
Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2014
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well that was a good day. target reached and breached and got a head start for tomorrow:). now to help my mate clean his girlfriends car, no word back on my job for tonight which I'm glad about:)

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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How about a new topic: "First time ever drunk."
Since drinking keeps popping up.
When I was 15 years old I had a Ford Torino and a learners permit to drive. I piled a couple of my friends in and we skipped school. My friend Brian bought along an inflatable raft and some empty gallon jugs and told us of a place that sold beer by the gallon..A drive through window and never asked for I.D.
Right he was and each of us headed out to the Catawba river for some dangerously high and rough water armed with two gallons each of this mysteriously inexpensive beer. We took turns blowing up the stupid raft and we were already feeling stupid as we climbed into it. The water was really moving quickly and the flimsy, plastic oars flew out of our hands right away, leaving us at the mercy of the current. It was about then that I looked back at my car that was just a dark blue dot parked along the bank. (It occurred to me that we had no plan on getting back to it.)
We banged along for a very, very long time until we encountered a strand of barbed wire from a submerged fence. It tore through at least two chambers of the raft and my friend Eddie who was sitting in the front and we began to sink and swim to the edge of the woods. Luckily the water was calmer by that time.
We laid on the bank, finishing off our beer and tried to dry off. We were all covered in mud and clay. The bank was very slippery. Then stumbled towards some noise that we could here. At least another half mile. It turned out to be a tractor and we were smack dab in the middle of a pig farm. It was about that time that we also realized that most of what was on us what not mud at all! The farmer didn't say a word. He stopped, looked at us and then started working again......Kind of like he'd seen it before?
Eventually we made it out to a main road that we figured was route 5. It was also about 20 miles from my car.
We started walking, thumbs out, falling over. Very few cars passed by and no-one even though about stopping. Eddie was bleeding pretty badly. I had lost a shoe and Brian was walking with his eyes closed. No water. No more beer. Barfing and talking but making No sewnse.We walked for hours and as the sun started to set a truck stopped and let us in the back. It was clean and the driver had some bandages for Eddie. He also had some warm water in bottles for his radiator. but it was GOOD.
We made it to the car at about 9 pm. None of our parents had seen or heard from us since about 8 that Morning and it was not a very good time.
I never associated drinking with good times after that. I still haven't.
The car still smelled like pig *** when I sold it a year later.
I never spoke with Eddie again and Brian married a raging drunk at 19. Still upset about his raft.
:DWow that is some experience Ed! In spite of all that I see you managed to save the beer so had your priorities right!
I can't really remember the first time I got drunk, certainly wasn't that eventful! I was probably with school mates and I expect I just became very silly and giggly, or danced a lot and then fell asleep!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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So you are a happy drunk? I guess I am too. I dislike people that drink and then want to fight. I'm married to a fighter.
I haven't been any sort of drunk for years as I'm usually driving when I go out, but even when I'm not I can't stand the hangovers anymore so I know my limitations and change to soft drinks.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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The only drink that made me feel a bit stroppy was one called White Diamond which was/is a strong white cider so avoided that.


10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Her eye swelled shut and she was vomiting.
She's better now. She got two shots. Her lip is still swollen.
But she ate her dinner and is sleeping now in my lap.
I'm sure she'll be chasing bees again in no time.
Luckily. My dog vet is half a block away.


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