Pretend chat 2

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Yvonne G

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Jacqui said:
Peaking in... If you could keep him in another enclosure til he was more of an adult, I think he would be safe, Yvonne.

You are quite the little enabler, aren't you?

Cowboy_Ken said:
I can draw a pretty good circle if you know what you're looking at.

I've been told I'm pretty good at drawing flies!


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Aug 23, 2012
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Is that be wise there's tortoise poop all around? :p
emysemys said:
Jacqui said:
Peaking in... If you could keep him in another enclosure til he was more of an adult, I think he would be safe, Yvonne.

You are quite the little enabler, aren't you?

Cowboy_Ken said:
I can draw a pretty good circle if you know what you're looking at.

I've been told I'm pretty good at drawing flies!



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Jacqui said:
Peaking in... If you could keep him in another enclosure til he was more of an adult, I think he would be safe, Yvonne.

:( Clouds are moving in early for tonight's rain.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Jeff will be going by tomorrow night and can stay and go to Easter dinner with me!!!! Makes up for my oldest son having to work, so he can't come. :(

Yay I am meeting my mom and dad at a microbrew for Easter. We don't eat meat and she doesn't have to cook so it's a win win.
Mike decided today that I have to get pregnant in either January or February upcoming. I said babe, I am not sure it works that way. He was like who can we pay to make that happen??? haha.. He wants the tax benefits of the birth and the deduction in the same year so we can pull ahead since the following year he thinks we will get the childcare credit and a deductible. I don't actually think we qualify for the credit but he's in the mode. I just thought it was funny that he was like this is the date we are doing this when it's a variable process. :p
We have secured the new axles today and tomorrow they are going to the person who is doing some of the upgrades on them. Mike says they should be in the jeep in two weeks. We will be selling some dana 44s that have every upgrade possible done to them.

CtTortoiseMom said:
My daughter and I are having a drawing contest on our iPads and I drew this...

And was feeling pretty good about it until she drew this...
That is so pretty :D

sibi said:
Well, it's almost 6 p.m. here in sunny Florida. The torts had spent all afternoon frolicking in the sun, eating who knows what and they are loving it. Until I get my outdoor enclosure fenced in, I can't let my torts roam freely in my backyard. So, I go around the corner to my mil house where she has a high fenced backyard and I let my torts go at it. The only sticky problem is that one of the adjacent neighbors has a mix pit/boxer that is so vicious that it even scares me, and hardly any dog scares me. I can see it in his eyes...he'd like to tear my throat out. And, he wants at my babies like a shark wants blood. I didn't feel safe because with just a little brains and effort, he could scale the fence and I had nothing to protect myself with. So, today, I brought my pepper spray gun with me. And, just in case that wouldn't stop him, I brought my 10" knife that can cut through metal like butter. I wasn't taking any chances with my babies or my life. If he scales that fence, I know he's going for the throat! And, I'm going for his heart! No kidding friends, I mean business and this dog wants the challenge. The owners are irresponsible too. There was someone home that let him out mid day yesterday. As soon as I brought a metal spike into view, the dog disappeared. Someone let him back in the house. So, this neighbor doesn't care if his dog is threatening neighbors or their pets. My husband doesn't want me to go to my mil, but I'm not going to let my babies stayed home on days when it's sunny and 75 degrees. No way that's gonna happen.

That is so bad. I love dogs and animals but I don't know why people have dogs like that. I am sorry that you can't enjoy your own yard. I feel your pain since the beverly hillbillies behind me can't control their kids and oh we just saw last week they have a dog now too. I assume since they don't watch their kids they won't watch their dogs either so it will of course become a problem for me also. :(


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
CtTortoiseMom said:
sibi said:
Wow Erin, she's good. That could win a prize somewhere. How old is she?

She is 13 and she is really amazing at anything artistic like making clothes or even photography. She wants to Rhode Island School of Design in Providence. It is the #2 Art School in the country #1 is Yale.

She is good! I am still at the stick figure ability.

emysemys said:
Jacqui said:
Peaking in... If you could keep him in another enclosure til he was more of an adult, I think he would be safe, Yvonne.

You are quite the little enabler, aren't you?

Cowboy_Ken said:
I can draw a pretty good circle if you know what you're looking at.

I've been told I'm pretty good at drawing flies!

Yes to the first part and :D :D to the second.

I think Dude (sulcata) has got to have the best radar for poop of any tortoise I have had. Every time I went to get him, he had discovered a new pile. I never realized there was that much poop out in that open grass area. :D


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Jacqui said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
sibi said:
Wow Erin, she's good. That could win a prize somewhere. How old is she?

