pretend to go out, and then sneak back with a camera and take a video of them in the act. As evidence.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good mornooning, dear roommates! Early rises resume for me. Today’s the first day of school here. Husband is taking daughter and I’m home waiting for someone to come and change our locks. Hope everyone has a fantastic week ahead! [emoji173]️
Good Afternoon Lena,
Enjoy your first day with your daughter back at school.

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