
Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
The sun came out so I thought I had better get some postcards :)

Starting with The London Eye from Charing Cross Bridge
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This little green hut it actually a Cabbies Hut. Built in the days of the horse and cart they were for taxi drivers to take refreshment... some of them still are :)
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And then I went to the Savoy Queen’s Chapel. It’s actually the chapel of a hospital for the poor built by King Henry VII (the one before the one with 6 wives ;) ) The Savoye Hospital has long since gone and the site is now occupied by a rather posh hotel - the original in its chain. The chapel remains and is the HQ of the Royal Victorian Order of chivalry.
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Wow, what a impressive chapel. The mural paintings are amazing.
With sun all the objects of your postcards look more beautiful and friendly ... Thank you Linda.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Glad to be the first ;)

The pixie frog is with me. I left to Chicago for 3 weeks and spent time with my gf. After that I flew to Andrew, Texas to start working. My uncle was in Houston and was able to bring him here.
Fine ! I think froggy is full grown. Is he fat and beautiful ????:eek::D Pictures ??? Please ....:D


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Yeah! Even she knew my bike's sound. When I came home even I don't use horn to intimate, she used to run over the door and wait for me to open it, then she started meow and happy dance. I loved her so much. She was my 1st cat(kitten) as well. I ordered every possible thing available here for cats from cat litter box, litter, food even comb and poop scoop. Everything available. Some of these things I ordered from another city (Lahore). I loved her so much and she too, she used to sleep just next to me, and she also liked to lick me sometimes. Cats are so adorable and cute.[emoji173]
And she was someone really special. I used to talk with her and she listens everything sitting on my lap. [emoji173][emoji7]
I understand you very well. Here in the CDR are many cat loving people.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good mornooning all. 11:50am here and I’m in London.

I woke to snow again this morning, but there’s none 40 miles away in the city. I am hoping it’s stopped back home!

My iPhone 6 desperately needed a new battery and Apple has been shamed into replacing them cheaply (£25) for a limited period. Unfortunately, the nearest Apple store to me is being refurbished .... actually that’s fortunate given today’s snow, I wouldn’t have wanted to drive there this morning... so I made an appointment in Covent Garden instead.

I now have an hour to kill in the freezing cold... or a suitable coffee shop with WiFi :D
Okay that was 7 hours ago according to the post. So hopefully all done and dusted.