Big Bertha Doing Great


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Oct 26, 2014
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aw ed sorry to read the update :(. i've had to put 3 dogs to sleep i know how hard it is. thoughs are with you, hope your keeping strong.


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Good morning, and OMG! I was under the assumption that "fecal" was done on Bertha, but after all the reading I've done since last night I realize that it may have not covered PCR screening. Can you ask the vet is she had by chance sent the sample off for testing? I didn't have that acute awareness of this parasite being so prevalent, because I've just never heard of human case of coccidia. I know you have your hands full with working and caring for sick animals. Bless your heart. I know you maybe feeling drained physically, emotionally and financially. I have been following Bertha for a while and became attached to her and very fond of you as a fellow "animal fanatic" just like I am. I do not presume to give advise because I'm very new at tortoise keeping. What I am saying is this: if nothing else, call the vet and ask if she did the fecal test suggested by Tortadise (quoted above). From what I read coccidia i fairly common in dogs and cats, they catch it easily but sometimes don't develop symptoms until they are under some stress. Might want to run the "coccidia idea" by your dog's vet as well just in case. Coccidia doesn't seem to cross from animals to humans but I'm not sure about interspecies crosscontamination. There is lot of info about it online and a very good thread on this topic here on this forum. I still haven't had the time to figure out how to post links here, but you should be able to find it when you type key words : BUBONIC PLAGUE IN TORTOISES. Best of luck. I pray for positive turn of events for you. Take care
It's extremely prevalent. The problem is it's not and can't be tested through in house vets. They use a very expensive and detailed microscope to find it. Same lab tests mycoplasma, irridiovirus, ranoviris, toxoplasmosis. In situations like this. I would be willing to bet it's something very bad that can't be seen or diagnosed through in house practice screening. Which will and does expose potential to the other animals. This can be spread through bugs like flies, roaches, or gnats that get on te fecal matter or urine expelled from "infected" animal then land on the food just a pen away and transmit it that way. It's rare yes that sort of tramsision but it's very possible. The leopard tortoise that was here displayed very very similar behaviorisms. I sure hope it's not the case here


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I am so sorry you are going through all of this. You have my deepest sympathy for losing Chester. I completely understand the guilt. I have only had to do that once, and I agree it was the hardest thing I have ever done. You know it is for the best, but it feels awful.
Hang in there. We are all with you.


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I don't know what else to say except that I am very sorry. You made a very difficult, selfless decision. I have been there and I know how you feel.


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Aug 4, 2014
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I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope the memories that you made together bring you some comfort and peace. My thoughts are with you and your wife, as this is a very devastating time in your life. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in Peace, Chester.

I certainly hope that Queen Bertha recovers quickly. Fingers and toes crossed. :<3: Best of luck!!

Tort Love

Active Member
Feb 9, 2015
Bertha received the tube as a last effort after not eating for 3 to 4 months and slipping into a weakened state and could no longer support herself on her legs.
I began feeding her a slurry of Pedialite and Oxbow Critical Care.
A few weeks after the tube was placed she nibbled food and then started eating a lot. She ate for eleven days. The x ray shows that the food is still in there. Tortoise digestion is very slow. On the eleventh day, she ate in the morning, Mazuri tortoise chow and an hour later appeared to have died. The next day I found that she had not.
More tests were done. This time a mildly elevated white blood count was found.
She had totally stopped eating and drinking.
I started the rounds of antibiotics.
A few days later she pulled out her tube, stitches and all.
Since then she has begun to walk a little but is still not eating at all. Not drinking very much and can't seem to poop, although she is trying to constantly.
That is the mini history to bring everyone up to speed and to help better understand the situation.
Two vets. A dozen tests. An operation and about $2,000 spent. I wont stop at a $30 probiotic if it is deemed necessary.
I don't plan on giving up until she does.
Praying for her


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I am so sorry for your loss. Chester looked like a wonderful companion. It is so hard to make that decision, but you owed it to him to help him pass with dignity at the end. Hang in there.


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Feb 13, 2015
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I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better. Just know that you are in my thoughts!! I hope you get some rest and things settle down for you soon!!

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Thanks everyone.
I still see him everywhere.
I got up last night to take him out for a walk.
Bertha got her final injection of antibiotic but hasn't eaten, drank or moved an inch in over 48 hours.
15 years is along time Ed - Chester was a little dog but he's left a big hole in your life.
Hope Bertha rallies with a few soaks maybe.


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15 years is along time Ed - Chester was a little dog but he's left a big hole in your life.
Hope Bertha rallies with a few soaks maybe.
Thanks Lyn. I wasn't ready to lose Chester. He got I'll and died within 24 hours.
He was happy and healthy for 15 years.

Bertha gets soaks every day still. She just sits there. I have to make sure to keep the level below her nostrils because I'm not sure she wouldn't just drown.

mike taylor

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Oct 28, 2012
You maybe fighting a battle you can't win with her . I sure hopes she pulls out of if soon . She seems to be to old or to sick to pull out of it . I sure hope she proves me wrong . Sorry your little buddy died . I would be lost without my bulldog .

Angel Carrion

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Jul 1, 2015
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He is always up my butt . ha-ha He makes you love him .
View attachment ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1439087132.388887.jpg
This is my butt-sniffer. He always has to follow momma. I don't even need a leash for him, but use one anyway because people in my neighborhood have threatened to shoot him because they don't like 'vicious breeds'. *eye roll*
So I can't really take him for walks around my neighborhood anymore.... Luckily I can drive to a creek/park where he can run all he likes with no one around.

Tidgy's Dad

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sorry, photos not working on TFO at the moment.
This comes out 10 times bigger than my screen and I can't make much out.
Poor Bertha.
More or less?
There's still some fight in her?

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