
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I'd love to get a video of our subadult male beardie's morning beard exercises, but he gets a little self conscious if there's too much attention called to him in the middle if his beard stretches.

I get to view his beard stretches from the side (profile), as he almost never displays his extended beard directed toward the front of the tank. He usually directs the full beard displays toward the ends of the tank.

Pixie likes to get on top of the tank in the mornings and watches his beard exercises from above.
Lucky Pixie. maybe ask Pixie to get a video for us.


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario
Hi Linda, I didn't really... you guys talk so much. Not to sound rude or anything. But I really can't keep up. So if I missed something important, I am truly sorry...
But I am happy to be here, once in a while. Lol
Carol is better than me with summaries, but it was mostly business as usual in the CDR. The Homework-eating Hound howls a lot at night, and we still weren't able to prove -- or disprove -- the possible existence of the Wool Spider.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good mornooning Roomies.

The weather is due to calm down today before getting very wet again tomorrow.

I have finished the paperwork (on the government website) for the Lasting Powers of Attorney for my Mum and printed them off last night. I must post it up to Mum for signing now. These papers, once registered, give my sister control over Mum’s affairs if she loses capacity to make her own decisions in future. The government website was surprisingly easy to use... getting everything signed and witnessed in the right order is more complex :D

Tonight, JoesDad and I are heading to London to meet university friends. There will be 6 of us on this occasion; we are usually 9.
And There she goes..... I swear we all live vicariously through you. Enjoy your visit and good luck with the signing etc.


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario

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