Pretend chat 2

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Ok face mask is on, comfy flannel pj's, Vitimin E on my hands and now that I am all smexy I am ready for Game of Thrones. Bye all, I hope you ALL have a great evening.


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Nov 18, 2011
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sibi said:
what did we do to ourselves? I've got perhaps 10-15 more years left on this earth, maybe less, and I'll probably never see my babies have little ones. My hubby will have to care for them, but, he hardly does anything now to care for them except to play or love on them. Now, that's a real father.
Thalatte said:
I love Monty python!

Yes I learned the hard way that leaving is no longer a viable option.

Cowboy_Ken said:
sibi said:
Aw, it's so sad to see little kids having to take breathing treatments must to able to breathe normally. He looks so precious with those rosey cheeks. Does he still have fever? It's got to be rough on you too. Good thing you're still young. I can't do kids anymore, ot even my great grandson.

CtTortoiseMom said:
Here is my scary Dinosaur, he is actually growling...

I am watching Game of Thrones tonight!!! Yay!

From what I can tell, although she gets tired, she does great. She's a trooper that I'd feel proud to have on my side. This is coming from the guy who told the gas station attendant if he couldn't fill my gas can and not get gas on the outside of the can, I'd cut one of his fingers off.

You didn't?

He didn't spill any gas. Smart kid. Mrs C
Your congress has been busy today. Bring your critters with you. Sure, none of us will trust others tortoises, but I'm sure it would be a blast.


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Dec 31, 2011
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sibi said:
Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Yeah, now that's an idea. Plant a row of catus with spine needles, or holly bushes that have prickly thorns, or something like that. Those are great deterrents for brats like them. If your community has such struck by-laws, then there's got to be something about residents walking through other resident's property. Look into that.
Kerryann said:
emysemys said:
How about a fence, Kerryanne? In order to keep people from walking in front of my house I planted a grape vine at one corner and strung wire across the part where they can walk through. Its two strands and not easy to climb through.

I am thinking a row of arbovites and some picker bushes but we can't have fences.

That's a good point. I will have to go read the bylaws.
I just looked there is nothing but the video is cute. The walking path is at the end of my culdisac. They are basically in front of my house in the video.
It is such a nice place to live :( I am very sad this has gone so wrong.
My neighbor next door (I am on a corner lot so she is sort of next to me and behind me all at once) has two kids who love to play with cici. Her kids can't go out and play because of the same scenario with those people. She and I said last year that this spring we would come up with a landscaping solution to seperate the yards but not separate from each other. The tricky part is that I am wondering if they would walk around the edging since it would only go to the end of her yard? This is such a weird situation. I love all of my other neighbors and enjoyed the open space in the back yard. The people who were there before them had a husky and before that a golden retriever.
We had these bushes between our house and I'd be like Mike (the guy behind us, not my hubs) can I trim these bushes back?? he'd answer like do whatever you want. There was so much mutual respect. We never said anything about the kids playing in the central area but the other kids were respectful, they didn't walk up by peoples houses or if they were really little and did their parents would correct them.

I'm sure there a by-law that you can use to stop them from trampling through your property. I would first send her a nice letter requesting the she and the kids respect your space. If she doesn't listen, send her another letter, this time you attach a copy of the first, and cc the community board of homeowners assn. If she still doesn't listen, video type all the traspasses, and file a formal complaint with the homeowner 's assn. She'll have to listen, or they can force her to fact, it can even get worse than that. That should do it. But, it will take patience and persistence on your part. It will be worthwhile in the end. You all don't have to suffer with that woman and her kids. It may even be that her husband may not even be aware of the situation. If he has any sense, he may put an end to it himself.

She lives with her father, mother, and her husband that likes to take his shirt off in November and wrestle with the little girls and have them feel his muscles and tell him how big and awesome they are. When I say November I mean the day after thanksgiving. I have asked her and her dad and he told me "kids will be kids."

sibi said:
I want some pie. I want some sweet potato pie, yummy to the tummy. And, of course with vanilla ice cream. Ooo, I got to tell you hubby's company is taking all the worker wives out for an evening of wine tasting. We were just informed that they rented a hummer limo for the evening!!! I will be taking pls ty of pics to show you all. Don't know what to wear. I want to be dressy but I want to wear pants. Anyway, I think I'm getting the silent treatment from everyone except Kerryann. Where's Cowboy? Where's Ja qui and Erin a d Thalatte and the others?

What? I had dinner with my dads family. It was nice and fun.
I also love sweet potato pie. You can be dressy in pants very nicely. Do you know where they are taking you guys? That is so exciting. :D

Jacqui said:
sibi said:
Mad at what? Didn't get to catch up yet, but you might as well spit it out?:p
Jacqui said:
I am glad Sibi isn't mad at me. She could be one tough cookie to be against you. :rolleyes:

Is there ice cream for the pie?

Was referring to your take action against the neighbor lady and kids. Your just the type who doesn't take crap from anybody. (Sibi this was meant as a nice thing)

sibi said:
I want some pie. I want some sweet potato pie, yummy to the tummy. And, of course with vanilla ice cream.

