Pretend Chat 2.14


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2016
Please understand that my comments to you about the Queen of TFO, were a joke; as she's my sister, and I just realized that I don't know you, so I thought I'd better say, I'm a teaser, I didn't mean at all to offend you. I was trying to offend my sister, and get the people on the forum to see how mean she really please accept my apology if you in any way took me seriously......
It's fine! I like jokes too:)


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Sep 13, 2009
You're not pretending hard enough ;)

*squints eyes real tight* Am I doing it right???

that's the very reason we have this thread. Bad thing about a chat is it's gone after it leaves the page. One can go all the way back to the beginning and re-read this chat. We asked the admin for one and he said no. I guess that's reason enough.

Ahhh, at least we tried lol.

Tidgy's Dad

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5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
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Fes, Morocco
But we have me, and I'm you see how nice she is to others, worried it might be too sunny in here for Adam, (I picture a fedora and sunglasses) and she's so mean to me, why can't any of you see that. And yeah, I guess she can be Intimidating, but not behind the wheel......
Fedora , yes, sunglasses, never.:)

Maggie Cummings

I used to hate spending my weekends looking at houses. My husband would drive us (or rather he would make ME drive us) around the neighborhoods where he wanted to buy a house. So boring. If we couldn't find one by driving through the neighborhoods, I had to make the phone calls from the ads in the paper. I hated that.

I hope you find what you're looking for. I'm settled here for the rest of my life. Here in my comfy cave (and sometimes under the bridge)

I love looking at houses, Jordan and I used to do it all the time. I'll stay here too. But mines not a cave I have skylights and none of the windows have coverings that I use. My windows are covered with plants and high off the ground so nobody can just look in. I want the sun in.And I like driving around Oregon and looking at stuff. I'm alone but not a hermit. Couple of months ago I drove to Fossil Oregon. You ever been there Y?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2015
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I've been driving around staring at houses for over a YEAR trying to find "The One" - I'm not unrealistic, but I have failed to find something suitable in my price range. I have to buy solo (which is smart anyway) because my boyfriend has terrible credit and student loans. This limits how much money a bank wants to give me since I'm self employed.

We've got a lead in Oakridge, OR though that we are about to go check out. Hope it's what we need. *knock on wood*

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