
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
The CDR Christmas Story...

It was two weeks before Christmas and the kids are getting so excited about Christmas. I love Joe, Torento, Clunker, Jacques, Sully, Ma, Mo, Kristoff, Rue, Kang, Clark, Harry, Blue, Whity, Pickles, Tidgy, Oli Bold, Julio and Misty so so much and I cannot disappoint them this Christmas. I have no job anymore and have been pretending to go to work everyday so that the kids don't know. But with no job and no money Christmas is going to be so disappointing this year. I need a Christmas miracle…….

So I went downtown to view some store windows. Maybe one of these stores need a helping hand before Christmas and would pay me. I was really in despair. I would do mostly every job to earn a little bit money.

There were a lot of people in the streets. Busy people searching for the last Christmas gifts they want to buy. People with heavy bags in their hands. My own hands were empty. So empty like my purse. I was praying to see a sign in one of these store windows saying : "Help needed. Enter when you are interested", but none…

My mood is getting sadder and sadder. At the end of the street right on the edge I recognize a very small window store and something in the window fascinates me. I don't know what it is. I am getting nearer. It was a very small store. The sign on the window tells me that it was a shop for antiquities.

It was very dark in the store but I can see an old man standing behind an old wooden counter. I was scared because the old man looks directly in my eyes. I can’t avoid his look. It seems to me that for several minutes we were looking each other in the eyes but in real it was only a few seconds.

Suddenly I turn my face and want to go away as I hear a little bell jingle. It was the bell on the entry door of the store. A hoarse voice ask: "Are you searching for work ? I could need a helping hand in the store. Are you interested?”

I turn my face and can’t believe the words I have heard. I was astonished. How could the old man know that I was searching for employment? I was looking in two watery blue friendly eyes of the old man and feel that my Christmas miracle has just begun.

"Yes, I am interested." I hear my own voice without thinking about what I was saying.

"Okay, come in. I'll show you what to do. It is easy to do but I am old and some things are too heavy for me.”

The old man opens the entry door of his store and the bell jingles again. I was following him. It was a little bit dark inside the small room. I can see a lot of shelves. The whole store was full with shelves and every shelve held totally different things: Wooden boxes, old lamps, figures in all sizes, a lot of old dolls, porcelain, silver cutlery, tea pots, old tin toys..... and so much more I can’t describe. The lot of things were overwhelming me.

"Here, take that duster and clean my beauties, but be very careful. Every piece in here has his own personality and story. Please don't break a thing, they are very precious."

I began to carefully sweep away layers of dust... as I did, I got this feeling... almost like I was sweeping away all my troubles. My heart felt lighter than it had in some time. One particular object was so dirty that I couldn’t make out what it was right off the bat. As the grime started to fly away, I realized it was a snow globe. It was beautifully anchored on a bronze base with delicate floral tooling etched all the way around. Something pulled at my heart. I picked it up, mesmerized it seemed, and tilted it down and up again. As I watched the snow fall, it seemed a strange glow began. There was a tiny ramshackle looking shed in the globe. It looked as if it was growing larger... or maybe closer before my very eyes….

No, it wasn’t growing larger I was smaller!

The ground beneath me was soft but not cold. I could still see the glow inside the shed so I walked closer and slowly entered and I could not believe my eyes!

I saw hundreds of little people busy working and singing! It was a very warm magical place! As I walked in slowly a cute little lady handed me a tool belt and a hot drink which turned out to be a delightful hot toddy...

The warm toddy worked its way through my body. The aromatic spices and herbs filled my senses, and the Ballmoral Malt Whiskey eased my apprehensions. Suddenly the blocks of wood became live, the “little people” gazed out the frosty windows, and the birds, sheep, camels, oxen, and horses in the bright green pastures were dancing. A bonfire was glowing, the stars, moon and sun could all be seen. Day was night, and night became day. Was it a dream or a new reality...

Suddenly, I spotted something protruding through the snow. I reached out to brush the snow away. The felt slightly odd, reminding me that somehow I was in the snow globe world. As I pulled the snow away, an armadillo was revealed. There were rings on his back as if coffee cups had been left there. The tag on his collar read "Montgomery". Montgomery nudged me and started to plod through the snow. What could I do but follow him? Time passed, but the light stayed the same and it was impossible to say how far we walked. We arrived at the mouth of a cave and the armadillo wagged his tail and headed right in. Should I go with him? Was it safe?

Taking a deep breath, I stepped into to the cave. It was dark, and I had already lost sight of Montgomery the armadillo, although I heard his footsteps somewhere in front of me. I reached out my hands and slowly shuffled my feet forward, hoping not to trip or fall over any obstacles in the dark. Then my fingers brushed against something. I knew instantly it wasn't an armadillo. Whatever I had just touched, it was squishy! Then it started to glow, faintly at first. Carefully poking the glowing blob again, I took a closer look. It resembled a glowing jellyfish.

Was it more than a simple hot toddy that the cute little lady had given me or did I, like Alice in Wonderland, come to a strange place with a logic of its own?

“Montgomery!” I called into the dark.

My voice echoed back a dozen times. I pitied the poor, strange armadillo who might get lost in the dark. The cave must have been very deep, with more corners than one could count. It couldn’t have been safe. I had liked the look of the warm and brightly lit shed with hundreds of tiny workers much better.

I turned to go back—and froze. Not literally, although it was nearly that cold; the chill that ran down my spine was of a different kind. The exit was blocked by a thin sheet of ice with such intricate detail that I could swear it was a spider web, only made of tiny frozen crystals. I had just walked in. When did this appear?

