Cathie G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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We have well water at the Nook and it's barely got a hint of "Water/creekfront". I installed an RO filter for the fridge but it's fine for drinking. I saw a sign yesterday....only $6.50 for 5 gal of H2O & I broke out laughing.

Just like Cigs and frogs in hot water.......if you ratchet it up slow enough, they will self-cook, in both cases!
I spend less buying 240buck an ounce WEED than my neighbor does on cigs.....LOL noooooo, nothing wrong here folks!

Kerry is still sleeping. We are wiped! We got all 6 bikes and 1 car over the Bay Bridge, to the Nook.
WHEW! I burned more calories from stress than the work!

I'm having a fire sale on Craigslist later today for the remaining 5 bikes.

My septic guy is laying a new drainfield next week, the day scheduled for closing on the sale. LOL

Tammy is going to hate us......................she is in Jamaica keeping her head down from the storm......and I'm reaching out to Sunset at the Palms to see about a return trip TO Jamaica in a week or two for a week or two.

The Williamsburg trip was needed to get over the mountain of moving the vehicles. The next trip will be needed to get back to normal after the sale is complete. LOL

Hmmm, I wonder if Kerry will be up for parasailing again???
If I had RO tap water I would definitely feel better about our tap water for my animals. What bothers me is I'll bet the water here would destroy the apparatus in a short time 🤔🙃 it does everything else. Plumbing, humidifiers, etc etc...

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
It's interesting, we have a friend that swears that RO water makes her whole family ill. I don't know what's going on but she was adamant so I didn't argue with her.

What do you have their Ms Cathie? Iron, calcium, hydrogen sulfide smell?
All of the above?

Calcium is usually the "killer of all things plumbing".

The only thing that generally bother me in some well water is iron.....some wells are orange and leave that nasty aftertaste. Thankfully, we have good water here and we don't need any of the Softening equipment I had installed at the old house.

Won't be going to the Caribbean after all, it's going to take them some time to rebuild. The place we stay was evacuated this morning.

We took a ride in the convertible this evening......was very nice in the country.

Didn't get the bikes listed yet but managed to give one away.....I need to get them listed! LOL


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
It's interesting, we have a friend that swears that RO water makes her whole family ill. I don't know what's going on but she was adamant so I didn't argue with her.

What do you have their Ms Cathie? Iron, calcium, hydrogen sulfide smell?
All of the above?

Calcium is usually the "killer of all things plumbing".

The only thing that generally bother me in some well water is iron.....some wells are orange and leave that nasty aftertaste. Thankfully, we have good water here and we don't need any of the Softening equipment I had installed at the old house.

Won't be going to the Caribbean after all, it's going to take them some time to rebuild. The place we stay was evacuated this morning.

We took a ride in the convertible this evening......was very nice in the country.

Didn't get the bikes listed yet but managed to give one away.....I need to get them listed! LOL
Are the bikes, bicycles or motorcycles?

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Are the bikes, bicycles or motorcycles?
motorcycles Ray...but no dirt bikes.
All are 2 Strokes

1- 1975 Yamaha RD350
2-1975 Suzuki GT-550's
1- 1974 Suzuki GT-750
1-1972 Kawasaki H1 ex-racer

Happy 4th guys!

We are playing outside today. Moving things, finding homes for things. We've even cut a path through all the boxes on the garage by putting things away!
FWIW- For some reason I have 12 motorcycle seats. Yup. THAT'S what poor Kerry is dealing with.

Here are the bikes I kept at their temporary home in the driveway. Eventually the car goes in the garage and my truck goes back under the canopy.

Bikes go in the living

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I woke up this a.m. to no water, and since we're in the middle of a heat wave with triple digit temperatures, and my evaporative cooler works on water, this was NOT a Martha Stewart 'good thing'.

My water is pumped out of the ground with a pressure system. When the pressure gauge gets down in the low pressure zone the pump turns on and pumps up more water into the tank.

So I placed an early morning phone call to my personal plumber/pump guy, who just happens to be my son-in-law, and lives a stone's throw away from me. He dropped everything (yeah, right!) and rushed right over.

