
Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 23, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
East Texas
Good evenooning everyone. Life is keeping me occupied here. I braved the big supermarket yesterday. I had a 15 minute queue to get in. It was all a bit stressful and they didn’t have everything I needed, so I had to brave the our town’s other big supermarket today. The second one was only a ten minute queue and a more pleasant atmosphere inside. I wouldn’t have been able to get everything just visiting that one either though. Hopefully, I can manage just using the local small shops for the next few weeks now though.

I usually do my bulky shopping online and get it delivered. I have done this ever since I had my back operations 16 years ago. It’s impossible to get delivery slots now. I understand why they’re prioritising those who are vulnerable, but I can’t help being a little frustrated that as one of their longest using regular customers I can’t even secure a slot say once a month. That sounds dreadfully selfish, doesn’t it... :(

My daily walks take me past a little pond and I have been diligently watching a nesting moorhen. The chicks hatched 12 days ago and all 8 are thriving still which I find amazing in a suburban area with cats and foxes.

Mr Mallard was sharing the plank of wood that the chicks like to stand on today. He’s a bit heavier than a chick :D

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Your frustration is easily understood: Don’t feel bad!

That is an adorable picture! I was sitting in the new tortoise yard the other day and one of the wild ducks brought a whole slew of babies out of the woods to feed.. so many I couldn’t count.. they are very wild so I tried not to breath so I could watch them For a while...I didn’t have my phone to get a pic... I try to hide from it more and more often these days..


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Sooooo, probably not of use to the CDR group of over experienced tort keepers.......but, since moderators do visit us....

i saw these pieces pop up on the “internet“ and thought wow, perfect insulation around a hot bulb or CHE for folks building enclosures with plastic tubs. Seems perfect really with a few mods.



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 30, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Richmond, VA
So I got crickets in my new closed chamber, I guess from the mulch or a plant. After checking TFO I am so not letting they stay! Thanks to Lockdown 2020 I came up with a trap that I call the Coke Covid Cricket Catcher! I got Cricket Quencher from Amazon for .98 cents?. First night I caught 12 now it’s 1-3 per day and my blue Cochin chicken is living high as a hog now! I added a piece of foil in the opening so they can’t jump back out!



Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
So I got crickets in my new closed chamber, I guess from the mulch or a plant. After checking TFO I am so not letting they stay! Thanks to Lockdown 2020 I came up with a trap that I call the Coke Covid Cricket Catcher! I got Cricket Quencher from Amazon for .98 cents?. First night I caught 12 now it’s 1-3 per day and my blue Cochin chicken is living high as a hog now! I added a piece of foil in the opening so they can’t jump back out!

Whats wrong with a few crickets?

Cathie G

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5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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its storming here again.. I went out in the rain to check on Pickles yard. I have redone it once already and it has grass but it’s still in the baby stage.. as soon as I stepped into the yard, Pickles lumbered out of the box to come play in the rain.. anyway, I put up some rain blocks to divert the flow and I think it will be ok...hope it will anyway
That brought up such a cute picture in my mind. Saphire will sometimes go ahead and do rain. I'm always surprised when I check on him and he's just sitting there enjoying a rain shower. It's funny that Pickles came out to greet you though. Maybe s/he's saying phewww right now.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
I am confusion
You will fit in fine here then!

Hello and welcome to the CDR. I’m Linda and I live in Kent in South East England.

We’re an international bunch of idiots /friends here who sometimes talk tortoise and fairly regularly talk puns and nonsense.

Pull up an armadillo and the one-legged pirate will be along shortly to bring you your beverage of choice. The big armadillo is called Montgomery and is a very obliging coffee table, especially if you dust him or tickle him under the chin.

It’s rather gloomy in here, but the flying jellyfish glow a little brighter when you polish them. The blueberry ones seem to be glowing brightest at the moment.

Watch your step; it’s easy to stub your toe on the hedgehogs in the gloom. The wool spider, if she exists, seems to be in a better mood since we locked the leprechaun in a jellyfish tank. The snow leopard is very friendly and eats carrots :)

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