First time tortise owner help!

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May 28, 2013
hey everyone!
i have finaly made the choice/decsion to purchase a tortise! but i really need some help on what kind of encloser to get, and what kind of tortise to get as well. i live in upstate new york were we experience harsh winters, but summer is pretty darn warm! so i hope that can help you guys give me advice on what kinda of habitat and tortise i should get. it will be inside most of the time but i will put him/her outside in the summer.


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Okay how about if first you let us know what size space your thinking for your indoor enclosure and then for your outside one. From that we can narrow down the tortoise to the size you can handle and go from there. :)


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May 28, 2013
Jacqui said:
Okay how about if first you let us know what size space your thinking for your indoor enclosure and then for your outside one. From that we can narrow down the tortoise to the size you can handle and go from there. :)

probly like a 30 gallon tank, im thinking, and for a outside one probly a mobile little dog fencing

Yvonne G

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We have a very tortoise-savvy member here who lives in Upstate New York - GBTortoises. He keeps, breeds and raises several different species of tortoises, mainly the Mediterranean species. He would be a good one to talk to about tortoises in your geographical area.

Just remember, if you plan to keep a tortoise in the house, you'll need a habitat big enough that the tortoise can get some exercise. For instance, if you decide on getting a Russian tortoise, and put him into a 50 gallon aquarium, you're going to end up with a tortoise that is always climbing the sides and trying to escape.

I suggest a bookcase on its back with the shelves removed, reinforced and plastic-lined for any adult tortoise that you get. Baby tortoises take other care and wouldn't do well in a book case.

Take a look through our enclosure section. Here's a good thread that has a lot of them all in one place:


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May 24, 2013
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30 gal. tank is so small! just an FYI, It is not really good to keep a tort in a tank. They cant really tell from whats real and the glass. I learned the hard way! please dont let this happened to you up coming tort! The zoomed tortoise housing is a really good start! it goes for 100 bucks now a days but you can also craigslist one! hope this info helps. If your going for a smaller tort, go for a male... they tend to be smaller than the female... thats if you chooses a greek or a russian tort.


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Realistically you're going to need something in the regions of 5ft+ to accommodate the easier and cheaper species


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Jlant85 said:
30 gal. tank is so small! just an FYI, It is not really good to keep a tort in a tank. They cant really tell from whats real and the glass. I learned the hard way! please dont let this happened to you up coming tort! The zoomed tortoise housing is a really good start! it goes for 100 bucks now a days but you can also craigslist one! hope this info helps. If your going for a smaller tort, go for a male... they tend to be smaller than the female... thats if you chooses a greek or a russian tort.

Yeah, I'm using the ZooMed Tortoise House right is rather small but it's working for me until I can get an outdoor enclosure built. If you go with an indoor enclosure I'd recommend letting the tort run free outside for at least 30 min. a day. That's what I do and it gives my tort plenty of exercise.


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May 24, 2013
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Another suggestions I have is build your own. It can definitely save you some money! And with the money you save, you can buy your tortoise other thing he or she may need. Look up YouTube for tortoise enclosure ideas. I was just lazy and don't have the tools (could have borrowed from friend but didn't) to build my own. That is why I bought the zoomed tort house. I'm on the process of buying a second one and modifying both. Can't wait to see what you come up with! Post pics of your tort once you get one [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]


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Sep 28, 2012
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Another thing you can do is use a bookcase on its back. Just line it with a shower curtain and you're done. Can be VERY cheap for a decent sized enclosure.
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