
Well-Known Member
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Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Good morning all. It's cloudy and chilly here this morning, but the weather is supposed to improve later.

Today I have a physio... and then a haircut. My hair is very thick and desperately needs thinning. I stand under the shower and it takes ages for the water to soak through to my scalp :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
Good luck. It's a long journey and, with problems like ours, a journey we never complete problem.

I was laying in bed this morning aware of a new niggle in the joint of my big toe... Nk idea what I did there[emoji849][emoji1]

I was talking to my sister yesterday and saying that I have kind of resigned myself to never being completely pain free again. If it can be kept to discomfort rather than excruciating and I can sleep then I shall just have to put up
I feel you and totally agree. That is my aim as well. I just worry how bad it will get when I am in my 80's as that seems to be when a person really struggles,


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good morning all. It's cloudy and chilly here this morning, but the weather is supposed to improve later.

Today I have a physio... and then a haircut. My hair is very thick and desperately needs thinning. I stand under the shower and it takes ages for the water to soak through to my scalp :D
I hope physio goes well. And Enjoy your haircut. Do your hairdressers give you a nice scalp massage when they wash your hair? Ours do and it is awesome.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
I feel you and totally agree. That is my aim as well. I just worry how bad it will get when I am in my 80's as that seems to be when a person really struggles,
That's my biggest fear too.

There's not a lot I can do about it though. I am 54 now and just have to keep moving and be as active as I can. If I stop doing stuff that is when I am most likely to seize up. I have decided that there's no piint worrying about the future; I will contend with the present as it happens when it comes to my back.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Okay I seem to have caught up now.
Good Morning Linda and Lena and Good Morning to the rest of you when you eventually wake up and pop in here.
The sun is shining and it seems to be getting warmer now. I put a heat blanket over my torts enclosure before I left this morning. Going to see if it made any difference in keeping them nice and cosy. I hope everyone has an awesome day. And I will pop in again every now and then and have a chat.



Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
That's my biggest fear too.

There's not a lot I can do about it though. I am 54 now and just have to keep moving and be as active as I can. If I stop doing stuff that is when I am most likely to seize up. I have decided that there's no piint worrying about the future; I will contend with the present as it happens when it comes to my back.
mmmm, I got to learn to have your attitude.:D


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Aug 3, 2011
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Thank you Lena. I am not as sore today. And I slept like a baby. But then that is what the sleeping tablets do for me, allow me to actually go into a deep sleep. When I don't take them then I feel like I am sleeping but at the same time am awake and feel every twinge and creak in my body during the night. The good news is, that other than just wanting to stay in bed, because it is cold (7c again this morning) I did not feel so sore. I also took some AC200 last night which has some paracetemol in it (still a painkiller but not as strong or addictive as the ones I normally take) and it helps with cold syptoms. It is a one day at a time and because I have you guys (who always are so good at lending an ear) I know it is do-able. I have also put wheatgrass juice on my daily list as this will help to detox my body from any of the medication lingering in my tissues etc. So offcially day one is done and not sure how many more to go.:D We will cross that bridge when we get there. Hopefully it is not as long as a bridge as the one you posted in your pics.:D:D

You’ve got this!!
I was sorta addicted to painkillers 3yrs ago. My back was messed up and I was living on a heating pad and tired all the time.

When I ran out, I knew that things had to change so I went to an acupuncturist and chiro and they said no more heat. So I started icing and moving more with walks. About a week later I felt like a new person and I didn’t feel moody anymore.
I still have back issues with a vertebra that’s fusing and sciatica but ibuprofen is all I take when needed.

I have been taking sleeping meds for 23yrs. I would be a zombie without them!!


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Aug 3, 2011
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mine does not look quite like that but same principal. Let see if I can find a pic on the net to post.

My one looks like this,: I love this mop

View attachment 240965

Yep, that looks very similar!!
What also like is that it light weight unlike those huge mops. This one is better for my back.
My chiropractor told me not to vacuum and I laughed. She said you have kids for that! I laughed again!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
It’s an O-Cedar. This was $40 at Lowe’s. It has a pedal for the wringer so your hands stay dry.
It’s also pretty light to carry with the water to the fill line. There’s tons of reviews on it on Amazon but I needed a real person like Yvonne to say they like it.

Just for reference: This mop seems to be sold under the Vileda brand here in the UK and possibly the rest of Europe

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