
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Fighting a nurse armed with a syringe in the doctor's surgery is not easily forgotten, and it was a story about me that was repeated regularly as I was growing up so I wasn't allowed to forget it!:)
Mmmm, but I would have forgotten the nurses name along the way. Ha Ha Ha Ha


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
We've had all sorts of precipitation in the last 24 hours - rain, sleet snow and hail . There was a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon but it is quite bright this morning.
I think there's more rain heading our way this afternoon. Welcome to Spring!!!!
I bet as soon as you ignore the egg it will hatch - a watched pot never boils!
How long has it been there?
That is the problem, I forgot when it way laid. and cannot find any pictures with a date on them. I know that I took some and posted it on TFO somewhere, but to scroll through all the posts and threads is a mission. I am going to have to do it sometime though. I just went and checked back in my photos again and I think that I found the photo that I took of the spot when she laid her egg. Which was dated 26 May 2018. That is already 315 days. Somehow I do not think that the egg was fertile.:oops: but I still don't want to disturb it just in case.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good morning and Happy Gateway to the Weekend everyone!
So much for my parcel arriving before 8 am!!:mad:
I've been up since 7 and still haven't had my shower because Sod's Law is that it would arrive as soon as I got in.
So I sit and wait!
Hope you all have a good day, but I expect I will still be here for a while.
Well I hope it has arrived by now!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
You just need to get you a big truck:) hopefully the sun will chase your dreams away and you’ll have a wonderful day!

I’m sure Dan’s hatching has got you all on eggshells!!! Don’t you have a datalogger that is contributing to their success? Or is that for someone else??
Yes, I have the data loggers buried for them and I buried a sensor push for them as well, which allows us to get info now instead of waiting the year for the data loggers. I send them the temp readings and humidity readings every two weeks. And yes, it was fantastic news the Dan's egg hatched. Now all his other have to hatch as well. So very happy for him. Which means that you getting one of these torts is closer than you think.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Woohoo! That sounds exciting.

I risked driving this morning to go get a repeat prescription for my hayfever medication. It was fine. I can press the clutch pedal OK and change gear. (It’s my left leg and I was a little afraid it might trigger a muscle spasm)

JoesDad is going to pick up a walking stick for me as the crutches are a bit of a nuisance.
Tell him to get you one with a Tortoise as the head of the stick.;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I am keeping my head down. While I was out sorting out my hayfever meds, a parcel was delivered next door for us. My lovely neighbour brought it round and warned me that our neurotic neighbour (let’s call her NN) on the other side of the road is after me.

Apparently NN has problems with her computer and I was in and it all got very tearful and the lovely neighbour also had to listen to something about a broken fence and a leak and...

* Sigh *

I made the mistake of fixing NN’s computer once. She was very grateful and bought me wine as a thank you, but now she keeps coming round and, frankly, I am going to have to tell her to go to a computer shop with it. If there was a remote chance of popping in and out quickly to sort it out then I would be fine, but there isn’t... And you have to hear her entire life story every time!

Luckily, today I have crutches I can brandish and claim I am in too much discomfort to think about fixing computers.

I feel awful about talking about someone else like this. It sounds really unkind. And I suppose it is. But NN has stretched my patience too far. She has adult children living locally; they can help her find help!
I don't blame you. It would probably also be better if her children got involved then at least they can visit their Mum. Besides the kids of today should be able to fix most things computer wise and if not then it needs to be taken to a shop. The problem is that people don't want to pay, that is why they take advantage of kind people like you.

Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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How did I miss this post?!

Hello Gillian! Lovely to not see you in the CDR. :) I hope you and Oli are OK.

For those of you newer to the CDR, Gillian lives in Jordan where it’s usually far too hot, but in winter they still get snow occasionally!
Hi Linda, hope you are well.

Lovely to not see you too.

We are fine, thanks and hope you are too.:<3:


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Jul 31, 2012
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Happy Friday roommates [emoji851]
I caught some type of cold yuck!
I knew I was in trouble when I saw a small toddler coughing and sneezing next to me at the eye doctor’s Tuesday [emoji58]
Happy Friday IMG_2870.jpg


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Happy Friday roommates [emoji851]
I caught some type of cold yuck!
I knew I was in trouble when I saw a small toddler coughing and sneezing next to me at the eye doctor’s Tuesday [emoji58]
Happy Friday View attachment 269035

Bleurgh! Yuk!

I hope you feel better soon.


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 31, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Sunny AZ
Hi! Nice to hear from you.

We are fine, thanks, despite the very unstable weather conditions.

How are you, back there? Hope to hear you are well.

We are well, it is nice here, a little cool for this time of year, but, I will take it. [emoji4]