Cathie G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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More than fifty years of memories and I may add to my new thread. Now it is just me and Jacky but I still say good morning and goodnight to Daisy and Jacky's awake I also mention TT and yesterday I needed to do it most of all.

Yes. Tortoises live such a long life it's like losing a grandmother even a great grandmother. That's a really hard loss. 🤗

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
The w/e was all about getting the house in order for Thanksgiving. She starts with the familiar "You need company to make yourself do a good cleaning" thing that we've all heard. I know she learned that from her mother because my kids did too, from theirs! Her son came over and raked & mowed the front yard for her. That was pretty cool. I did outside stuff while letting her do inside stuff for the holidays.

Thanksgiving will be fun.....I can't hardy wait! The sociological aspect of gathering a bunch of a big petri dish of personalities!

The count for Thanksgiving has jumped to 15. Her son is bringing his girlfriend, her dad and her brother. She lives with "mom" but her folks don't get along, at all. I met her Dad once when he came over to help her son move. I would never have done that but it was a help to me that he did. I wonder how he will react to seeing my ex and Kerry being friends. Maybe he will see there really isn't need for hate/anger after a relationship has changed. I think he just got "tagged" and didn't know he was a #. Some guys aren't real sharp that way. They get blinded. ("Mom" has 4 different "baby daddy's")

Kerry's 93 year old dad is coming down this evening on the train from Long Island. He's one very cool and able old man. He still golfs and takes 5 miles walks. Has the pope on speed-dial but is very openminded, happy, generous.....he's another I'd like to be like when I grow up some day. Anyway, I don't think he has met my ex wife and her husband or my son yet so that will be cool. Everyone in their fam hates Kerry's ex, not undeserved from what I can tell so this will be new to him, neato!

I got home from Kerry's yesterday and after gathering the laundry to go in, I filled the big tub, then started the washer. "Retirement" will be easier, right guys, because I won't be doing the weekend-warrior thing? I've been telling myself this for a couple of years....since the w/e's began to "hurt" LOL!

Brandon is taking this week off and thankfully, he left me nothing to do.............that's a double-edged sword....
one- I can shop a lot
two- I can TYPE alot!

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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The w/e was all about getting the house in order for Thanksgiving. She starts with the familiar "You need company to make yourself do a good cleaning" thing that we've all heard. I know she learned that from her mother because my kids did too, from theirs! Her son came over and raked & mowed the front yard for her. That was pretty cool. I did outside stuff while letting her do inside stuff for the holidays.

Thanksgiving will be fun.....I can't hardy wait! The sociological aspect of gathering a bunch of a big petri dish of personalities!

The count for Thanksgiving has jumped to 15. Her son is bringing his girlfriend, her dad and her brother. She lives with "mom" but her folks don't get along, at all. I met her Dad once when he came over to help her son move. I would never have done that but it was a help to me that he did. I wonder how he will react to seeing my ex and Kerry being friends. Maybe he will see there really isn't need for hate/anger after aking this week off and thankfully, he left me noth
Im only hoping I get 14 people.because I bought a 16 lb turkey. 🥴Eeek and I hate leftovers. Maybe I can pawn some of it off on them. Do you have an eight foot table?🙏🤗

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I bet Dilly would love the leftovers.

You can't believe how finicky Dilly is about what he'll eat. He likes his kibble mainly. But he'll eat his Fancy feast. However, it has to be salmon, tomatoes, carrots, and spinach. I use 1/3 can daily with a capsule of Zylkene when he needs physco medicine. And he does right now. He'll eat little bites of turkey maybe 🤔 he won't eat Fancy Feast unless it has his medicine on it! Is that ridiculous or what 😁

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Im only hoping I get 14 people.because I bought a 16 lb turkey. 🥴Eeek and I hate leftovers. Maybe I can pawn some of it off on them. Do you have an eight foot table?🙏🤗

LOL...good for you! 14 is a lot to do by yourself, you already started, right? I hope the others are bringing dishes for you guys....

Pro Tip;
family and friends will stay to cleanup, "guests" do not....

I agree on the table. There comes a point where passing all those plates of stuff around the table would require a 16' table! Most dining rm tables only seat 10/12 if you add leafs!

God Bless Buffet style! LOL
God bless the "kids table"

Kerry is bumming a 6ft'er already and we moved this cabinet thingy from the kitchen to the dining room wall as the top opens to a 5' table, add that to the adjacent kitchen island & counters....she's good to go.

Question.....if you have two ovens, stacked......and you are cooking turkey and beef at the same time, which would you put on top? Does it matter?

I'm thinking turkey on top just b/c of it's weight.

I am admiring my work:


(the result of years of conditioning)

Now if my friend from the UK "gets it", I'll be impressed....and no fair googling. LOL


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Good evening everyone!

