Family "ghost" stories?

Megatron's Mom

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2022
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North Little Rock, Arkansas
So 32 years ago I had my first son. He was in his swing, like many other days. I used to think he was enjoying the TV on and would coo and giggle. One day I took a picture of him in the swing. When the film was developed it showed a pink smoke cloud. My apartment was completely blue. The walls and carpet everything. We did not smoke, or have any type of things burning in the apartment. This was the only picture out of all the pictures off that film developed with a pink figure/cloud. Then things started getting pieced together, that wasn't the only weird thing that happened in that place.

My mother passed away in June on her 72 birthday. She was undiagnosed for far too long and turned out to have end stage fibrosis of the lungs and COPD. Clear as a bell she came to me the night she died. Calling me by my nickname. I was in their apartment sleeping between two kids. Nobody else heard her. How I wish she could visit me again,

Shellion Mama

Nov 14, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
South Texas
Hello all, newcomer here. Love the stories.

My nieces baby would scream like crazy when she put her in her room.She was happy and playful in all the other rooms, so we set up cameras in her bedroom.
We caught a swirling black mist that covered the entire ceiling, in only one photo, the rest were normal.

My son saved & bought a nice vehicle, he was killed in it when he was 20.
Almost every time I unlock his vehicle, it locks itself before I can open the door. This happens when I intend to drive it. If I’m washing & waxing, it unlocks. I’ve changed the batteries in both remotes, still happens. If I hand the remote to my youngest son, and he pushes the button, it unlocks. I have to have him use the remote to unlock it for me.
When he was alive he always asked me to reset his seat & mirrors if I had driven it because he couldn’t fit in the vehicle with my settings. I forgot most of the time.
I’m the only one that’ll drive it & it’s almost always reverted back to his settings. Nobody else in my family is even close to as tall as he was.
As I’m typing this, things are falling off a shelf near me, coincidence? Probably.
He occasionally visits, I smell his cologne and his keys seem to disappear and turn up in odd places.
We went out to celebrate his birthday & upon entering the house, my youngest said, “ I hope he knows we miss him.” The lights blinked. My lights have never done that. My son said, “ if that was you, blink the lights 3 times”. They blinked 3 times.
It’s never happened again.
My mom is very subtle and gentle when she visits.
We have an old family graveyard on our ranch, there’s a small child buried in it. I’ve heard what sounds like a child skipping & singing more than once, during the day. I watched my cat interact with the sound & follow it. We don’t have any small kiddos out here & my neighbors are too far away to be heard.
Once we lived in a house built in early 1800’s and even my non believer husband told me it was haunted after having enough experiences.
I could go and on…..
I always try to debunk whatever it is first.
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10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Hello all, newcomer here. Love the stories.

My nieces baby would scream like crazy when she put her in her room.She was happy and playful in all the other rooms, so we set up cameras in her bedroom.
We caught a swirling black mist that covered the entire ceiling, in only one photo, the rest were normal.

My son saved & bought a nice vehicle, he was killed in it when he was 20.
Almost every time I unlock his vehicle, it locks itself before I can open the door. This happens when I intend to drive it. If I’m washing & waxing, it unlocks. I’ve changed the batteries in both remotes, still happens. If I hand the remote to my youngest son, and he pushes the button, it unlocks. I have to have him use the remote to unlock it for me.
When he was alive he always asked me to reset his seat & mirrors if I had driven it because he couldn’t fit in the vehicle with my settings. I forgot most of the time.
I’m the only one that’ll drive it & it’s almost always reverted back to his settings. Nobody else in my family is even close to as tall as he was.
As I’m typing this, things are falling off a shelf near me, coincidence? Probably.
He occasionally visits, I smell his cologne and his keys seem to disappear and turn up in odd places.
We went out to celebrate his birthday & upon entering the house, my youngest said, “ I hope he knows we miss him.” The lights blinked. My lights have never done that. My son said, “ if that was you, blink the lights 3 times”. They blinked 3 times.
It’s never happened again.
My mom is very subtle and gentle when she visits.
We have an old family graveyard on our ranch, there’s a small child buried in it. I’ve heard what sounds like a child skipping & singing more than once, during the day. I watched my cat interact with the sound & follow it. We don’t have any small kiddos out here & my neighbors are too far away to be heard.
Once we lived in a house built in early 1800’s and even my non believer husband told me it was haunted after having enough experiences.
I could go and on…..
I always try to debunk whatever it is first.
Thank you.
Especially as an adult, I'll self debunk strange things going on.
But there are those things that you just can't make sense of. Or come to any logical explanation of what exactly just happened to you.