She is 13 and she is really amazing at anything artistic like making clothes or even photography. She wants to Rhode Island School of Design in Providence. It is the #2 Art School in the country #1 is Yale.

She is good! I am still at the stick figure ability.

emysemys said:
Jacqui said:
Peaking in... If you could keep him in another enclosure til he was more of an adult, I think he would be safe, Yvonne.

You are quite the little enabler, aren't you?

Cowboy_Ken said:
I can draw a pretty good circle if you know what you're looking at.

I've been told I'm pretty good at drawing flies!

Yes to the first part and :D :D to the second.

I think Dude (sulcata) has got to have the best radar for poop of any tortoise I have had. Every time I went to get him, he had discovered a new pile. I never realized there was that much poop out in that open grass area. :D

Yucky!! Anyone can draw flies with that:p

Kerryann said:
Jacqui said:
Peaking in... If you could keep him in another enclosure til he was more of an adult, I think he would be safe, Yvonne.

:( Clouds are moving in early for tonight's rain.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Jeff will be going by tomorrow night and can stay and go to Easter dinner with me!!!! Makes up for my oldest son having to work, so he can't come. :(

Yay I am meeting my mom and dad at a microbrew for Easter. We don't eat meat and she doesn't have to cook so it's a win win.
Mike decided today that I have to get pregnant in either January or February upcoming. I said babe, I am not sure it works that way. He was like who can we pay to make that happen??? haha.. He wants the tax benefits of the birth and the deduction in the same year so we can pull ahead since the following year he thinks we will get the childcare credit and a deductible. I don't actually think we qualify for the credit but he's in the mode. I just thought it was funny that he was like this is the date we are doing this when it's a variable process. :p
We have secured the new axles today and tomorrow they are going to the person who is doing some of the upgrades on them. Mike says they should be in the jeep in two weeks. We will be selling some dana 44s that have every upgrade possible done to them.

CtTortoiseMom said:
My daughter and I are having a drawing contest on our iPads and I drew this...

And was feeling pretty good about it until she drew this...
That is so pretty :D

sibi said:
Well, it's almost 6 p.m. here in sunny Florida. The torts had spent all afternoon frolicking in the sun, eating who knows what and they are loving it. Until I get my outdoor enclosure fenced in, I can't let my torts roam freely in my backyard. So, I go around the corner to my mil house where she has a high fenced backyard and I let my torts go at it. The only sticky problem is that one of the adjacent neighbors has a mix pit/boxer that is so vicious that it even scares me, and hardly any dog scares me. I can see it in his eyes...he'd like to tear my throat out. And, he wants at my babies like a shark wants blood. I didn't feel safe because with just a little brains and effort, he could scale the fence and I had nothing to protect myself with. So, today, I brought my pepper spray gun with me. And, just in case that wouldn't stop him, I brought my 10" knife that can cut through metal like butter. I wasn't taking any chances with my babies or my life. If he scales that fence, I know he's going for the throat! And, I'm going for his heart! No kidding friends, I mean business and this dog wants the challenge. The owners are irresponsible too. There was someone home that let him out mid day yesterday. As soon as I brought a metal spike into view, the dog disappeared. Someone let him back in the house. So, this neighbor doesn't care if his dog is threatening neighbors or their pets. My husband doesn't want me to go to my mil, but I'm not going to let my babies stayed home on days when it's sunny and 75 degrees. No way that's gonna happen.

That is so bad. I love dogs and animals but I don't know why people have dogs like that. I am sorry that you can't enjoy your own yard. I feel your pain since the beverly hillbillies behind me can't control their kids and oh we just saw last week they have a dog now too. I assume since they don't watch their kids they won't watch their dogs either so it will of course become a problem for me also. :(

Where do you let your torts roam outside? A dog can be a problem, especially if it becomes a monster.
On a lighter note, if you get pregnant and give birth before the year ends, you'll be able to claim the child for the whole year. I addition, I think Mike is right, you can claim credit the following year. So, if you're going to have a child, the best time to get pregnant is Jan -Mar. I assume you're not planning it for this year because you'd need to get pregnant tonight:p



Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Just went outside to bring in my tea cup and I caught the one 'possum in the middle of eating. He/she was standing on it's back legs eating catfood off the top of a pail. He was so cute. Got this "Oh my gosh, she caught me" look on it's face. It debated a few seconds and then went to hide. :D


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Mar 18, 2010
I think Possums are cute, sometimes. My father taught me "Madam foots stuck in the door" along with "What's a fish say when he runs into a wall? Dam!" Always thought I could get away with that one :)
Ken, I'll see your daffodil and raise you ImageUploadedByTortoiseForum1364609536.747042.jpg

Waiting for hubby to get home, it's his birthday! Judging by what time it is, he's not going to be a happy camper....
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Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
sibi said:
Yucky!! Anyone can draw flies with that:p

I think he wants to get pregnant in next Jan or Feb. ;)

Cowboy_Ken said:
Kerryann said:
One of the best reasons for having kids, other than them supporting you in your old age.