An hour later he drives up, parks by the pressure system, gets out of the truck holding a screw driver, walks over to the pump and taps the handle of the screw driver onto the little electric box that encases the points. Pump starts right up! He gets in his truck and drives away.

I have water!!

Len B

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10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2010
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Southern Md - Northern Neck Va
I woke up this a.m. to no water, and since we're in the middle of a heat wave with triple digit temperatures, and my evaporative cooler works on water, this was NOT a Martha Stewart 'good thing'.

My water is pumped out of the ground with a pressure system. When the pressure gauge gets down in the low pressure zone the pump turns on and pumps up more water into the tank.

So I placed an early morning phone call to my personal plumber/pump guy, who just happens to be my son-in-law, and lives a stone's throw away from me. He dropped everything (yeah, right!) and rushed right over.

An hour later he drives up, parks by the pressure system, gets out of the truck holding a screw driver, walks over to the pump and taps the handle of the screw driver onto the little electric box that encases the points. Pump starts right up! He gets in his truck and drives away.

I have water!!
Maybe it took an hour to get there because he had to go get the right screwdriver.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
personal plumber/pump guy, who just happens to be my son-in-law, and lives a stone's throw away from me.
Perfect, just perfect! You sure don't need that drama, not in weather like this!

All the bikes came inside yesterday, not all in their permanent homes but at least inside. This morning I installed a window AC in the garage. I have been running a dehumidifier out there since I put my boxes in there to keep them solid so it was 89F/34% humidity this morning when I turned it on. It's 98 outside but the little AC is doing's 85F/35% humidity after 6 hours. I can work in that environment but that won't be till is a rest day. It's really a "jeff hurt his back in Williamsburg and it hasn't gotten better" day.

My plan with the motorcycles was to save the good bikes then sell the "trash bikes" after all the good bikes were moved. Today, I listed the first ad for one of the 5 bikes for sale. I was working on the 2nd listing when I got a call from a guy 15 minutes from my home..............he said he will call me Monday when I go back on that side of the Bay and will buy them all.

I kind of figured they'd go quick. Of course we'll see if he shows....but my gut says he will. I trust my gut....I haven't listed any more bikes.

Hope everyone is staying out of the heat....on a bright note, Hummingbirds are coming to my feeders here at the Nook! I've seen 2 different ones so far. I moved the feeder and one came down to the old location, looking for it...they he saw it and flew to it!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Greetings all! Hot hot hot & nasty here. My garden is parched.

Sad days here, we decided that it’s now time to REHOME our ten year old Sully. It’s been a great 10 years taking care of this wonderful baby that has grown & grown and grown.

Our female Sully is 10 years old now and is easily pushing #150 lbs. We’ve been the sole owners since it hatched out & was shipped to us from @Lancecham in California.

Im hoping the kind Forum Folks will now help us find a new caring owner looking for a baby to care for. So, please push folks my way. I’m more than willing to drive a good way to make a hand off or delivery!

Stay cool & away from hurricanes!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Greetings all! Hot hot hot & nasty here. My garden is parched.

Sad days here, we decided that it’s now time to REHOME our ten year old Sully. It’s been a great 10 years taking care of this wonderful baby that has grown & grown and grown.

Our female Sully is 10 years old now and is easily pushing #150 lbs. We’ve been the sole owners since it hatched out & was shipped to us from @Lancecham in California.

Im hoping the kind Forum Folks will now help us find a new caring owner looking for a baby to care for. So, please push folks my way. I’m more than willing to drive a good way to make a hand off or delivery!

Stay cool & away from hurricanes!
Dear Yvonne,

Are you okay? We've been hearing about your heatwave but all we've had here are showers!


Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Dear Yvonne,

Are you okay? We've been hearing about your heatwave but all we've had here are showers!

Yeah, it's not pleasant, but we muddle through. Our temperature is breaking old records daily. Yesterday was 116°F. Made me wonder if I got shifted over to Arizona while I slept. It never gets that warm here

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
100.4F here at the Nook. I came back home this morning after nearly wiffing on my bikes for "gut" about the guy was wrong. 2 bikes gone out of 5. I'll list the other ads tonight.

