Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Oh dear!

I think that Lola probably isn't a tortoise judging by Cathie's reaction 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!

Nope Lola is a real tortoise. I'd just like to see what Lynn has been up to too. While she's busy reading about us 😉😁

Cathie G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Good to see you left and the world lit on you're back, things should calm down, right? I saw the correlation to your leave of absence....LOL if I didn't know better(&I don't), that sounds like "boyfriend" talk.....not serious yet, just a flicker....

The grill took an hour or so. I had to remove and turn the bottom around....but the reviews said this was an ok grill but was "very complicated" to assemble. I didn't think it was hard. Then I grabbed 2 of my "flood dollies" & moved the long dresser from the little bedroom and put in the little'r bedroom so I could roll up the carpet & padding, tape the ends like an alligators mouth and drag it out to the living room. I swear I smell "rabbit in that rug! Yes Ms Cathie, it smells! LOL
I told daughter that she could have it when she moved but I think she saw it was a lot of work to get. Then I could wash the floor in prep for the new rug coming Tues.............exact same design, a wee bit larger, 20 bucks less then the one I rolled up, that I bought in 12/2020. A nice surprise. I want to get a memory foam pad but it's 40 bucks more than the new rug is! Not so nice surprise.

Got the lowdown on the weekend....never a moment too late for superman. Rehearsal 1.5hrs away at 11am, Wedding the next day, at 2pm. Closest "real" hotel to the venue is 30 minutes away. Hmmm. I kind of don't want to drive to rehearsal, come home to drive up again the next day. It's my kids wedding, I don't mind getting a hotel but jeez, this place is in Maryland too, who da thunk. Ah, Kerry will be here in an hour or two, then "we'll" decide. I'm going to make sure it has an indoor pool.....never a bad time for Subnados! ....hmmm, wonder if they will mind, I wake at midnight and might wanna go swimming....I'll have to see if I can hook that up with the staff. There isn't any doubt that they aren't supposed to let anyone in the pool area....but we'll see, sometimes folks are really just waiting to be my hero of the day.

Can you tell I'm excited that Kerry's coming over? 12 years like's bad, but good....really good.
I think I've wrapped my head around getting married while still living apart. I've been thinking about this for months. I'm sure a lot of folks go through this dilemma but basically, it's all about HER future being comfortable because we were married and I croaked or her living on a school teachers wage Social Security barely able to pay her bills. 95% of her pension was taken by her ex years ago. I know a lot of folks do it and they are all my hero's, I'm not knocking them at all. I just see this as a fully preventable situation. I brought it up to her a year or so ago, just kicking it around, then again recently. Kerry broached this with her teacher friends because she wants her kids there....I know the girls all so they were all onboard....they told her "Don't worry about your family, just don't tell them & have a "wedding" with them later!

Brilliant, just brilliant.

Got my results from the sleep test.....moderate .....I'll try the pillow-blocks again for him, then we'll see about another option. I was unaware of the stress on my body caused by not sleeping...I mean yeah other folks need to sleep but not me, right? LOL

enjoy the evening guys....
I've had previous bunny parents ask my son how there's no odor in my home. I have a house cat and bunny. I had birds and a tortoise too. And no stinky. It's not the lack of care. It's what you use for a litter box. And what's in the litter box that works. 🤗

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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The different sea turtles hatch at different times in the year. I need to find out when and do the night tour.
It would be amazing to get to watch that in person. All those little baby sea turtles from various nests running for the ocean at once. I've seen it on TV but not in person 🤗

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
I've had previous bunny parents ask my son how there's no odor in my home. I have a house cat and bunny. I had birds and a tortoise too. And no stinky. It's not the lack of care. It's what you use for a litter box. And what's in the litter box that works. 🤗
And oh yeah I live with Joe 😁


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Good evening everyone!

