Pretend chat 2

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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Yurusumaji said:
I used to be a night owl who slept in late, but GusGus wakes me up around 7:15 a.m. so I am in bed at fairly normal hours most nights.

Too much to do to sleep in anymore!

My dogs do not let me sleep in very long at all. They say they speak for the tortoises and fish too. My loach waits out for me every morning and then when I put his pellets in he pounces on his food :D

Whiskey?? should we change this from pretend chat to pretend bar :p

I agree with Sibi but stress can be hard to manage when it's external. I would offer up some good advice but I am the worst. I just get my facials and laugh with my employees and friends when I can to help me ease it. I still am going slightly insane though.

In good news I have been eliminating things i might be allergic too and I am losing weight very quickly. This whole starvation plan is working wonders. I am getting a bit cranky though. Actually though, I think my allergy symptoms are getting better. I ate popcorn tonight and I havent had an episode of hives so maybe corn isn't my enemy. woo hoo


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Kerryann of course it maybe how the corn is processed rather then the corn itself.

My outbreaks have always been as a result of stress, atleast the ones as an adult. I have had this stuff since early childhood. This go round started with Jeff and the whole cancer thing. It continued getting worse until I decided I could not do the summer job at the greenhouse. Once I decided no job, things have gotten better. Of course that is also around the time I almost made it a full time job keeping myself slimey (covered in cream) did the vinegar soaks, ect..,

I know I can't take another time of it being so bad. It took over my life with not being able to sleep, to sit, to walk, or move in any way between the pain and the itch.

The immunity loss worries me a bit, but then again I am pretty isolated and already stay away from folks. It's also pretty much what Jeff is living with, too.

The diabetes is under control with diet, except once more when I go under stress.

I also will admit, I have been heavily leaning towards just going with the current treatment. Which is why it's been almost a week since the last appt I have not called the insurance company to see what they would allow me to do. It's like if I can make due with what I have, I would rather keep the "good stuff" for when I really really need it.


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Jacqui said:
Kerryann of course it maybe how the corn is processed rather then the corn itself.

My outbreaks have always been as a result of stress, atleast the ones as an adult. I have had this stuff since early childhood. This go round started with Jeff and the whole cancer thing. It continued getting worse until I decided I could not do the summer job at the greenhouse. Once I decided no job, things have gotten better. Of course that is also around the time I almost made it a full time job keeping myself slimey (covered in cream) did the vinegar soaks, ect..,

I know I can't take another time of it being so bad. It took over my life with not being able to sleep, to sit, to walk, or move in any way between the pain and the itch.

The immunity loss worries me a bit, but then again I am pretty isolated and already stay away from folks. It's also pretty much what Jeff is living with, too.

The diabetes is under control with diet, except once more when I go under stress.

That could be true about three corn Jacqui.

You have been through so much stress lately. Your fortitude through all of this has been amazing. :)
My immunity was compromised after my heart problem so you can survive it. You just have to be a little more careful and when you feel ill get to the doctors office without passing go.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Good Morning!!

It is so nice to be able to start once more finding weeds growing, in my case dandelions. I had not saw any blooms until I was paying my light bill Monday. There were two gloriously cheerful blooms right along the building. I would have loved to have plucked them and brought them home for a special treat for a lucky tortoise or two, but feared that spot might get chemicals on it. Still made my day to see them.


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Dec 31, 2011
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Good morning. It's hump day woot.. :D
Today is not looking to be any better than yesterday was but I am gonna make the best of it. I am trying to only weigh myself weekly so I can stop being such a psycho but I accidentally got on the scale this morning and was a lb down. :D

Jacqui said:
Good Morning!!

It is so nice to be able to start once more finding weeds growing, in my case dandelions. I had not saw any blooms until I was paying my light bill Monday. There were two gloriously cheerful blooms right along the building. I would have loved to have plucked them and brought them home for a special treat for a lucky tortoise or two, but feared that spot might get chemicals on it. Still made my day to see them.

I am jealous. Nothing is growing here yet. :(


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Kerryann I am sure your day will give you enough thrills and anxious moments to make it an interesting day and you would hate it if it weren't. :cool: Now go get 'em!


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Dec 31, 2011
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I forgot to post up this rant last night because luckily for my neighbor lady I was too exhausted from work. So yesterday I am driving home up to my house and I see the mother of the wild children behind me (did I mention that now they have procured a dog... a disaster waiting to happen ugh.. ) and her two kids walking down the side of my street. She looked at me funny as I drove by but I waved as I am civil. I should mention she was walking with the two kids smoking her cig in her fuzzy slippers and cut off sweats also just so you can get the visual. Now you all have heard me complain that I have asked her a million times to ask her kids not to run through my yard and especially not where the dogs poop area is located. I mean if they were playing down on the border of my yard where it meets theirs I wouldn't be all old man like.. stay off my yard but when I have to clean dog poop picking up the squished ones isn't any fun, and my dogs are actually too prissy to step in their own poop.
So I pull in and park my truck and get out to plug it in and guess who I see walking through my yard exactly where I have asked her to ask the kids not to walk through? She was walking with the two kids in tow right though the poop zone in her fuzzy slippers no less. I was like no wonder we can't get the dang kids to stay out of our yard. Also I should mention the poop zone gets a little muddy during the spring as part of my yard should be deemed a seasonal swamp and she walked right through that. Too effing lazy to walk around four more houses so she could get to her own. I wonder how many times this happens that we don't see. Mikey needs to get cameras up soon. :(


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
To bad you don't have a motion activated water crow or something to help give her a little more instruction on where not to be walking.

Cowboy_Ken said:
Morning all

Have you had a fix of bacon yet today?


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Jan 17, 2011
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Good Morning! Nothing is growing here yet either and we have awful snow mold all over our grass from large amounts of snow sitting for so long on the grass. It is very sunny here today but windy and in the 30's:(. It is strange to me that the birds are flying around and singing and I heard a few coyotes howl last night which is indicative of Spring but it is still bitter cold!

Yvonne G

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How about a fence, Kerryanne? In order to keep people from walking in front of my house I planted a grape vine at one corner and strung wire across the part where they can walk through. Its two strands and not easy to climb through.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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emysemys said:
How about a fence, Kerryanne? In order to keep people from walking in front of my house I planted a grape vine at one corner and strung wire across the part where they can walk through. Its two strands and not easy to climb through.

As I recall she can't have a fence because of the rules there. However would they allow the grape arbor sorta fence like Yvonne mentioned (which is a great idea for some relief)


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Morning everyone. As soon as my alarm went of my phone started going off so much it fell off the table. I was expecting alot of texts but nope it was just you chatters!

My dog wakes me up at 530 almost every morning except Sunday. Sunday if I so much as move she growls and rolls closer to me. If I move more she continues to climb up on me until she is pinning me down. Then she falls asleep until about noon.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
:D I feel better, I found a bloom to go with the dandelion greens. :D


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I've got wild strawberries that grow in the russian outdoor pen. I don't need to worry about them eating the berries though, they eat the flowers and the berries never have a chance to develop.


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
emysemys said:
How about a fence, Kerryanne? In order to keep people from walking in front of my house I planted a grape vine at one corner and strung wire across the part where they can walk through. Its two strands and not easy to climb through.

I am thinking a row of arbovites and some picker bushes but we can't have fences.
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