I took a step toward the web of ice and stretched out my hand to touch it, but a voice rang in the silence of the dark cave:

“Careful. If you touch it, you will never be able to leave this place.”

I quickly snatched my hand back! Could this be the dreaded wool spider (if she exists) that we've been hearing so much about? I moved the glowing jellyfish closer and saw many pairs of wool socks, scarves and mittens littered around on the floor beneath the frozen web. "YIPES!!!!" I yelled, and scurried backwards away from the web as fast as I was able.

Squeezing my eyes shut as tight as I could, I softly murmured, "There's no place like home. . . there's no place like home." I felt a cool mist with snowflakes swirling around my body, and when I opened my eyes, there I was, back in the old man's shop, with a feather duster in my hand. I hollered in the direction of the back room, where I assumed the old man was, "I'm outta' here! It's too weird for me." and I ran out the door, while the bell tinkled.

As I ran out the door, the wooly spider ( if it exist ) grabbed ahold of me and tried to wrap me up in it web. All I could think about was my poor little tortoise kids. If I struggled, she would wrap me tighter, so I just relaxed and “Poof”, I fell out of her nest. I then slithered out the door quietly and realized I just left the only job I could find. Now, what a delema I have. Do I go back, or, do I run. I really need to make some money for my kids, they do have to eat.

Okay I CAN do this, it is for my babies after all. I slowly walked back to the door and peered through a crack to see if it was safe. I couldn't see anything lurking about. Pushing the door slowly open the light from outside shone inside the shop through the open door and it looked like everything was safe. The old man looked up from behind the counter, saw me and asked if everything was okay? I stammered everything was fine and that I had just gone outside for a little air ( from all the dust in the back room). I walked back to the room that I was previously dusting, but as I passed the old man...I stopped and asked him if he had had anything strange happen to him when he went into that room. He looked at me and asked 'Strange How?' 'Ummm, oh nothing' I quickly replied and went into the back. Completely missing the smile which came up on his face and the twinkle in his eye.
I carefully looked around the room and as I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary . So I picked up the duster to start working again. However I went to a different shelf this time and started dusting the globes on that shelf. There was a globe with reindeer in it. A Globe with a beach inside. A Globe with a lake and trees. But the funny thing was that each globe when picked up you could see the scenery inside moving, it was almost as if they were magic globes. In the globe with the reindeer I could see the reindeer standing in lines in a harness waiting in front of a sleigh. There was one right in the front with a shiny red nose. The globe with the beach I am sure I could see the sea washing up on the shore, I even thought I heard the sound of the sea. It soon became a game for me to pick up each globe and look inside to see the magic. Until I picked a globe which for me was the most beautiful one of all. As I looked inside I could see a beautiful house with lights shining out the windows. The house had christmas lights all around it and I could even hear christmas music. I was pressing my nose right against the glass of the globe to try and see if I could see inside the house. And then it started happening again, the house was coming closer and getting bigger and bigger until my nose was against the actual windows of the house. And what I saw inside took my breath away and my heart lit up with joy and happiness....

There I stood in utter astonishment. A feeling of peace came about me; the kind of feeling one experiences perhaps once in a lifetime, if at all. All the sights, sounds, and feelings of a Christmas morning spent as a child came about me. I ventured about in awe of it all. A light snow was falling amidst the brightly lit Holiday lights. The smell of wood burning in the hearth coupled with the scent of freshly baked apple pies.

I was suddenly paralyzed by the bliss that had befallen me; unaware of the strife and ineptitude of my daily life. When suddenly I began to feel a chill. The once lightly falling snow was getting heavier to the point of total whiteout. The smells of burning wood and fresh baked pies that had once kept me captive had quickly dissipated. The house seemed much less festive, and an eeriness of my surroundings set in. It was then that I remembered what Christmas truly meant to me: My dear children.

My bliss was now replaced by shame; that I would indulge in my own selfish euphoria while forgetting what truly made me happy. As reality set back in, I once again was standing in that quaint shop. The old man’s eyes stared into mine, grinning all the while. He winked at me as he slowly closed the cash register drawer. Could he have known? Was he somehow responsible for this?

Care to take the baton here @Tom ?
@Pearly would you like to add a paragraph to our Christmas story?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Good mornooning, roommates!
I survived two days of intensive picture taking at the primary school musical and the Russian Christmas party. Had to go through over 1000 photos this weekend. Today and tomorrow are Christmas train rides for Year 1 and Year 2; I’ll probably take a total of 3 photos this time! Work has come too, so I’ll be lurking around


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good mornooning, roommates!
I survived two days of intensive picture taking at the primary school musical and the Russian Christmas party. Had to go through over 1000 photos this weekend. Today and tomorrow are Christmas train rides for Year 1 and Year 2; I’ll probably take a total of 3 photos this time! Work has come too, so I’ll be lurking around
Good luck. Sounds like you need it.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Good mornooning, roommates!
I survived two days of intensive picture taking at the primary school musical and the Russian Christmas party. Had to go through over 1000 photos this weekend. Today and tomorrow are Christmas train rides for Year 1 and Year 2; I’ll probably take a total of 3 photos this time! Work has come too, so I’ll be lurking around

That sounds like hard work!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Good mornooning all! We have dropped Daughter off at Chesterfield station and she is heading north to visit a university friend for a few days. JoesDad, Don and I are now heading south. The original plan was to drop Son in north London, but he has left his wallet and keys in our house so he is going to have to come home and then catch a train back to his flat. The weather for today’s journey is a million times better than Saturday thank goodness. There’s even sunshine!

Chris Rea ”Driving home for Christmas” seems the most appropriate playlist choice for Day 17 :)


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