I assume that on Thanksgiving Day you all have Turkey like Xmas Day. Are there any other similarities?


PS: When is Thanksgiving Day?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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LOL...good for you! 14 is a lot to do by yourself, you already started, right? I hope the others are bringing dishes for you guys....

Pro Tip;
family and friends will stay to cleanup, "guests" do not....

I agree on the table. There comes a point where passing all those plates of stuff around the table would require a 16' table! Most dining rm tables only seat 10/12 if you add leafs!

God Bless Buffet style! LOL
God bless the "kids table"

Kerry is bumming a 6ft'er already and we moved this cabinet thingy from the kitchen to the dining room wall as the top opens to a 5' table, add that to the adjacent kitchen island & counters....she's good to go.

Question.....if you have two ovens, stacked......and you are cooking turkey and beef at the same time, which would you put on top? Does it matter?

I'm thinking turkey on top just b/c of it's weight.

(the result of years of conditioning)

Now if my friend from the UK "gets it", I'll be impressed....and no fair googling. LOL
Well no the bird is just thawing in the fridge. . I hope and pray a frozen bird is heavier than a thawed out one.🙃 I saw a cooking thing on the news today that said the turkey cooks better on the lowest part of the oven you can do. That recipe had you sit the pan on the oven floor. I usually do the lowest rack setting anyway. Once I get it in the oven it's all downhill. Whatever possessed me 🤔 to buy a 16 lb. Turkey 🦃 eeek

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Bottom oven, bottom rack....ok.

I'm envisioning poor Ms Cathie, wrestling a 20lb package of bird, stuffing and God knows what into the oven.....

Well, work is bagged for tomorrow. I woke 45 minutes ago with a headache. We have to draw a line in the sand. Dealing with sleep depravation I can do but not in combo with a headache and not in sloppy, rainy weather we have outside, on the day before Thanksgiving and if you haven't already heard it enough, let me bang it out for you one more time- "Which we all know is the The Busiest travel day of the Year!"

I kinda messed up...I want to get out early and go over to Kerry's but I made a Dr Chiro appointment for 330 this though, with the way I feel.....Come on 330!

I'm going to go look for some bullets...well just one................

I'm teasing folks....

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Bottom oven, bottom rack....ok.

I'm envisioning poor Ms Cathie, wrestling a 20lb package of bird, stuffing and God knows what into the oven.....

Well, work is bagged for tomorrow. I woke 45 minutes ago with a headache. We have to draw a line in the sand. Dealing with sleep depravation I can do but not in combo with a headache and not in sloppy, rainy weather we have outside, on the day before Thanksgiving and if you haven't already heard it enough, let me bang it out for you one more time- "Which we all know is the The Busiest travel day of the Year!"

I kinda messed up...I want to get out early and go over to Kerry's but I made a Dr Chiro appointment for 330 this though, with the way I feel.....Come on 330!

I'm going to go look for some bullets...well just one................

I'm teasing folks....
I've decided to make my brother put his muscles where his mouth is and stick the dang turkey in the oven when I get it ready for baking. As it turns out I'm going to have a full house later. I'll let my son take it out after I play around with it all day.🥴 and suck him into carving too 😁


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
Good morning all. I am hoping that you all have a very blessed thanksgiving in the states … and a just a blessed day if you are else where. I am thankful for all of my family and friends Today & everyday. Eat good!!


Well-Known Member
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Jun 30, 2018
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OMg!!! My grandkid, their partner, and I had planned a dinner for just us...bought a $40 freakin honey basted ham, small menu...THEN...we found out my plan wasn't gonna work as my son, his wife, an adult daughter and son...and their 5, count'em five dogs, found out the plan...and they called to say they will be bringing a taco this point, 4 am here, I'm gonna make my ham dinner fix a plate then go get a motel room....jerks water turtles basking are just cooler lookin
Good morning all. I am hoping that you all have a very blessed thanksgiving in the states … and a just a blessed day if you are else where. I am thankful for all of my family and friends Today & everyday. Eat good!!
hi there!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
I've decided to make my brother put his muscles where his mouth is and stick the dang turkey in the oven when I get it ready for baking. As it turns out I'm going to have a full house later. I'll let my son take it out after I play around with it all day.🥴 and suck him into carving too 😁
The Malaysian way is to rub turmeric around it.


jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Happy Thanksgiving all.

True story; Yesterday, I decided that I "needed" a 1 liter scuba air bottle, to use with my underwater scooters. I thought this a brilliant plan....I won't have to come up to breath for 10mins or so and I can fill it for free!

Kerry however knowing that if I were to dive deep, a pulmonary embolism would be the result(due to my emphysema) said;
"You can buy it now honey, but you can't use it till we're married."

Smart, smart woman.......I am hitting way above my pay grade.

Have fun today, you too Mags.....enjoy the family and different's going to be a hoot here today!

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