
Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Geez Ray....very sorry to hear bud. Hospital life sucks but at least you are a frequent flier so you prob know everyone there.

....85%? I was incoherent at 91%....really out of it so I hope that you are ok.
Does that cause the chest pain?
Yes it's like a pressure on my chest. So I can't take in enough oxygen and can't expel enough CO2. Then if I wait to many days and it doesn't clear up. I end up with pneumonia mostly because the lower half of my right lung is scared up. So crud settles in there.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Joe is having a serious problem with his eyes. He has high pressure in both eyes. He's going to need eye drops in both eyes several different times a day for me to help him. He thinks if he starts eating carrots he will get better and that will fix it. Carrots are good for you... Buttt he still needs his drops. He's fighting me and doesn't know any better. I need Devine help.🤗🙏 to help him.
Wow Cathie, I hope Joe will start working with you. I will throw out a few prayers for you and Joe 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Ray will get better.....he's got his sweethearts lifeforce boosting him.......but like a little boy, he needs his hand slapped for ignoring himself and his own needs......God is slapping it now for him, he'll be fine soon.

Sum it up okay buddy?


And how Ms Cathie "deals day to day" with a smile, without ingesting huge amounts of drugs is beyond me. "Constant care" means exactly that and it can only be a gift of the heart.....

See? You guys humble me....constantly. Think you could let up a bit? LOL It's kind of embarrassing when you're a bit rough around the edges and go though life with blinders on to most of what you guys, see....

enjoy the day guys.....


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
I hope Ray's okay today

Feeling a little better today. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well and then the 2nd shift was totally incompetent. With these traveling care workers in the hospitals. Care has totally went down hill.
Thanks for all the concerns. TFO has become more than just learning how to take care of Opo.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Feeling a little better today. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well and then the 2nd shift was totally incompetent. With these traveling care workers in the hospitals. Care has totally went down hill.
Thanks for all the concerns. TFO has become more than just learning how to take care of Opo.
Our NHS is in disarray as well. Glad your feeling better Ray.


Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Wow Cathie, I hope Joe will start working with you. I will throw out a few prayers for you and Joe 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I don't blame him. It's a crazy amount of eye drops to try and help him. It's 4 different ones at various times of day. Pray I can keep them all straight.🥴

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Feeling a little better today. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well and then the 2nd shift was totally incompetent. With these traveling care workers in the hospitals. Care has totally went down hill.
Thanks for all the concerns. TFO has become more than just learning how to take care of Opo.
I feel the same about TFO. My friends here are my main way of getting to just talk with people everyday. They are so fun and interesting 🤗 though.😊

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Ray will get better.....he's got his sweethearts lifeforce boosting him.......but like a little boy, he needs his hand slapped for ignoring himself and his own needs......God is slapping it now for him, he'll be fine soon.

Sum it up okay buddy?


And how Ms Cathie "deals day to day" with a smile, without ingesting huge amounts of drugs is beyond me. "Constant care" means exactly that and it can only be a gift of the heart.....

See? You guys humble me....constantly. Think you could let up a bit? LOL It's kind of embarrassing when you're a bit rough around the edges and go though life with blinders on to most of what you guys, see....

enjoy the day guys.....
Immodium is a daily soft gel drug I have to take so who says I'm dealing with it 😭 very well.🥴

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
I just keep coming back here just cause...........ya'all haven't banned me yet.

I saw Dr Chiro yesterday for the 1st time in 2 weeks. I was pretty jacked up & on the verge of a migraine. I have not been a happy camper this week. The Subnados ripped my shoulders from their sockets as I did way too much with them in a 25' pool over the weekend. Using 2 machines moves you so fast that you are navigating the pool like a F1 driver! The walls are concrete too!

For fun, I placed them in front of me while I stood in 3' of water, and activated them, pushing against me while I fought to hold them back. WOW! 28-28lb of thrust is HARD to hold back against! Anyway, Dr worked me over trying to get everything to release. I still didn't feel so great when I went to bed at 6:30or so.....but I slept 8 hours last night for maybe the 2nd time this year! This morning my shoulders feel like butter....ahhhhh.

Going over to Kerrys this morning to get ready for Thanksgiving next week. We had a "Come to Jesus" moment earlier this week about the leaves in her yard. I LOVE trees, but I pay a man hundreds of dollars each Fall just so I don't have to rake. The chances of me going to her home to rake the leaves after paying someone to do mine.....there is zero chance of that happening for no other reason than I'm just not that stupid. She understood and has drafted her son to come over to rake. LOL

So, Thanksgiving. It will be her Dad and my ex, her hubby, my kids, Ex's aunt and sis...a boyfriend &, girlfriend.

12, maybe 13 total showing up and I'll stop and ask Bill the local bike shop owner if he wants to come with Debbie his wife. and me thinks we still have waaaay too much food

She "adopted" a 25lb turkey. I asked her does she get visitation with the Adoption? She said yes, once the adoption is "processed" next Tues! LOL
We also have a 8lb USDA Prime grade Standing prime rib roast
My son is bringing a Ham because Auntie P doesn't like turkey....

I told Kerry that she will be able to get rid of all her old tupperware stuff when she sends everyone home with a weeks worth of food!

She said; "No, I thought of that so I bought new ones so I can send people home with food in new tupperware. "
Smart woman, she was already on it!

enjoy the day guys.....

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Immodium is a daily soft gel drug I have to take so who says I'm dealing with it 😭 very well.🥴
I have to laugh or I'll cry. And well...all sobbing does is stuff up my nose. That is so uncomfortable 🥴 so I refuse to.