Pretend chat 2

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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Hey Kim, thanks for the mental image of this wonderfully made, aromatic apple pie with a crunchy crust surrounded by vanilla bean ice cream. I'm salivating at the thought of tasting just a bit right now. You know what? I'm hungry. I'm gonna have the Chinese food my hubby brought home for me. I'll be back in a few...
RosieRedfoot said:
I'm around.. And the one having pie later!

But first I'm having salad for dinner. Or tortoise food as Cowboy Ken calls it.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
sibi said:
Mad at what? Didn't get to catch up yet, but you might as well spit it out?:p
Jacqui said:
I am glad Sibi isn't mad at me. She could be one tough cookie to be against you. :rolleyes:

Is there ice cream for the pie?

Was referring to your take action against the neighbor lady and kids. Your just the type who doesn't take crap from anybody. (Sibi this was meant as a nice thing)

sibi said:
I want some pie. I want some sweet potato pie, yummy to the tummy. And, of course with vanilla ice cream.

For awhile in Nov/Dec I had a craving for this. Bought several frozen sweet tater pies and enjoyed them off and on for weeks. I went with whip cream on them though. :rolleyes: :D


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Aug 23, 2012
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Was there anything in the overpriced envelope?

Cowboy_Ken said:
I'm here but not really. I've spent almost 5 hours mowing the 1/2 acre footprint of our yard area. Also burned a huge slash pile. We're to get rain starting tomorrow going out till Tuesday. All those huge dandelion blossoms…off with their heads!!!

And Sibi, I received an over priced, cardboard envelope today. Now I've got to say it…if you're not aware, sometimes, Sibi can be very silly.



Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I was working on cleaning out the garden area today. I think I got just under half of it done, but ran out of garbage cans to fill. I saw that some of the turnips from last year are coming back up. :D Had not expected that at all.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Jacqui, you crack me up. :p Of course I knew it was meant as a nice thing. I could never be mad with you though because I know that you are not a vicious person. I know through your various responses to others what a caring, kind-hearted person you can be. So, enough of that. But, you're right about not taking crap from most people. I use to interpret legal documents for a living once. I could read between the lines, so to speak. And, very little thi gs in life really scare me, except that pit/boxer monster killer next door. Also, Kerryann still had a recourse based on the by-laws of the homeowners assn. I'll have to yell her about it when she gets back on.
Jacqui said:
sibi said:
Mad at what? Didn't get to catch up yet, but you might as well spit it out?:p
Jacqui said:
I am glad Sibi isn't mad at me. She could be one tough cookie to be against you. :rolleyes:

Is there ice cream for the pie?

Was referring to your take action against the neighbor lady and kids. Your just the type who doesn't take crap from anybody. (Sibi this was meant as a nice thing)

sibi said:
I want some pie. I want some sweet potato pie, yummy to the tummy. And, of course with vanilla ice cream.

For awhile in Nov/Dec I had a craving for this. Bought several frozen sweet tater pies and enjoyed them off and on for weeks. I went with whip cream on them though. :rolleyes: :D



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Jan 17, 2011
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sibi said:
I want some pie. I want some sweet potato pie, yummy to the tummy. And, of course with vanilla ice cream. Ooo, I got to tell you hubby's company is taking all the worker wives out for an evening of wine tasting. We were just informed that they rented a hummer limo for the evening!!! I will be taking pls ty of pics to show you all. Don't know what to wear. I want to be dressy but I want to wear pants. Anyway, I think I'm getting the silent treatment from everyone except Kerryann. Where's Cowboy? Where's Ja qui and Erin a d Thalatte and the others?
I'm here and your night out sounds amazing!! A hummer limo sounds like so much fun! I cannot wait to see pics.

I am so tired right now. I had a long day but I got everything done I needed too and Rand only needs his last breathing treatment and he is off to bed. Our loan on the new house was officially accepted and the full down payment has been cashed by the sellers so we should have a closing date by Friday. Yay!! Brb going to neb Rand.


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Here is my scary Dinosaur, he is actually growling...

I am watching Game of Thrones tonight!!! Yay!
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Cowboy_Ken said:
Yes Sibi. And Mrs.C. I'm happy to hear Rand wont, in theory, be bouncing off the walls.

Fingers crossed! I am so run down my dark circles under my eyes have dark circles, haha!!


