Controversial pet visit ?


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Thank you to everyone my boy is at rest now . @Littleredfootbigredheart @Yvonne G @Tom @wellington @cooky_luvs @mark1
I hate to ask this but I don’t know what do now. I buried my dog a 15 years last year and honestly regret not cremating him instead I know some people keep the shelves of the tortoise after they pass. I think I might bury him next to my old dog in the backyard. But still not sure . Because what if if I move houses one day . I honestly never want to move because I buried my dog in the backyard there . Some people say you should send it in for lab work so you can see how he passed, but I’m not the type of person to really do that. I know some people taxidermy and keep the shells. But I don’t know. If you don’t mind me asking when you lose a tortoise what do you do?
Necropsy really isn't necessary in your case. It's pretty obvious what the COD was. Necropsy is important when people have a large collection of valuable important (genetically speaking...) tortoises. You need to know exactly why a tortoise died in that case.

What to do with the body varies with personal preference and also why the tortoise died. If contagious disease is suspected, it should be handled differently than a tortoise that died from something obvious, like being hit by a car or chewed by a dog, for example.

I'm sorry your baby didn't make it. You did everything humanly possible to try and save it. This was not your fault.


Jun 8, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Houston Tx
Thank you to everyone my boy is at rest now . @Littleredfootbigredheart @Yvonne G @Tom @wellington @cooky_luvs @mark1
I hate to ask this but I don’t know what do now. I buried my dog a 15 years last year and honestly regret not cremating him instead I know some people keep the shelves of the tortoise after they pass. I think I might bury him next to my old dog in the backyard. But still not sure . Because what if if I move houses one day . I honestly never want to move because I buried my dog in the backyard there . Some people say you should send it in for lab work so you can see how he passed, but I’m not the type of person to really do that. I know some people taxidermy and keep the shells. But I don’t know. If you don’t mind me asking when you lose a tortoise what do you do?


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
There’s always what ifs in the end , but I decided not to give him the remaining calcium and fortaz shots as many people told me it would be too much for his body.
His kidneys were shut down due to chronic dehydration before you got him. Those injections would have done nothing helpful, and without functioning kidneys to filter them out, they likely did harm. Your tortoise did not have a calcium deficiency, so injecting it with calcium makes no sense. Like wise, the bruising and softness of the plastron indicate end stage organ failure. The antibiotics don't do anything to help with that.

People always want to "do something" to save these tortoises, but you can't undo the damage that was done before you got it. The breeder who didn't start it right, or the seller who kept it too dry, sealed this baby's fate before you ever saw it. It takes weeks and sometimes months for them to finally die from it, but the lack of growth and other symptoms you saw are tell tale signs. A small percentage of them are not fatally damaged and with the right conditions and care routine can pull through, but most of them don't make it.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 22, 2018
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If you can afford to have a necropsy done, get it in the fridge immediately and talk to your vet tomorrow about having it shipped out.

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 21, 2023
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Thank you to everyone my boy is at rest now . @Littleredfootbigredheart @Yvonne G @Tom @wellington @cooky_luvs @mark1
I hate to ask this but I don’t know what do now. I buried my dog a 15 years last year and honestly regret not cremating him instead I know some people keep the shelves of the tortoise after they pass. I think I might bury him next to my old dog in the backyard. But still not sure . Because what if if I move houses one day . I honestly never want to move because I buried my dog in the backyard there . Some people say you should send it in for lab work so you can see how he passed, but I’m not the type of person to really do that. I know some people taxidermy and keep the shells. But I don’t know. If you don’t mind me asking when you lose a tortoise what do you do?
Oh.. I'm very sorry that your little baby has passed. You've been fighting till the end and you are a great tortoise keeper. I hope you can try again someday - your next tortoise is gonna be one of the happiest.

I would bury or cremate this little guy. I can't imagine looking every day at empty shell and recalling what happened.

Speaking of "if"s... There wasn't wrong or right decision. It was mostly game of chances. Even with all tests done and perfect support, care and treatment course there was no guarantee of success.