It's been Armistice Day here and at 11.00 am there was a two minute silence but the trouble is that exactly a year ago I was given Daisy's diagnosis by a tearful so I remember her as well. I had a good day out with friends otherwise and after my little yesterday when Jacky woke up because I put two fans in her room we are both okay.



Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
It would be amazing to get to watch that in person. All those little baby sea turtles from various nests running for the ocean at once. I've seen it on TV but not in person 🤗
I have heard but don't know how accurate it is. They say the baby hatchings will wait until all have hatched. Then when the temp drops. They know it is night time, so that's when they leave the nest. Under the safety of night. Not sure if that's a certain breed, because I have seen the little guys running for the ocean during the day on tv.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
A CAT AND a rabbit? You know, Erin just got a kitten too, to play with Hazel her bunny.
Is that a "thing"...cats and bunnies?

I got home a little while ago, mostly unpacked, waiting for Ex to arrive to get her stuff from my truck. What a great w/e! I learned a new thing...............after building hotels and other building in the DC market for 40 yrs, I was sorry that the hotel only had a Accessible room to rent us.. till we opened the door anyway...Holy Jeez, there had to be 450sf in that place....Hampton Inn & suites was sweet! Huge bathroom, kitchen area....and a semi-heated pool...and yes, I went swimming with my toys! LOL

The wedding was perfect, just perfect....different and traditional in one....they did a great job putting it all together. My daughter had assembled a 50 page instruction guide for the venue. She's super organized like that. Everyone had a great time and as a dad, being able to walk my daughter down the aisle was one of these bucket list things that I'd hoped to do some was every bit as cool as it should be. I also got great pics of all three of my kids dressed up, NOT for a funeral, together! My ex brother in law...haven't seen him in nearly 20 years....look just like local News slime ball Marty Bass! He got caught buying pootietang from a undercover cop when he joined the local News channel....they kept him on afterwards but the slime and stench never wore off him.
What's really his last name IS Bass too!

We went to a State park before rehearsal on Sat place...I saw this sign and knew it would be neat!

The King and Queens seat

A ledge with a view..


I wasn't able to go "spiderman" all over them like normal....I couldn't afford an injury!

One of the true highlights of the weekend was the 4- 20 minute phone calls that Kerry did for me to get my phone carrier switched from very substandard-Mint mobile. I HATE those calls!

I went with a cheapo carrier who uses ATT, who I bought my phone from originally. It seems to work perfectly...connecting instantly instead of the 10 or 15 seconds I would wait on Mint mobile. Pics text far, so good! 324 bucks for the year, unlimited everything.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone,

On my Jacky and Daisy thread I have been talking about the time when my friend from orchestra and her husband took Jacky and Daisy in when I moved from my old flat. They were settled into their vegetable patch immediately......



Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
A CAT AND a rabbit? You know, Erin just got a kitten too, to play with Hazel her bunny.
Is that a "thing"...cats and bunnies?

I got home a little while ago, mostly unpacked, waiting for Ex to arrive to get her stuff from my truck. What a great w/e! I learned a new thing...............after building hotels and other building in the DC market for 40 yrs, I was sorry that the hotel only had a Accessible room to rent us.. till we opened the door anyway...Holy Jeez, there had to be 450sf in that place....Hampton Inn & suites was sweet! Huge bathroom, kitchen area....and a semi-heated pool...and yes, I went swimming with my toys! LOL

The wedding was perfect, just perfect....different and traditional in one....they did a great job putting it all together. My daughter had assembled a 50 page instruction guide for the venue. She's super organized like that. Everyone had a great time and as a dad, being able to walk my daughter down the aisle was one of these bucket list things that I'd hoped to do some was every bit as cool as it should be. I also got great pics of all three of my kids dressed up, NOT for a funeral, together! My ex brother in law...haven't seen him in nearly 20 years....look just like local News slime ball Marty Bass! He got caught buying pootietang from a undercover cop when he joined the local News channel....they kept him on afterwards but the slime and stench never wore off him.
What's really his last name IS Bass too!

