Pretend chat 2

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Nov 18, 2011
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emysemys said:
And there's something wrong with that? I've been procrastinating all day, just watching tortoises graze in the sun. I even found some chicken in the freezer so I don't even need to go to town to get fixings for Karen and my dinner.

It's 2:15 here and 70.5 in the shade. Life is good for a tortoise.



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emysemys said:
Tractor Supply had baby water fowl, but, like Jacqui, I was strong and averted my eyes as I walked past. I'd love to have a little ducky in my pond, but my turtles would eat him.

Turtles gotta eat too!:p


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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Peaking in... If you could keep him in another enclosure til he was more of an adult, I think he would be safe, Yvonne.

:( Clouds are moving in early for tonight's rain.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Jeff will be going by tomorrow night and can stay and go to Easter dinner with me!!!! Makes up for my oldest son having to work, so he can't come. :(


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Jacqui said:
Peaking in... If you could keep him in another enclosure til he was more of an adult, I think he would be safe, Yvonne.

:( Clouds are moving in early for tonight's rain.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Jeff will be going by tomorrow night and can stay and go to Easter dinner with me!!!! Makes up for my oldest son having to work, so he can't come. :(
Yay, I'm happy for you! That sounds great:).


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Aug 23, 2012
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Well, it's almost 6 p.m. here in sunny Florida. The torts had spent all afternoon frolicking in the sun, eating who knows what and they are loving it. Until I get my outdoor enclosure fenced in, I can't let my torts roam freely in my backyard. So, I go around the corner to my mil house where she has a high fenced backyard and I let my torts go at it. The only sticky problem is that one of the adjacent neighbors has a mix pit/boxer that is so vicious that it even scares me, and hardly any dog scares me. I can see it in his eyes...he'd like to tear my throat out. And, he wants at my babies like a shark wants blood. I didn't feel safe because with just a little brains and effort, he could scale the fence and I had nothing to protect myself with. So, today, I brought my pepper spray gun with me. And, just in case that wouldn't stop him, I brought my 10" knife that can cut through metal like butter. I wasn't taking any chances with my babies or my life. If he scales that fence, I know he's going for the throat! And, I'm going for his heart! No kidding friends, I mean business and this dog wants the challenge. The owners are irresponsible too. There was someone home that let him out mid day yesterday. As soon as I brought a metal spike into view, the dog disappeared. Someone let him back in the house. So, this neighbor doesn't care if his dog is threatening neighbors or their pets. My husband doesn't want me to go to my mil, but I'm not going to let my babies stayed home on days when it's sunny and 75 degrees. No way that's gonna happen.


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My daughter and I are having a drawing contest on our iPads and I drew this...
And was feeling pretty good about it until she drew this...
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Feb 21, 2010
CtTortoiseMom said:
My daughter and I are having a drawing contest on our iPads and I drew this...

And was feeling pretty good about it until she drew this...

Artistic too huh ? :p


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Aug 23, 2012
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Wow Erin, she's good. That could win a prize somewhere. How old is she?


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sibi said:
Well, it's almost 6 p.m. here in sunny Florida. The torts had spent all afternoon frolicking in the sun, eating who knows what and they are loving it. Until I get my outdoor enclosure fenced in, I can't let my torts roam freely in my backyard. So, I go around the corner to my mil house where she has a high fenced backyard and I let my torts go at it. The only sticky problem is that one of the adjacent neighbors has a mix pit/boxer that is so vicious that it even scares me, and hardly any dog scares me. I can see it in his eyes...he'd like to tear my throat out. And, he wants at my babies like a shark wants blood. I didn't feel safe because with just a little brains and effort, he could scale the fence and I had nothing to protect myself with. So, today, I brought my pepper spray gun with me. And, just in case that wouldn't stop him, I brought my 10" knife that can cut through metal like butter. I wasn't taking any chances with my babies or my life. If he scales that fence, I know he's going for the throat! And, I'm going for his heart! No kidding friends, I mean business and this dog wants the challenge. The owners are irresponsible too. There was someone home that let him out mid day yesterday. As soon as I brought a metal spike into view, the dog disappeared. Someone let him back in the house. So, this neighbor doesn't care if his dog is threatening neighbors or their pets. My husband doesn't want me to go to my mil, but I'm not going to let my babies stayed home on days when it's sunny and 75 degrees. No way that's gonna happen.

I would do the same thing :)

Life is good


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N2TORTS said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
My daughter and I are having a drawing contest on our iPads and I drew this...

And was feeling pretty good about it until she drew this...

Artistic too huh ? :p
Obviously I got all the talent, poor kid!


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Don't hate me for where I live;

Look at the date. Don't worry, it'll happen to you soon, too.

Very nice!

Life is good


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sibi said:
Wow Erin, she's good. That could win a prize somewhere. How old is she?

She is 13 and she is really amazing at anything artistic like making clothes or even photography. She wants to Rhode Island School of Design in Providence. It is the #2 Art School in the country #1 is Yale.


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I've heard of the school. Tell her to keep practicing her skills;completion is stiff. Also, tell her to think outside the box as far as the medium she'd want to use.


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sibi said:
I've heard of the school. Tell her to keep practicing her skills;completion is stiff. Also, tell her to think outside the box as far as the medium she'd want to use.

She is kind of an eccentric artsy type. Thinking in the box is the challenge for her, haha :).

Anywho, my MIL accidentally taught the 6 year old a knock knock joke with the word Damn in it. Now she is telling anyone who'll listen. Ugh!
It goes..
Knock knock
Who's there?
Madam Who?
Madam foots stuck in the door.
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