10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
So 32 years ago I had my first son. He was in his swing, like many other days. I used to think he was enjoying the TV on and would coo and giggle. One day I took a picture of him in the swing. When the film was developed it showed a pink smoke cloud. My apartment was completely blue. The walls and carpet everything. We did not smoke, or have any type of things burning in the apartment. This was the only picture out of all the pictures off that film developed with a pink figure/cloud. Then things started getting pieced together, that wasn't the only weird thing that happened in that place.

My mother passed away in June on her 72 birthday. She was undiagnosed for far too long and turned out to have end stage fibrosis of the lungs and COPD. Clear as a bell she came to me the night she died. Calling me by my nickname. I was in their apartment sleeping between two kids. Nobody else heard her. How I wish she could visit me again,
Thank you very much for your contribution!

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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I don't remember if I've ever told this one before. One night when I was around 16 I couldn't sleep. So I just stayed up all night reading. It was in the late 60's early 70's. My family and I were living in an old farmhouse. We were using an electric heater to supplement the heat in the house. About 3am I heard my dad walk in and shout up the stairs to my mother. Hey Margie! I went running to see him but it must have been a figment of my imagination because he wasn't there. He was staying overnight for work 50 miles away. I heard him clear as day! Well that kept me up for a while longer. I was still reading when the electric heater cord blew apart and was sending electric strikes across the carpet. Even though I was totally freaking out I'm glad I was awake 😊 to unplug it. It looks to me like a devine plan.

Shellion Mama

Nov 14, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
South Texas
I don't remember if I've ever told this one before. One night when I was around 16 I couldn't sleep. So I just stayed up all night reading. It was in the late 60's early 70's. My family and I were living in an old farmhouse. We were using an electric heater to supplement the heat in the house. About 3am I heard my dad walk in and shout up the stairs to my mother. Hey Margie! I went running to see him but it must have been a figment of my imagination because he wasn't there. He was staying overnight for work 50 miles away. I heard him clear as day! Well that kept me up for a while longer. I was still reading when the electric heater cord blew apart and was sending electric strikes across the carpet. Even though I was totally freaking out I'm glad I was awake 😊 to unplug it. It looks to me like a devine plan.
we had a similar experience.
My Dad was out of town and my mama was in bed asleep. She woke up to the sound of her deceased brothers voice yelling at her to get up. She felt a very cold hand grabbing and shaking her arm.
She shot out of bed and yelled for him to stop it that he was frightening her.
She heard a noise and went into the living room to find someone had broken into the sliding glass doors and they ran out the door as she approached.
She’s never had anything like that happen to her again.
Thank you uncle John!
I don't remember if I've ever told this one before. One night when I was around 16 I couldn't sleep. So I just stayed up all night reading. It was in the late 60's early 70's. My family and I were living in an old farmhouse. We were using an electric heater to supplement the heat in the house. About 3am I heard my dad walk in and shout up the stairs to my mother. Hey Margie! I went running to see him but it must have been a figment of my imagination because he wasn't there. He was staying overnight for work 50 miles away. I heard him clear as day! Well that kept me up for a while longer. I was still reading when the electric heater cord blew apart and was sending electric strikes across the carpet. Even though I was totally freaking out I'm glad I was awake 😊 to unplug it. It looks to me like a devine plan.


10 Year Member!
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Actually wait, she did have another experience.
When she was in the hospital she was speaking to her parents and her brother 2 days before she died.
I mean she was having full on conversations with them while looking up into the corner of the room.
My mother did that a few years ago when she was in near death.
She was speaking to my sister. Who's been dead for some time.
Thankfully she recovered. That was pretty creepy

jeff kushner

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Jul 24, 2020
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When the connection Devine or otherwise is that strong, I'm a firm believer in the possibility of generating "conversation". Asking Y/N questions is the easiest but there has to be a very easy indicator.....I use divining rods. Lights blinking is a VERY strong that guy on the Ghost TV show.

