
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
Wow, that's a lot to go through, especially in such a compressed time frame!

I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. Diabetes seems to creep up on people, too. As of a couple years or so ago, I'm the only one in my immediate family who hasn't been diagnosed with it.

Regarding the job in Montana, did they give him an offer in writing? Has your husband declined any other offers? Let me know if I should put on my HR hat. It's buried somewhere in my skill set, but I can dust it off, if needed. ;)
[emoji23] [emoji23]


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario
Ok now.
Had a few weeks that were just crazy. It's always amazing how things don't go as planned.
Had to fly down to my parents in Texas after my mom got put in the hospital. She had developed septicemia and had to have two of her toes amputated. This happened because she stubbed her toe, broke it in three places, and is a diabetic and didn't know it.
Clunker has been living in bliss in his new enclosure. He has even become more tolerant of hubby!
We had the yearly conference with my daughter's school and she has been doing excellent (last year she fell way behind on her work because she was being lazy)
Hubby had decided to go for the job in Montana but the company said they were trying to fill a couple more positions before they gave a date for him to start... And now we haven't heard back from them. I think hubby should call them to see what's going on, but he feels like that would make him a nag.
I missed the calendar competition! Ugh, that was while I was in Texas. Oh well- I'll just wait till next year.

How is everyone else doing? Tell me all about it[emoji217]
Sorry about your mom. Hope she's coping.
And sorry to hear you're still in limbo with respect to moving.
Clunker would have looked lovely in this calendar. Did you see how many great entries there were?


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Good Evening All

Very blustery cold day, but we had to make a few errands so we did venture outside. During our minor road trip we managed to see a beaver, yes a beaver, a Blue Heron, two dead deer, a handfull of vultures sitting on the ground eyeing up some road kill, a big Hawk swooping away with road kill, and four doe. You wouldn’t think we are just 25 miles or so from the White House.

Old Father Klaus and his brother Kris are almost - some painting. A few more steps need to be finished off, then finish and mount to a base.

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Coming along nicely!

We're having winds too today. :( Guess we caught Linda's weather. Rainy, cold, windy - a classic November. "...a damp, drizzly November in my soul" *sigh*
I have some errands to run too; if I see a squirrel, I'll consider myself lucky :D


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario
What happened to Fall this year? Did I sleep through it???
Hi! I must have missed you in the dark! I'm Lena, currently living in Denmark. Hope you've found an armadillo to sit on and got a hold of One-legged Pirate for a drink of your choice. Montgomery, our giant armadillo coffee table, has just brushed past me, so if you need any coffee, just give him a whistle. Do you have any paperwork we could feed to our new Homework-eating Hound? I'm afraid the poor thing is starving in here...


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario
A quick good evening from me as it's way past my bedtime.
We have a very wet and extremely windy few days ahead of us in the UK, so no paragliding for me ;)
Anyway glad to see you are all OK and I'll be popping in tomorrow.
Nos Da and have a good Thursday!
Mary Poppins-style travel then. Hold on to your umbrella when you head out this morning. ;)


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario
According to the Chinese Zodiac, all of Loki's offspring were born during the Year of the Dragon. Specifically, the Water Dragon. Pixie is definitely a water sprite, and Dragon is definitely a water dragon.

Loki, the original and only authentic resident pastel tortie, was born during the Year of the Rabbit... which seems appropriate given her six offspring the following year.
Do they like to drink from tap in the kitchen? My cat loved it, although he was born in the Year of the Rat... o_O :confused: :eek:


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Wow, that's a lot to go through, especially in such a compressed time frame!

I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. Diabetes seems to creep up on people, too. As of a couple years or so ago, I'm the only one in my immediate family who hasn't been diagnosed with it.

Regarding the job in Montana, did they give him an offer in writing? Has your husband declined any other offers? Let me know if I should put on my HR hat. It's buried somewhere in my skill set, but I can dust it off, if needed. ;)
How many hats do you have, Anne? As of this morning, you guys have made me think of Moby **** and Mary Poppins and now Alice in Wonderland? :confused:


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Thanks. I've got a "go with the flow" attitude most of the time (unless someone directly bothers me, then I tend to explode) but when my husband becomes stressed (which is ALOT lately) I get stressed. I call it sympathy stress.
No wonder he does... And of course you too. Hope you hear something definite soon. :<3:

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