jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
You too B?

You know you have a prob when your sweetheart is constantly reminding you in conversations where you guys are talking about the places that you've been together; "Honey, that wasn't with me" and you've been with her 11 years. Kerry is convinced that my mind inserts whoever I'm with, into the memories of the places I've been. LOL

That MSRA is bad stuff Ray, almost sounds like you've been down that road before? When my son got it, he was one of many on the Highschool football team, they think is was in the powder box....anyway, it put him in the hospital and like me, he's never been sick since being a small child. I'm really glad they are making you wait till you are 100% cleared.

We've been getting so much rain we can't mow. I compounded my prob because I "poisoned" (for Tom LOL)my lawn so badly that my grass is nearly a foot tall in places. I got home at 1 yesterday and sent both of the mowers out in the front and back yards. After they ea recharged, I sent them out again at 5pm to get the missed spots. They are impressive little machines for being "dumb". When they hit really tall or thick stuff, they stop moving forward and the mowing blades spin into "Turbo" mode, then it begins to move forward again. When the resistance drops as it gets into lower or thinner grass, the blades slow down. It mowed 8-12" of grass to 2.5" (the grass cries, I know) and it's very addictive to watch them. Some have mentioned "like crack" however that's a metric I have no experience with so I'll take their word.

Enjoy the day guys


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Oct 14, 2017
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You too B?

You know you have a prob when your sweetheart is constantly reminding you in conversations where you guys are talking about the places that you've been together; "Honey, that wasn't with me" and you've been with her 11 years. Kerry is convinced that my mind inserts whoever I'm with, into the memories of the places I've been. LOL

That MSRA is bad stuff Ray, almost sounds like you've been down that road before? When my son got it, he was one of many on the Highschool football team, they think is was in the powder box....anyway, it put him in the hospital and like me, he's never been sick since being a small child. I'm really glad they are making you wait till you are 100% cleared.

We've been getting so much rain we can't mow. I compounded my prob because I "poisoned" (for Tom LOL)my lawn so badly that my grass is nearly a foot tall in places. I got home at 1 yesterday and sent both of the mowers out in the front and back yards. After they ea recharged, I sent them out again at 5pm to get the missed spots. They are impressive little machines for being "dumb". When they hit really tall or thick stuff, they stop moving forward and the mowing blades spin into "Turbo" mode, then it begins to move forward again. When the resistance drops as it gets into lower or thinner grass, the blades slow down. It mowed 8-12" of grass to 2.5" (the grass cries, I know) and it's very addictive to watch them. Some have mentioned "like crack" however that's a metric I have no experience with so I'll take their word.

Enjoy the day guys
Just got the word if they get the culture back today. I will go home. Even if it is MRSA, they just want to make sure they send me home with the right antibiotics.
Jeff what kind of self mowing lawnmowers do you have? I have someone cutting the lawn now. But the price just keeps going up. I was thinking about what you have.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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They just hung a sign on my door saying I am in isolation. 😒
When I asked what infection I have, she said she didn't know. Now I guess I wait for the doctor or nurse.
Covid maybe? I hope not and that whatever it is can be cleared up quickly so that you can go home. Maybe delay the fishing trip to make sure you are completely well?

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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What's starting to make me worry is May 12th - 14th. I have a 3 day 2 night fishing trip out past the Dry Tortugas. I hope the infection is gone by then.
Ray you are a beautiful brat 🤣. But I guess you'll have to take doctors orders when you get home with the right antibiotics. And I'm sure Rose will put her foot down if you're in any danger.🥴😉🤗🙏

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Good afternoon/evening all.
The rain has arrived again, but it was quite nice earlier so was out and about.
Looks like it's staying with us for the next couple of days - I hope it's drier in London for all the folks already camping out to catch a glimpse of the Royal family.
Have a good Thursday!

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Good afternoon/evening all.
The rain has arrived again, but it was quite nice earlier so was out and about.
Looks like it's staying with us for the next couple of days - I hope it's drier in London for all the folks already camping out to catch a glimpse of the Royal family.
Have a good Thursday!
Sorry I'm so glad the world keeps spinning. Looks like you're getting a dose of the weather we've had but finally cleared up today. Only 2 days to go and I'll bet we get a lot more info tomorrow on the coronation on Saturday. I'll be watching and hoping with you.🤗. If it does rain though I'll bet they have beautiful umbrellas.👑☂️🌂


Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
Covid maybe? I hope not and that whatever it is can be cleared up quickly so that you can go home. Maybe delay the fishing trip to make sure you are completely well?
I found out it's MRSA. Not sure what I am going to do about the fishing trip yet.

Len B

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Stephs are serious and you have people that depend on you being here tomorrow. So I wouldn't worry about the fishing trip and think more about the people that depend on you being here today and tomorrow. Just take care of yourself for your health and the benefit of the others. I'm in a different situation, people will benefit from my death (that's the way it should be) because no one no longer has to depend on me being here tomorrow. That's all been taken care of. Except for my dogs because no one will be able cook for them the way I do. It's time consuming and I have the time to spoil all five of them. Hope you are feeling better real soon.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Great News Ray that they are going to let you out.......and I hope you make your trip.....that sounds fun! You just need to beat up on that MRSA first! Kick it's bum! Tell it to vacate! I do that stuff all the time at the hint of feeling bad....seems to work, even with covid!

I was thinking about fishing on vacation next month but I'll take a good hard look at the boats first.
I was going to fish in Mexico 30 yrs ago on the West coast and when my wife came down to the docks and asked when I was going out I told her "never". The boats were not safe to me....not at all and this is coming from the guy who parasailed, on a "tied-together-in-4-places" 300' rope over Acapulco bay! LOL (it was water below, what could go wrong?)

& Len, you aren't "expendable" might not have folks that rely on you anymore....but you are still just as important, you just don't see it...but you're still cool!

Finally. A nice calm and warm evening. Lots of casual yard work, a bit of a fire & some baked new potatoes.
I put a huge 20 oz steak on the grill.....that ran out of gas 4 minutes later!!
I didn't feel like cleaning the broiler afterwards so pan fried steak it was. Let me tell you something, it's takes some serious skills to get a med-rare steak from a frying pan!
It was nice out though. The winds calmed taking the chill out of the air.

Went to bed at 5:30 or 6 after so little sleep the night before, then Kerry wakes me at 11 when she comes over b/c she has a flight to Albany this morning....she should be up in the air by now. Anyway, I have a waterbed so she wakes me for the night, when she crawls into bed at 11pm....ahhh, at least it's Friday!

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