View attachment 363351
View attachment 363352
We went to a State park before rehearsal on Sat place...I saw this sign and knew it would be neat!
View attachment 363353

The King and Queens seat

View attachment 363354
A ledge with a view..

View attachment 363355

I wasn't able to go "spiderman" all over them like normal....I couldn't afford an injury!

One of the true highlights of the weekend was the 4- 20 minute phone calls that Kerry did for me to get my phone carrier switched from very substandard-Mint mobile. I HATE those calls!

I went with a cheapo carrier who uses ATT, who I bought my phone from originally. It seems to work perfectly...connecting instantly instead of the 10 or 15 seconds I would wait on Mint mobile. Pics text far, so good! 324 bucks for the year, unlimited everything.
Yes bunnies and kitties can get along very well. Dilly grew up with a Californian. They were best friends. I have pictures of them cuddling up with each other. He gets along well with Razberri my latest rabbit. QueSi though he would mess with bad.until she put him in his place. It was hilarious to watch a cat running from a rabbit. Dilly is a wuss 😁 I like your wedding picture.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
I thought my daughter nuts...but I guess she knew too about the cats getting along with bunnies....guess those 60's Cartoons did their damage!

The wedding was very special thanks N, but there were 77 people there other than my daughter and her new husband and none of them wanted to hear me sing, especially the bride!

Her wedding song that I walked her in on.....was the Theme from Jurassic Park!

We danced to the Carpenters

They were announced to the room to Enter Metallica!


The crappy photo was taken at a perfect time..I had just asked my daughter; "Do you remember when Kyle ran out of the theater when we tired to see Jurassic park & we all had to leave because he freaked?"

This story was discussed at the wedding of course....Son still feels "damaged" by that a a few other little hearing Megalodon is actually real, while we are 50 miles out on a small fishing boat.....hey, in all honesty, I didn't expect the reaction he had! The National aquarium "incident" as it was recalled wasn't my fault! Wouldn't you expect a 3 year old to realize that a shark can't really come out of the aquarium to eat him, no matter what daddy says? I did and guess what....I was very, very wrong about that! LOL....then each of the girls shared one or two of their memorable adventures growing was fantastic having them together!

Ex was a good girl but it still feels weird when her and Kerry are laughing and talking hours on end. She came by yesterday & we had one of those philosophical conversations about life and it's twists and curves and she didn't even cry too much till I told her that she did a good job over the last couple of months with taking care of her husband, our son and helping the decorate and clean up over the weekend. So I told her "That's a lot for a older woman"....yeah, that pretty much dried all the tears... LOL...

Enjoy the day guys...

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
I thought my daughter nuts...but I guess she knew too about the cats getting along with bunnies....guess those 60's Cartoons did their damage!

The wedding was very special thanks N, but there were 77 people there other than my daughter and her new husband and none of them wanted to hear me sing, especially the bride!

Her wedding song that I walked her in on.....was the Theme from Jurassic Park!

We danced to the Carpenters

They were announced to the room to Enter Metallica!


The crappy photo was taken at a perfect time..I had just asked my daughter; "Do you remember when Kyle ran out of the theater when we tired to see Jurassic park & we all had to leave because he freaked?"

This story was discussed at the wedding of course....Son still feels "damaged" by that a a few other little hearing Megalodon is actually real, while we are 50 miles out on a small fishing boat.....hey, in all honesty, I didn't expect the reaction he had! The National aquarium "incident" as it was recalled wasn't my fault! Wouldn't you expect a 3 year old to realize that a shark can't really come out of the aquarium to eat him, no matter what daddy says? I did and guess what....I was very, very wrong about that! LOL....then each of the girls shared one or two of their memorable adventures growing was fantastic having them together!

