Big Bertha Doing Great


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I know you've spent a fortune but these are well worth it. Most vets done even know where to begin if all fails at in house and even out sourced lab testing. I'd go with the coccidia test first. Try and get as many samples as possible. This tests negative a lot but still can be present.


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Jul 14, 2015
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The main thing was and still is...Even if she dies or I have to have her put down....IS SHE CONTAGIOUS?
I don't want this to happen six more times.
My yard isn't that huge and It's hard to keep everything sterile and separate.
I doubt it. Her symptoms are more indicative of some type of internal organ disease of some sort. Her white count was up, but she's been on broad spectrum antibiotic, which should cover bacterial infection. I doubt it's virus making her sick. Virus likes to replicate like crazy, very rapidly, hence the usually quick onset of symptoms that develop into acute illness, it's more like an avalanche, which either passes or kills the host, but I haven't heard of acute viral illness to go on for months. Again, my voice comes from human medicine but I think there are many similarities in all life forms even between cold and warm blooded ones. Plus when you told us about her white count being elevated you didn't mention lymphocytes (those numbers would typically be off in viral infection), so I'd lean against the "contagious" theory. It is always a good idea to keep UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS which means treating all of them as if they were contagious (without exaggerating)

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Honestly. I'm about done with the tests.
Right now my 15 year old dog has stopped eating and I've made an emergency apt for the morning.
So much of my time has been spent on Bertha....
As if you haven't enough on your plate Ed! I know its a worry with older dogs but hope its just a phase for him or maybe his meds need adjusting.
Thinking of you.


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Jan 10, 2014
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Good luck with your dog. I'm sorry you are going through so many pet troubles. I hope you have smooth sailing soon.


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Jul 14, 2015
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Have you had a PCR done on TINC (intranuclear coccidiosis) yet? I've dealt with that before, and it's one of the worst things imaginable. It reaffirmed why I quarantine. It's highly contagious and lives in the soil. This sounds exactly like what a leopard tortoise that came here had. I strongly recommend that. Tests are done through UFL.
Good morning, and OMG! I was under the assumption that "fecal" was done on Bertha, but after all the reading I've done since last night I realize that it may have not covered PCR screening. Can you ask the vet is she had by chance sent the sample off for testing? I didn't have that acute awareness of this parasite being so prevalent, because I've just never heard of human case of coccidia. I know you have your hands full with working and caring for sick animals. Bless your heart. I know you maybe feeling drained physically, emotionally and financially. I have been following Bertha for a while and became attached to her and very fond of you as a fellow "animal fanatic" just like I am. I do not presume to give advise because I'm very new at tortoise keeping. What I am saying is this: if nothing else, call the vet and ask if she did the fecal test suggested by Tortadise (quoted above). From what I read coccidia i fairly common in dogs and cats, they catch it easily but sometimes don't develop symptoms until they are under some stress. Might want to run the "coccidia idea" by your dog's vet as well just in case. Coccidia doesn't seem to cross from animals to humans but I'm not sure about interspecies crosscontamination. There is lot of info about it online and a very good thread on this topic here on this forum. I still haven't had the time to figure out how to post links here, but you should be able to find it when you type key words : BUBONIC PLAGUE IN TORTOISES. Best of luck. I pray for positive turn of events for you. Take care


Tortoise Club
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Jul 16, 2014
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I had to have my dog, Chester put to sleep this morning. He couldn't breathe and wouldn't eat.
I've been so obsessed with Bertha I wasn't even paying much attention to him.
His heart condition finally took him. I wasn't about to watch him suffer.
It was truly one of hardest things I've ever had to do.
He's being cremated.
As for Bertha. She is just sitting around and ignoring food. One thing that I am very aware of is that now that there is fecal material around, she could now pass on an illness that she could not before. So there are new protocols. I've asked my wife not to even go near her. And when I do feedings, cleanings, etc. It will be in reverse order with her being last. Then clean up.
This way I can't track anything from her pen.
I'm leaving now. I want to get all of Chesters toys and bedding out of here so that I don't have to look at it and feel guilty.
As for Bertha, she is now on her own. She gets the last antibiotic shot today. Then it is 100% up to her.


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Oh that sucks. I have had to do that a couple times. It doesn't make it any easier but waiting too long would not have been doing your dog any favor.


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Jan 28, 2015
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I'm so sorry about Chester. I had to do that recently as well and although you know it is the right thing, it still feels wrong in some way. I hope you find peace knowing that he is no longer suffering. I will continue to keep my fingers crossed for Bertha.


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Sep 4, 2014
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I am sorry for your loss. Hopefully Bertha will get better and cheer you up. Good luck to you and Bertha


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
I had to have my dog, Chester put to sleep this morning. He couldn't breathe and wouldn't eat.
I've been so obsessed with Bertha I wasn't even paying much attention to him.
His heart condition finally took him. I wasn't about to watch him suffer.
It was truly one of hardest things I've ever had to do.
He's being cremated.
As for Bertha. She is just sitting around and ignoring food. One thing that I am very aware of is that now that there is fecal material around, she could now pass on an illness that she could not before. So there are new protocols. I've asked my wife not to even go near her. And when I do feedings, cleanings, etc. It will be in reverse order with her being last. Then clean up.
This way I can't track anything from her pen.
I'm leaving now. I want to get all of Chesters toys and bedding out of here so that I don't have to look at it and feel guilty.
As for Bertha, she is now on her own. She gets the last antibiotic shot today. Then it is 100% up to her.
So sorry for your loss, sad. But the right thing to do. As for Bertha, I agree with you. Keep her seperate and see how she goes it alone. I'd bathe her still, every day. Been meaning to ask you for a while now. Are your other torts at mature breeding age. Is this something you would like to do? Raise juveniles from scratch?


Well-Known Member
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Jul 14, 2015
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Central Texas, Austin area
My sincerest condolences. I've been there! And know the heart break all too well! I had to put down two of my belowed companions of 15 years at this same time. And few months before I had lost my only outdoor kitty, ferral, who had adopted us and lived inside and outside during a day and in his warm kitty house in the garage on cold winter nights. I too, was preoccupied with other things and my sweet boys' decline had got my by surprise. I felt guilt and utter devastation. It took me a whole year of daily crying whenever I walked into the kichen and they were not there. That was 6 years ago. I still miss them but the pain is more... of an ache now. We all grieve and cope with pain in our own ways and whatever yours is, it's ok. Allow yourself the time to grieve, but please, do not resent Bertha for being a distraction. I felt anger towards my "distraction" 6 years ago but that didn't really help me heal. What did help a little was spiritual connection with my lost pets that I was able to achieve with the help of the Rainbow Bridge- A Pet Loss Grief Community that just kinda "fell on my lap" during random internet browsing at that time. They have lot of tips on how to help heal a broken heart after loosing a pet. Whatever helps you deal with the hurt is ok just please, know that all of us animal lovers are connected with you in spirit and our energy surrounds you and your wife today and in the days going forwad, and "nestle" your hurting souls imersing them in our love to help you heal. Sorry about long posts, but I have yet to learn to pour out my own soul in telegraphic one or two sentences. We love you Zeropilot and your wife and send you both hugs. RIP sweet Chester.

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