Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I have to brag a bit...I won the lottery!... The problem is it was one of those tickets with a dang leprechaun. I felt like an old hen scratching for anything during the first 10. I was feeling like I got ripped off by the last ticket. ?But hay I didn't. After that I decided to reinvest my 10 bucks. I wound up with $12 extra and some schools got $10 extra. I somehow think this relates???

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Hello, nobody in particular.
Welcome to Tidgy's Dad's Cold Dark Room.
Not expecting a lot of visitors in this pointless place, but this is where I live now.
It's good in here.
If anyone does visit, please feel free to say what you want( within forum guidelines, of course) and I will be happy to be silly, slightly insult you or ignore you completely which you are most welcome to do to me.
I will of course venture out occasionally, when I think I can be useful or annoying, but otherwise I live here now.
No advertising, let's see who spots me.
This is where i belong.
Tidgy is most unconcerned.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Have a good day! :)
Weekend is coming! :p
I will go to Bordeaux not for the wine but for the general meeting of the FFEPT (Fédération Francophone pour l'Elevage et la Protection des Tortues) the french confederation for turtle/tortoises enthusiasts. :)
Wow...have a great weekend! It looks like you've won the lottery also.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
I rue the day I ever fired my cable compny!

I didn't need a clock in my bedroom because the cable box had a nice, lighted, bright digital clock on it. So when I woke up in the a.m. I looked at the cable box and knew it was time to get up. . . or not.

I fired the cable company because it's pretty wasteful paying $130 or so a month for something that caused me to sit around mindlessly. And $$ is tight.

So this a.m. I woke up and stayed awake, so figured it was time to get up. I made the bed, fed the kittens, cleaned the litter box, got dressed and sat down at the computer to tend to my moderator duties. I happened to glance at the time on the bottom of the screen - 4:30a!!! YIPES!! I coulda' stayed in my nice warm bed a couple more hours!
I woke up at 5am and couldn't decide weather to get up or not. But I did after laying there debating with myself. Not sure what that is in California time. Maybe 1. I hope it's not catching. I need my beauty sleep really bad.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
I have to brag a bit...I won the lottery!... The problem is it was one of those tickets with a dang leprechaun. I felt like an old hen scratching for anything during the first 10. I was feeling like I got ripped off by the last ticket. ?But hay I didn't. After that I decided to reinvest my 10 bucks. I wound up with $12 extra and some schools got $10 extra. I somehow think this relates???
Oh how fun! Hubby will make fun of me because I’m such a miser... we will go to the boats once in GREAT while.. I will only spend $20.. I can play video poker for a couple hours and get served a couple free drinks so I won’t feel like I’ve lost any money...just paid for my time and alcohol... and if I do happen to break even or win even $5 more, I am ecstatic!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
It's a beautiful day outside today, and as I was standing there looking at my pond I see that it is awake! A VERY large RES swam over to me begging. So I moved over where the sun was at my back and I could see better into the water, and I spotted a fairly large gold fish. Years ago I put a couple dozen feeder gold fish in there for mosquito control, and they grew and multiplied, but the fry were all eaten by the turtles, which took care of overpopulation on the fish's part. Then one day when I came outside I saw a heron sitting on my garage roof (the garage is right next to the pod). And after that I never saw any gold fish anymore. I now have mosquito fish in there.

So I'm standing there looking at the turtles. I see a couple large soft shells, some VERY large female RES, a couple pond turtles. . . and wait a minute. . . hold it. . . is that? OMG! you guys should SEE the size of that gold fish! All I can say is if I caught it on hook and line it would be a KEEPER!!!! It's about a foot long, not including the tail (which is long and graceful) and about 4" top to bottom. He would roll on the top of the water, then just sit there enjoying the warmer top water. I thought about going in to get my camera, but you know how that goes. I'd never see it again in my lifetime if I got the camera.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Oh how fun! Hubby will make fun of me because I’m such a miser... we will go to the boats once in GREAT while.. I will only spend $20.. I can play video poker for a couple hours and get served a couple free drinks so I won’t feel like I’ve lost any money...just paid for my time and alcohol... and if I do happen to break even or win even $5 more, I am ecstatic!
Yep that's me exactly. I find sooo many good deals "or steals" while doing my regular shopping for my animals. I hate to blow even $10 on a pig in the poke. When I do though just for fun, I at least have to break even or I'm ticked.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
It's a beautiful day outside today, and as I was standing there looking at my pond I see that it is awake! A VERY large RES swam over to me begging. So I moved over where the sun was at my back and I could see better into the water, and I spotted a fairly large gold fish. Years ago I put a couple dozen feeder gold fish in there for mosquito control, and they grew and multiplied, but the fry were all eaten by the turtles, which took care of overpopulation on the fish's part. Then one day when I came outside I saw a heron sitting on my garage roof (the garage is right next to the pod). And after that I never saw any gold fish anymore. I now have mosquito fish in there.

So I'm standing there looking at the turtles. I see a couple large soft shells, some VERY large female RES, a couple pond turtles. . . and wait a minute. . . hold it. . . is that? OMG! you guys should SEE the size of that gold fish! All I can say is if I caught it on hook and line it would be a KEEPER!!!! It's about a foot long, not including the tail (which is long and graceful) and about 4" top to bottom. He would roll on the top of the water, then just sit there enjoying the warmer top water. I thought about going in to get my camera, but you know how that goes. I'd never see it again in my lifetime if I got the camera.
That picture was for your eyes only and a gift. If you were taking a picture you might have missed the moment. How beautiful!

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Aagh, good! ?
Well...I never get bored in the CDR unless no ones posting pics and stuff. I can be in a room full of people and be bored stiff and yawning my head off. But never here. If nothings going on here I check out other threads and learn a bit on the TFO. I love that too.