Pretend chat 2

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Dec 31, 2011
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Cowboy_Ken said:
I was wrong. It's a protein not an enzyme.

Fatal Familial Insomnia is extremely rare, only affecting a few families in the world. It is caused by prions. Prions are also what causes mad cow disease and are really interesting, because they are infectious, but they are not 'bugs' - they are just little proteins. People with fatal familial insomnia firstly have trouble sleeping. This gets worse and worse over a few months or a few years, until eventually they go into a coma.

Wait I have insomnia eek. I have had it for years but never ate peoples.
Doors it just come from eating the brain or does like a barbeque human wing give it to you?


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Aug 23, 2012
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I can't believe how great all your in-laws are with you. Heck, my mil wanted me to fix dinner for her when I came home from the hospital after the heart attack. My daughter and I just looked at each other, like saying, "are you nuts, or are you just plain stupid."
Kerryann said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
I've got great in-laws too. My fil always has home smoked, canned salmon for me and my mil always makes macaroni/shrimp casserole for our parties because she knows how much I like.

My inlaws are great too. My mil likes to organize my underwear drawer and clean my house.
Actually they are great and they always beg and bribe me not to divorce their crazy son. But I love him.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
The disease is kiru? kuru? curu? something like that. It is a neurological disorder and at first your just kinda tipsy and shake a bit, then you cant walk on your own and shake really bad and then your get ultra depressed, mood swings, uncontrollable bouts of laughter. In the final stages the persons body just goes haywire and either shutdowns or they loose all control.

It takes many years for symptoms to show but once they do the disease progresses rapidly and the person usually dies within a year.

It is thought to be from a tribe in peru that was heavily into canabalism.

oh apparenlty we were talking about different dieseases


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Peru, Borneo. Now I need to apologize to my Indonesian friend.

Ok. So I don't need to call Joseph?


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Aug 23, 2012
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Apparently, this disease with these proteins that turns into prions has to be consumed in vast amounts in order to have a domino effect on other proteins in the body. And these prions can't be destroyed that easily. Even boiling it won't kill it. So, those soccer guys who ate the others to survive probably are safe.


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sibi said:
Apparently, this disease with these proteins that turns into prions has to be consumed in vast amounts in order to have a domino effect on other proteins in the body. And these prions can't be destroyed that easily. Even boiling it won't kill it. So, those soccer guys who ate the others to survive probably are safe.

Unless they were really, really hungry.

Sibi, did I email you a pile of Cowboy_Ken tortoise pictures?


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Aug 23, 2012
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They would have to eat people over a period of years. Nova put out a documentary on this called " The Brain Eater" on PBS.
Cowboy_Ken said:
sibi said:
Apparently, this disease with these proteins that turns into prions has to be consumed in vast amounts in order to have a domino effect on other proteins in the body. And these prions can't be destroyed that easily. Even boiling it won't kill it. So, those soccer guys who ate the others to survive probably are safe.

Unless they were really, really hungry.

Cowboy_Ken said:
sibi said:
Apparently, this disease with these proteins that turns into prions has to be consumed in vast amounts in order to have a domino effect on other proteins in the body. And these prions can't be destroyed that easily. Even boiling it won't kill it. So, those soccer guys who ate the others to survive probably are safe.

Unless they were really, really hungry.

Sibi, did I email you a pile of Cowboy_Ken tortoise pictures?

Yes you did. Did I comment on them? Can't remember now. If I didn't, I want to say I thought your land looked awesome. Love the trees and open space. I want to make a pen for my torts, but I'll need to contract someone to do the work because I can't do it, and my hubby just doesn't have the time. Hey, why haven't we seen a pic of your face yet? Your slim body looks great with the cowboy hat, but no face. And don't say you don't do faces.

Good night all.


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Jan 17, 2011
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So not such a "good Friday" for you. Yeuch!!!
Do you wash them with tomato soup or something when that happens?


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Ava got skunked again last night.

Doh! That stinks! Sorry man :p couldn't help it :)

Life is good

Morning everyone! :)

Life is good
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