Ex was a good girl but it still feels weird when her and Kerry are laughing and talking hours on end. She came by yesterday & we had one of those philosophical conversations about life and it's twists and curves and she didn't even cry too much till I told her that she did a good job over the last couple of months with taking care of her husband, our son and helping the decorate and clean up over the weekend. So I told her "That's a lot for a older woman"....yeah, that pretty much dried all the tears... LOL...

Enjoy the day guys...
Cats and rabbits also have the same dander. It's weird because they have completely different digestive systems. I can't promise that every cat is good around a bunny. Some kitties like to hunt too much. But from what I've seen a rabbit can hold their own and won't take any crap from an underling.😊in a domestic situation.😁🙃 It looks like the wedding was a lot of fun. Nice. Watch out they multiply 😜 like bunnies 😊


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
Well I have been battling feeling like crap for a few weeks. The whole time Rose has been telling me to go to the doctors.
Late last night it hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't get my oxygen saturation above 85.
When the chest pains and pressure became unbearable. I went to the hospital. I have pneumonia again. So will probably be here for 3 or 4 more days.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Geez Ray....very sorry to hear bud. Hospital life sucks but at least you are a frequent flier so you prob know everyone there.

....85%? I was incoherent at 91%....really out of it so I hope that you are ok.
Does that cause the chest pain?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
I thought my daughter nuts...but I guess she knew too about the cats getting along with bunnies....guess those 60's Cartoons did their damage!

The wedding was very special thanks N, but there were 77 people there other than my daughter and her new husband and none of them wanted to hear me sing, especially the bride!

Her wedding song that I walked her in on.....was the Theme from Jurassic Park!

We danced to the Carpenters

They were announced to the room to Enter Metallica!


The crappy photo was taken at a perfect time..I had just asked my daughter; "Do you remember when Kyle ran out of the theater when we tired to see Jurassic park & we all had to leave because he freaked?"

This story was discussed at the wedding of course....Son still feels "damaged" by that a a few other little hearing Megalodon is actually real, while we are 50 miles out on a small fishing boat.....hey, in all honesty, I didn't expect the reaction he had! The National aquarium "incident" as it was recalled wasn't my fault! Wouldn't you expect a 3 year old to realize that a shark can't really come out of the aquarium to eat him, no matter what daddy says? I did and guess what....I was very, very wrong about that! LOL....then each of the girls shared one or two of their memorable adventures growing was fantastic having them together!

Ex was a good girl but it still feels weird when her and Kerry are laughing and talking hours on end. She came by yesterday & we had one of those philosophical conversations about life and it's twists and curves and she didn't even cry too much till I told her that she did a good job over the last couple of months with taking care of her husband, our son and helping the decorate and clean up over the weekend. So I told her "That's a lot for a older woman"....yeah, that pretty much dried all the tears... LOL...

Enjoy the day guy
Dear Ray,

Get better quickly.


Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Geez Ray....very sorry to hear bud. Hospital life sucks but at least you are a frequent flier so you prob know everyone there.

....85%? I was incoherent at 91%....really out of it so I hope that you are ok.
Does that cause the chest pain?
It's funny. I have to wear fingerless gloves in the winter even indoors They get a reading on me that says I'm dead meat if I don't.😜

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Well I have been battling feeling like crap for a few weeks. The whole time Rose has been telling me to go to the doctors.
Late last night it hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't get my oxygen saturation above 85.
When the chest pains and pressure became unbearable. I went to the hospital. I have pneumonia again. So will probably be here for 3 or 4 more days.
I'm glad you're getting the help you need and you went there on time. Did they call it walking pneumonia?🙃 sorry I couldn't resist.🤗🙏

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Aug 9, 2018
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Joe is having a serious problem with his eyes. He has high pressure in both eyes. He's going to need eye drops in both eyes several different times a day for me to help him. He thinks if he starts eating carrots he will get better and that will fix it. Carrots are good for you... Buttt he still needs his drops. He's fighting me and doesn't know any better. I need Devine help.🤗🙏 to help him.