
Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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Oh shame Yvonne. I imagine that must be the hardest part for you. Having to let go with the feeling that they won't do right by the tortoise. I really hope your feeling is wrong and that the son takes your advice and looks after the tortoise properly.
That is the reason why I own so much cats. Ten years ago I was very busy with stray cats. To feed them and to catch them for castration. Often the wild mothers had baby cats that I took to search for new owner for them, but often I found no good new owners. I don`t trust people who wants to have a cat and I was often right with my opinion that I can`t trust people.
That`s the reason why so many cats stayed by me.
I gave up my engagement with stray cats because I saw that I am not made for this. I have had sleepless nights when I gave away a cat not knowing if the little one got a good home.
I couldn`t breed dogs or cats. I could not give away the puppies when I can`t be sure that the get good new homes. It is not like selling a car. It is a little life that depends on you and your decision where it should live.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2017
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East Texas
You’ve got this!!
I was sorta addicted to painkillers 3yrs ago. My back was messed up and I was living on a heating pad and tired all the time.

When I ran out, I knew that things had to change so I went to an acupuncturist and chiro and they said no more heat. So I started icing and moving more with walks. About a week later I felt like a new person and I didn’t feel moody anymore.
I still have back issues with a vertebra that’s fusing and sciatica but ibuprofen is all I take when needed.

I have been taking sleeping meds for 23yrs. I would be a zombie without them!!
I am also on sleep meds. Just recently started having to take them but I don't like the way I feel the next morning. They leave my head feeling like cotton


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Hi all !
It scares me to read how many of my lovely roommates regulary take pain killers and sleeping pills. Or better say: Have to take these meds to get trough the day and can sleep at night. I am really sorry for all that have to take these meds. :(
Once again I am very glad that I have no pain ( exept actually the shingles and the sores on my legs ) and need no pain killers and sleep deep and good like a baby every night without sleeping pills.
Take care my roommates. We all have only one life. Taking a break as often as you can is the best for body and soul. When I watch my animals they are much more wiser than we are: They often make short naps and breaks the whole day long.
People often think all must be perfect. No ! It mustn`t. :D
We only have this one life and we should enjoy every single day of it. Please take care.:):<3:


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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Aarhus is the second-largest city in Denmark, owing to its industrial post and a good university. It’s also a very green city (like all Danish cities), with a sprawling Botanical Garden in the center. The open-air Den Gamle By (“The Old Town”) museum showcases Danish homes and shops from the 18th to 20th century and is much favored by the royal family.
Here’s a replica of a book shop owned by H.C. Andersen’s family for a couple of generations:
View attachment 240900

In this 18th century pharmacy, an interactive avatar will ask you about your ailments and recommend treatment in accordance with medical practices of the time:
View attachment 240901

They also had a classic car show that weekend. The Crown Prince apparently visited in his automobile the day before we did.
View attachment 240902
Thank you for the wonderful postcards. They are amazing ! :)
You and your daughter too !:)


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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Ye. Not feeling great at the moment, I must admit. I am hurting and I seem to be getting a cold as well. Maybe not the best time to do this. But I also think your idea about seeing a doc might be a good idea. We will see how it goes. I think I will take a sleeping tablet tonight so that I can get a decent sleep and will skip the pain tablets. If I am really sore tomorrow morning I will take one in the morning. I figure if I can push the time between taking them that should help get me off them.
Oh shame ! I hope you`ll get no cold. Get well soon. Sending you good vibrations and warmth from Germany.:):<3:


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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Yeah, I know. He finally came and I gave him a mini tour of the Russians and where the Hermanni was living. I gave him Chris's care sheet and told him if he has ANY tortoise related questions please feel free to call me. After I put the tortoise in a box for him he said, "So this turtle doesn't like water?" Naturally, I told him the TORTOISE doesn't swim. He needs water to drink, but not water to swim in. Yipes!
Seems he was not listening to you and what you told him about tortoises.
Poor tort. I have fear that he keeps the tort not good.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2016
Alright so here's the deal. I will have to temporarily set up a smaller enclosure for the turtle as I'm getting it in just a couple of days. But I am going to do what was suggested and make an enclosure next to the house for long term. Or as little g as I'm here lol. Right now I'm debating on using Landscaping Timber or cinder block. I'm going to do some pricing and looking and see what would be best. if I do this it will probably be roughly 4 foot by 38 foot LOL because I will do it alone the whole bottom side of the house.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Hi all !
It scares me to read how many of my lovely roommates regulary take pain killers and sleeping pills. Or better say: Have to take these meds to get trough the day and can sleep at night. I am really sorry for all that have to take these meds. :(
Once again I am very glad that I have no pain ( exept actually the shingles and the sores on my legs ) and need no pain killers and sleep deep and good like a baby every night without sleeping pills.
Take care my roommates. We all have only one life. Taking a break as often as you can is the best for body and soul. When I watch my animals they are much more wiser than we are: They often make short naps and breaks the whole day long.
People often think all must be perfect. No ! It mustn`t. :D
We only have this one life and we should enjoy every single day of it. Please take care.:):<3:
NOT ME!!! I can sleep any time, any place and in any position!!!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Alright so here's the deal. I will have to temporarily set up a smaller enclosure for the turtle as I'm getting it in just a couple of days. But I am going to do what was suggested and make an enclosure next to the house for long term. Or as little g as I'm here lol. Right now I'm debating on using Landscaping Timber or cinder block. I'm going to do some pricing and looking and see what would be best. if I do this it will probably be roughly 4 foot by 38 foot LOL because I will do it alone the whole bottom side of the house.
This sounds good, Dan. What kind of plantings already livr in that area? I'm thinking about shade. And what species are you getting?


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10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Greetings all. Finally a FULL day of sun forecast for our wet soggy “greater DC” area. Saw on the weather report this early morning that in the last 30 days we have been drenched with more than 10 inches of rain. Normal is i think about 2.5 - 3. So, plenty of water for reservoirs, streams, dams, fields and gardens.

Speaking of gardens, our banana tree is just loving the rain, humidity and now sunshine. I usually water about 5 gallons/day but have not had to water in weeks. One good thing now, any time i see a torn or tattered leaf it gets snipped and provided to our Sully who loves them.



Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2016
This sounds good, Dan. What kind of plantings already livr in that area? I'm thinking about shade. And what species are you getting?
Well the house will make shade for about half the day. As far as plants I'm not sure yet I'll have to do a little research. If hostas is not toxic for them I will probably get some of those because I really like them. I I have some fruit trees just a little bit out for a bit but it'll take them a while to get big enough to really provide shade LOL. I had also considered blueberry bushes at one time to go across there. But like I said I will have to do a little looking.
So you have any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
That would be the best outcome. I hope this is what happens

I fear she will hear no more and the poor animal will die in the not too near future :(

The fact that the poor “turtle” has been in a decent shape no matter what gives me a reason for cautious optimism... :/


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Good morning all. It's cloudy and chilly here this morning, but the weather is supposed to improve later.

Today I have a physio... and then a haircut. My hair is very thick and desperately needs thinning. I stand under the shower and it takes ages for the water to soak through to my scalp :D

Wish you’d give me some of your volume. Oh well. Even my dad didn’t succeed at that. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
It sounds to me that the son will get the tortoise to sell it...
No, that doesen`t sound good for me too.

That’s another potentially positive outcome. Fingers crossed for the poor tort.
If I move closer to you, Yvonne (@Yvonne G), and have a permanent home, I’ll be happy to help you free up some space. ;) But that’s many ifs, I know...


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Yep, that looks very similar!!
What also like is that it light weight unlike those huge mops. This one is better for my back.
My chiropractor told me not to vacuum and I laughed. She said you have kids for that! I laughed again!

Oh no. Mine is almost 6. I was hoping, in time, I’ll have the kid for vacuuming, lol! :D

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