There are things we don't know...............I'm good with that, are you? Really? LOL

Great thread....and it deserved a poke Z.

Shellion Mama

Nov 14, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
South Texas
When the connection Devine or otherwise is that strong, I'm a firm believer in the possibility of generating "conversation". Asking Y/N questions is the easiest but there has to be a very easy indicator.....I use divining rods. Lights blinking is a VERY strong that guy on the Ghost TV show.

There are things we don't know...............I'm good with that, are you? Really? LOL

Great thread....and it deserved a poke Z.
Bring those dowsing rods here! I need to find the best place to put my well.
I’ve tried them a few times, maybe I should try again.
My son that passed had the same interest in the unknown that I have. We’ve traveled to every state in the nation except Alaska.
We always sought out ghost tours or did ghost hunting of our own while we were on the road.
My son had a lot of equipment but the simplest of all (evp’s) seemed to always produce the most.
He did get pictures of full bodied apparitions. It was 3 boys taken in Salem.
They had burned to death, sadly.
The following night we went on a ghost tour and the guide told us that story so my son showed everyone his pictures taken in the area we were told it had happened.
The guide practically begged for his pictures.
I’ve looked all over, I wish I could find the pics.
It’s not a surprise that my son has visited us.
I’ve had many experiences, it started well before I lost loved ones.
my youngest son says I’m like the first person to get killed in horror movies because instead of running from noises I run to them.
I’ll give an example of something small sending me running….
We went to the ambush site of Bonnie & Clyde on a sunny day to get a good look.
It’s out on a country road with nothing else in sight but a headstone marking the area.
my youngest son was standing behind the headstone while I was taking his photo.
What sounded like a gun shot rang out just behind him.
So of course I go running towards it while he’s yelling at me to get to the vehicle, lol.
It wasn’t hunting season, I didn’t run into the woods just in case. I called out and didn’t get an answer, didn’t see anyone.
I think it was residual energy, that’s happened several times.
I’m working on reading through this thread, I enjoy reading the stories.
Sounds like you’ve done some ghost hunting with those rods.
I’d like to hear more on that.


10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
When the connection Devine or otherwise is that strong, I'm a firm believer in the possibility of generating "conversation". Asking Y/N questions is the easiest but there has to be a very easy indicator.....I use divining rods. Lights blinking is a VERY strong that guy on the Ghost TV show.

There are things we don't know...............I'm good with that, are you? Really? LOL

Great thread....and it deserved a poke Z.
Personally, I LOVE the unknown.
I have no doubt that understanding everything would be much less fun.


Active Member
Oct 4, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
London ontario
Does anyone else have family "ghost" stories? Maybe not actual ghosts, but real events that are too strange for you to understand?
While I myself have had some unexplained (to me) incidents from about the age of 5 until about 17, what I'll share with you now is something that happened 50 years ago to my great aunts. The two nutty, never married sisters of my grandmother. They were both very odd. But this story made the local news as well as the newspaper:

One day when my aunts arrived home from shopping they met a young boy who was shoveling snow from their driveway. He asked to be paid. Then said that the lady upstairs in the house asked him to clear the driveway and that she would pay him when he was finished. This alarmed my aunts because they lived alone and when they looked up on the second floor they could see an open window. A window that never had been opened by anyone because the wooden frame had been stuck for decades and painted over many times. It was a very old house.
They had a neighbor call the police.
They entered after the police found no one in the house and saw no damage or vandalism. All doors were still locked.
My aunts then entered the house and saw that nothing was stolen or damaged, but everything. Every piece of furniture, items on dressers, every article in the house had been moved to the exact other side. Like a mirror image. Including undisturbed bedding on backward facing beds as well as a very heavy "China cabinet" that had previously taken two large men to place in the living room, moved across the room with no marks on the floor, The dust still intact around where it had sat before still in the shape of the cabinet. The items in the cabinet had all swapped positions as well.

After this, the family never discounted their stories. And other family members had their own stories in the years that followed.
I'm not sure if these aunts had any other "ghost stories" in the years following or if they had a history of poltergeist activity previously.
Too bad I wasn't curious enough to ask back then. But I think I was about 6 years old.

This would have made for a better Halloween thread. Sorry.
Probably the kid shoveling did it,,