My sincere condolences. It's always hard to to me to see such outcomes and I can imagine that you feel thousand times worse.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Thank you to everyone my boy is at rest now . @Littleredfootbigredheart @Yvonne G @Tom @wellington @cooky_luvs @mark1
I hate to ask this but I don’t know what do now. I buried my dog a 15 years last year and honestly regret not cremating him instead I know some people keep the shelves of the tortoise after they pass. I think I might bury him next to my old dog in the backyard. But still not sure . Because what if if I move houses one day . I honestly never want to move because I buried my dog in the backyard there . Some people say you should send it in for lab work so you can see how he passed, but I’m not the type of person to really do that. I know some people taxidermy and keep the shells. But I don’t know. If you don’t mind me asking when you lose a tortoise what do you do?
I’m am truly so sorry for your loss, you have been such a wonderful parent to that baby and they were so so lucky to have someone like you fighting for them! You did everything you could, I don’t think the remaining injections would’ve brought this baby back from the failure he was already in, I think in not doing them, you saved him anymore pain and stress in his remaining days, he was loved and cared for in a wonderful little home you created, that baby knew nothing but kindness, that’s all that matters❤️you should be very proud.

With any pet I’ve lost, we’ve always opted for cremation, I’ve personally found it a comfort knowing they’re cosied up inside with me and I can take them where ever I go. But do what you feel is best to help you process what’s happened❤️

I don’t doubt you’re going to make a wonderful tortoise parent one day with a correctly started baby, none of this was your fault and I’m sure this little one would be watching over, knowing you’re doing it in his honour🐢💚


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10 Year Member!
Aug 17, 2013
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Garland, Texas
Thank you to everyone my boy is at rest now . @Littleredfootbigredheart @Yvonne G @Tom @wellington @cooky_luvs @mark1
I hate to ask this but I don’t know what do now. I buried my dog a 15 years last year and honestly regret not cremating him instead I know some people keep the shelves of the tortoise after they pass. I think I might bury him next to my old dog in the backyard. But still not sure . Because what if if I move houses one day . I honestly never want to move because I buried my dog in the backyard there . Some people say you should send it in for lab work so you can see how he passed, but I’m not the type of person to really do that. I know some people taxidermy and keep the shells. But I don’t know. If you don’t mind me asking when you lose a tortoise what do you do?
So sorry for your loss 😢 I just bury them myself. I would only consider doing a necropsy if one of my longtime tortoises just suddenly died, and there was no obvious cause. Necropsies can be quite expensive and don’t always bring additional insight.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Don't get a necropsy, like someone mentioned, waste of your money.
Some people bury them, not in a box or bag or anything and (this sounds gross and mean, sorry,) after some time, they will dig them up after the bugs have taken care of everything, only the shell is left. You can also place him in some kind of chemical, you'd have to look it up, and that will also empty the shell
I usually bury all my animals. I left quite a few buried at my childhood home when parents sold the house. All the animals either lived there at one time or loved going there. I also have a few at my old place, and a few at my home now. They will always stay in their burial home. I have two cremated as I'm running out of room to bury them where I know an animal can't dig them up.
Whatever makes you comfortable is what you should do.


Jun 8, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Houston Tx
Don't get a necropsy, like someone mentioned, waste of your money.
Some people bury them, not in a box or bag or anything and (this sounds gross and mean, sorry,) after some time, they will dig them up after the bugs have taken care of everything, only the shell is left. You can also place him in some kind of chemical, you'd have to look it up, and that will also empty the shell
I usually bury all my animals. I left quite a few buried at my childhood home when parents sold the house. All the animals either lived there at one time or loved going there. I also have a few at my old place, and a few at my home now. They will always stay in their burial home. I have two cremated as I'm running out of room to bury them where I know an animal can't dig them up.
Whatever makes you comfortable is what you should do.
Understood put him in a bag or box and bury deep enough where an animal can’t reach