Finding new substrate....

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Tom D

New Member
5 Year Member
Nov 24, 2009
After almost two years of dealing with the extreme dust using a bed-a-beast/sand mix for my sulcata, I just have to make a change.

I've been trying to find cypress mulch without any 'hidden' fillers such as pine. The local Lowe's sells Greensmix Cypress Mulch. I called the manufacturer in Wisconsin. They confirmed it is actually a mixture of cypress, aspen, pine. So I can't use it.

Does anyone know where to buy safe cypress mulch? I'd hate to buy the small bags of ZooMed Forest bedding at the local pet store at 8 bucks a pop since I need so much of it.

I just want to find a safe, non-dusty bedding. Any online vendors or such that others know of that I haven't found? I live in PA.

Thanks a bunch!

Yvonne G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Hi Tom:


to the forum!!

You were supposed to keep the Bed-a-Beast/sand mixture moist. If it were moist, it wouldn't be dusty.

I was lucky enough to find a new mom-and-pop-type reptile shop here in town who carried large bags of cypress mulch. This was the first time in over 10 years I've been able to find it on the West coast, other than the small pet store bags you referred to. I've been told by folks here on the forum that Ace hardware can order it for you, but I haven't tried that route yet.

Do you have an Orchard Supply Hardware in your town? They carry orchid bark. I buy the fine grade orchid bark. It is a pure product with no fertilizers or pesticides and made from fir bark. Doesn't get moldy or turn sour when kept moist.

Tom D

New Member
5 Year Member
Nov 24, 2009
Thanks for the quick response, Yvonne! I have a 3 gal water pressure tank w/sprayer that I use to spray down the substrate in the morning when I feed. I'd say the top layer gets pretty wet, then I stop. With all the heat lights it dries out fairly quickly, combined with the digging the tort does it creates a mess in the room. I didn't want to keep the substrate TOO wet all the time for fear of creating health issues with the tort.

It's time to change all the substrate, so this time I was going to try something else to see if I like it any better. I can get the 24 qt ZooMed Forest Bedding locally, so I was going to just get that if I can't find bales of pure cypress mulch anywhere else.

Again, I appreciate your response!!

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