Hillbillies? Really Kerryann?

Yes is that not pc too now. Should I call them the Beverly somewhere between dumb and hills have eyes?
They let their 2 and 4 year old run the neighborhood where people speed and I have seen them alone over a half mile away on a major road in traffic. They let their kids at that age go farther than I allow my dogs.

pugsandkids said:
I think Possums are cute, sometimes. My father taught me "Madam foots stuck in the door" along with "What's a fish say when he runs into a wall? Dam!" Always thought I could get away with that one :)
Ken, I'll see your daffodil and raise you

Waiting for hubby to get home, it's his birthday! Judging by what time it is, he's not going to be a happy camper....

Aww is he still at work?
So I am jealous of your flowers. They are so beautiful.
Oh in my own plant news I have a second avocado plant growing. It's tiny. I am so excited.



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Jan 17, 2011
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Happy Birthday to Sarah's husband:) I hope he still gets to enjoy some of it!

I am now watching season 1 of the walking dead because I did not start watching until the middle of season 2. Man it is scary!!!


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
CtTortoiseMom said:
Happy Birthday to Sarah's husband:) I hope he still gets to enjoy some of it!

I am now watching season 1 of the walking dead because I did not start watching until the middle of season 2. Man it is scary!!!

I love that show


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Jun 2, 2012
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Iowa, USA
You all seem nice enough to let me join in on your random convo so... It was nice here today, Iowa, about 53 degrees. But I was stuck in class all morning and work all day. Blah. Tomorrow I must clean, work, and then drive two hours. And by then it'll be dark and getting chilly. Sunday is Easter so well be inside eating and mingling so no going outside then, though its supposed to rain. And the first day where i CAN go outside? Back down to 37degrees. Oh jeez.

CtTortoiseMom said:
Happy Birthday to Sarah's husband:) I hope he still gets to enjoy some of it!

I am now watching season 1 of the walking dead because I did not start watching until the middle of season 2. Man it is scary!!!

I watched season one and thought it was pretty good but I just haven't gotten around to two. Now all I do is hear about it!


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Here in Oregon, we're heading towards mid-70's Saturday. No rain looks like till Thursday or so. I won't be around Saturday, I'll be helping my in-laws move, but all the tortoises will be out catching all the sun!


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Mar 18, 2010
Hubby finally got home around 8! I abandoned him out around the fire with the boys telling scary stories...I'm a chicken.

I'm in Oregon like Ken, our weather is going to be perfect for a while. But, even though I feel like a whiner...We really need more rain this spring.


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Dec 31, 2011
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Cowboy_Ken said:
Here in Oregon, we're heading towards mid-70's Saturday. No rain looks like till Thursday or so. I won't be around Saturday, I'll be helping my in-laws move, but all the tortoises will be out catching all the sun!

55 and sunny today. I already have my spring outfit picked out. I am so ready. I still need more flats for spring.
Is it just me or does everyone lose shoe sizes when they lose weight?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Good Morning All!!​

You know it just has to be a good day, when you wake up to it already being 50 degrees! :D

Sibi tell your hubby happy belated day. :)

You know Kerry you started talking about flats and my mind immediately went to flats of flowers, not shoes. :D :D


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Jacqui said:
Good Morning All!!​

You know it just has to be a good day, when you wake up to it already being 50 degrees! :D

Sibi tell your hubby happy belated day. :)

You know Kerry you started talking about flats and my mind immediately went to flats of flowers, not shoes. :D :D

It's still too early here for those. You can't safely plant annuals in mi until the end of May. :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Kerryann said:
It's still too early here for those. You can't safely plant annuals in mi until the end of May. :)

Pansies and violas can be done early. :p Which reminds me, I got myself an early Easter gift from the Easter turtle... some pansies and violas. (gotta keep up with Yvonne ya know) :D


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Well all, I've a busy day ahead with little time seen for all my tortoise/turtle loving friends. Play well together, and I'll see y'all later.
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