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Nov 18, 2011
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If anyone wants to make the journey out this a ways, you can pick all the dandelion heads you want. Just give me a heads up so I can ready the bunkhouse as it were.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Aw, it's so sad to see little kids having to take breathing treatments just to able to breathe normally. He looks so precious with those rosey cheeks. Does he still have fever? It's got to be rough on you too. Good thing you're still young. I can't do kids anymore, not even my great grandson.

CtTortoiseMom said:
Here is my scary Dinosaur, he is actually growling...

I am watching Game of Thrones tonight!!! Yay!

CtTortoiseMom said:
Aw, it looks like you need some TLC yourself. I don't wish sick miss on my worst enemies. It torture. On the bright side of your eyes, the house thing is almost over. I'm so happy for you. Did you get a bid o your place?

Cowboy_Ken said:
Yes Sibi. And Mrs.C. I'm happy to hear Rand wont, in theory, be bouncing off the walls.

Fingers crossed! I am so run down my dark circles under my eyes have dark circles, haha!!


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
sibi said:
Aw, it's so sad to see little kids having to take breathing treatments must to able to breathe normally. He looks so precious with those rosey cheeks. Does he still have fever? It's got to be rough on you too. Good thing you're still young. I can't do kids anymore, ot even my great grandson.

CtTortoiseMom said:
Here is my scary Dinosaur, he is actually growling...

I am watching Game of Thrones tonight!!! Yay!

From what I can tell, although she gets tired, she does great. She's a trooper that I'd feel proud to have on my side. This is coming from the guy who told the gas station attendant if he couldn't fill my gas can and not get gas on the outside of the can, I'd cut one of his fingers off.


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No fever and he is finally getting better! He is on an antibiotic oral steroids and breathing treatments every 3 hours so he better be!!! We are going to get a full work up at infectious disease tomorrow to see what else we can do to keep him healthy. I love our ID doc. He is British and everything he says sounds so smart and I alway's leave feeling very hopefull :).


Well-Known Member
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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
For me it would always sound like a Monty Python skit. You kids have heard of the Monty Python troupe right?


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
You know Erin and crew, we should crash on Cowboy's place instead of New York. Since Ken won't come to New York, we'll just have to bring New York to him. And along the way, we pick up Jacqui and who else lives in Nebraska?

Oh, it's just a pipe dream, nobody is going to visit anyone. We all have our animals to care for and won't leave them with anyone. I just realized with my trip to Israel, I can't travel anymore. I've go no one to care for all my animals. And, I won't leave them at a boarding place. I don't trust any place, not even my mil, especially not her!

Cowboy_Ken said:
If anyone wants to make the journey out this a ways, you can pick all the dandelion heads you want. Just give me a heads up so I can ready the bunkhouse as it were.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
I love Monty python!

Yes I learned the hard way that leaving is no longer a viable option.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
For me it would always sound like a Monty Python skit. You kids have heard of the Monty Python troupe right?
Haha, uh oh I might start laughing tomorrow when he is talking!
He is a really young guy. I follow him on twitter and he talks about my kids sometimes with other docs. He doesn't say their names but he shoots me a message to tell me and I get to see people talk about them and have them compared to other people and find out various treatments that have/have not worked. I only follow docs and the like on twitter. They often talk about cases and it's do interesting!


Well-Known Member
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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
what did we do to ourselves? I've got perhaps 10-15 more years left on this earth, maybe less, and I'll probably never see my babies have little ones. My hubby will have to care for them, but, he hardly does anything now to care for them except to play or love on them. Now, that's a real father.
Thalatte said:
I love Monty python!

Yes I learned the hard way that leaving is no longer a viable option.

Cowboy_Ken said:
sibi said:
Aw, it's so sad to see little kids having to take breathing treatments must to able to breathe normally. He looks so precious with those rosey cheeks. Does he still have fever? It's got to be rough on you too. Good thing you're still young. I can't do kids anymore, ot even my great grandson.

CtTortoiseMom said:
Here is my scary Dinosaur, he is actually growling...

I am watching Game of Thrones tonight!!! Yay!

From what I can tell, although she gets tired, she does great. She's a trooper that I'd feel proud to have on my side. This is coming from the guy who told the gas station attendant if he couldn't fill my gas can and not get gas on the outside of the can, I'd cut one of his fingers off.

You didn't?
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