Tomorrow the guy is supposed to replace my drain field at the home we sold. Its also supposed to be hotter tomorrow than today! On Sat we are meeting the couple who bought the home. My Agent called to see if I would telephone with them to review the homes features but I explained that without visual cues, communication would be no better than their own agents has had. So they are coming over at 2pm Sat so Kerry & I can show them how to use the features in the home. They are a young couple, we don't want this to be a nightmare....I did write the instructional mentioned in another thread so they can use it for reference.

OK guys, major admission....I went to the Dr Chiro today for my aching shoulder. I explained that it's getting worse over two weeks. I told him about our vacation and how I used the Subnados but Kerry may have "hoss'ed" me during a backrub afterwards.

He examined me in 17 different ways then issued the verdict: I Subnado'ed myself doing the spins and instant changes in direction. I managed to compress a neck vertebrae into my spine causing a compressed nerve...right above rib #1...I thought I saw God when he touched it....all I saw was bright light! It prob is made worse by my thoracic outlet syndrome.(that's a mouthful) too. I started on prednisone 5 day course to knock down the inflammation and pain...

All I'm saying is I was never so beat up for so long, when I worked! LMAO

Stay cool folks!

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Hope everyone is finding their own way of staying cool....thinking of Marks big black tub....hope you guys are using it.

Mark brought up a big topic here....what exactly do you do with 150lb tort? Not many folks have the area or financial capacity to care for that big boy! I have tried on several occasions to get Kerry to agree to a large outdoor enclosure with its own indoors but we have a lot of predators here so safety would be nearly impossible w/o creating something I wouldn't want in my yard.
Any luck finding a home for him yet? Where do you look besides the forum? I'm just curious.

Kerry went out tonight for Trivia night with the girls so I went for a drive in my little car. I just got back from a long drive on a country road with the top down, 135mph showing on the speedometer, music blaring and now my hair is a mess! LOL You know, every once in a while, it's good to get the adrenaline flowing! Kerry gets nervous at 70mph so I do there "supercharged-blasts" by myself. Not bad for a 22yr old car with 193,000 miles on it! It's goes faster but after a year or so at my own 70mph top speed in my truck, 135 was rather "exciting"!

My drain field was installed and inspected at the old house today...guys did a great job in 5 hrs! Money well spent.

I saw the closed part of the Palace is going to be open for our UK friends...very cool! First time in 170 years I think!


Unknown Member
10 Year Member!
Feb 5, 2011
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Hope everyone is finding their own way of staying cool....thinking of Marks big black tub....hope you guys are using it.

Mark brought up a big topic here....what exactly do you do with 150lb tort? Not many folks have the area or financial capacity to care for that big boy! I have tried on several occasions to get Kerry to agree to a large outdoor enclosure with its own indoors but we have a lot of predators here so safety would be nearly impossible w/o creating something I wouldn't want in my yard.
Any luck finding a home for him yet? Where do you look besides the forum? I'm just curious.

Kerry went out tonight for Trivia night with the girls so I went for a drive in my little car. I just got back from a long drive on a country road with the top down, 135mph showing on the speedometer, music blaring and now my hair is a mess! LOL You know, every once in a while, it's good to get the adrenaline flowing! Kerry gets nervous at 70mph so I do there "supercharged-blasts" by myself. Not bad for a 22yr old car with 193,000 miles on it! It's goes faster but after a year or so at my own 70mph top speed in my truck, 135 was rather "exciting"!

My drain field was installed and inspected at the old house today...guys did a great job in 5 hrs! Money well spent.

I saw the closed part of the Palace is going to be open for our UK friends...very cool! First time in 170 years I think!

ask for an aldabra and then compromise on a sulcata

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
J's going to get me into trouble!

We almost found Big Matt a Girlfriend....but it was another dude...roughly the same age, been chewed a bit but was cool , secure and active....we turned around and let him go in the woods where he was crossing the road this morning.20240711_091319.jpg20240711_091338.jpg

Very cool....
FWIW 15 -stud grand 2x4's, 1 box 3" screws, 1 mortise cutting set= 125bucks at Lowe's today.

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