For awhile in Nov/Dec I had a craving for this. Bought several frozen sweet tater pies and enjoyed them off and on for weeks. I went with whip cream on them though. :rolleyes: :D

Usually Mikey does my home dirty work when it comes to ugliness. I have enough of that at work plus he doesn't really care about feelings so it comes natural to him.
I want sweet potato pies.. I am so jealous right now


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Aug 23, 2012
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Shoot...that's what you have living next to you? The bylaws state that they are in compliance with the laws of your township. Every township has laws against trespassing. With the appropriate signs, they has to stay off your property or you can call the police. Warning them in advance may just avoid bigger problems down the road. Be sure you first notify your homeowners assn of your intent. They may just be able to intercede on your behalf.

Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Yeah, now that's an idea. Plant a row of catus with spine needles, or holly bushes that have prickly thorns, or something like that. Those are great deterrents for brats like them. If your community has such struck by-laws, then there's got to be something about residents walking through other resident's property. Look into that.
Kerryann said:
I am thinking a row of arbovites and some picker bushes but we can't have fences.

That's a good point. I will have to go read the bylaws.
I just looked there is nothing but the video is cute. The walking path is at the end of my culdisac. They are basically in front of my house in the video.
It is such a nice place to live :( I am very sad this has gone so wrong.
My neighbor next door (I am on a corner lot so she is sort of next to me and behind me all at once) has two kids who love to play with cici. Her kids can't go out and play because of the same scenario with those people. She and I said last year that this spring we would come up with a landscaping solution to seperate the yards but not separate from each other. The tricky part is that I am wondering if they would walk around the edging since it would only go to the end of her yard? This is such a weird situation. I love all of my other neighbors and enjoyed the open space in the back yard. The people who were there before them had a husky and before that a golden retriever.
We had these bushes between our house and I'd be like Mike (the guy behind us, not my hubs) can I trim these bushes back?? he'd answer like do whatever you want. There was so much mutual respect. We never said anything about the kids playing in the central area but the other kids were respectful, they didn't walk up by peoples houses or if they were really little and did their parents would correct them.

I'm sure there a by-law that you can use to stop them from trampling through your property. I would first send her a nice letter requesting the she and the kids respect your space. If she doesn't listen, send her another letter, this time you attach a copy of the first, and cc the community board of homeowners assn. If she still doesn't listen, video type all the traspasses, and file a formal complaint with the homeowner 's assn. She'll have to listen, or they can force her to fact, it can even get worse than that. That should do it. But, it will take patience and persistence on your part. It will be worthwhile in the end. You all don't have to suffer with that woman and her kids. It may even be that her husband may not even be aware of the situation. If he has any sense, he may put an end to it himself.

She lives with her father, mother, and her husband that likes to take his shirt off in November and wrestle with the little girls and have them feel his muscles and tell him how big and awesome they are. When I say November I mean the day after thanksgiving. I have asked her and her dad and he told me "kids will be kids."

Just an afterthought...aren't neighbors fun? That's why I hate leaving my home. Some people *iss me off to no end. I'd love to live like Jacqui and Cowboy. No people for miles around, but just a couple of close friendships from time to time. And, forum friends are the best. They can tell you straight up how to do things. When you need TLC, they are there for you. And, it's not fake either. I hope things get resolved soon. Mikey sounds like a blast.


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
sibi said:
Jacqui, you crack me up. :p Of course I knew it was meant as a nice thing. I could never be mad with you though because I know that you are not a vicious person. I know through your various responses to others what a caring, kind-hearted person you can be. So, enough of that. But, you're right about not taking crap from most people. I use to interpret legal documents for a living once. I could read between the lines, so to speak. And, very little thi gs in life really scare me, except that pit/boxer monster killer next door. Also, Kerryann still had a recourse based on the by-laws of the homeowners assn. I'll have to yell her about it when she gets back on.

I'm excited to hear it. This is making me want to move and I love my house :(

CtTortoiseMom said:
Fingers crossed! I am so run down my dark circles under my eyes have dark circles, haha!!

Yes and I'm glad to hear about the house. :)
I always have dark circles.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
I have piper brainwashed so well... I gave her the option of what books to read. Either one about a teddy bear, puppy or turtle! As soon as she heard turtle she came running!


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
sibi said:
You know Erin and crew, we should crash on Cowboy's place instead of New York. Since Ken won't come to New York, we'll just have to bring New York to him. And along the way, we pick up Jacqui and who else lives in Nebraska?

Oh, it's just a pipe dream, nobody is going to visit anyone. We all have our animals to care for and won't leave them with anyone. I just realized with my trip to Israel, I can't travel anymore. I've go no one to care for all my animals. And, I won't leave them at a boarding place. I don't trust any place, not even my mil, especially not her!

I was thinking about a trip of some sort soon. Mikey may go to Brazil for work for a few weeks and I have been thinking about going with him.
I have been stressing about having the money to do invetro in January/February but Mikey made me feel better today. It just seemed like such a huge chunk of cash with how much we are spending on the Jeeps and owe in taxes. Mikey is so smart. We aren't spending as much as I thought. I had stopped shopping and doing my facials and stuff trying to scrimp. He told me to go enjoy myself :D

CtTortoiseMom said:
Ok face mask is on, comfy flannel pj's, Vitimin E on my hands and now that I am all smexy I am ready for Game of Thrones. Bye all, I hope you ALL have a great evening.

We have the same tv shows ;)

Thalatte said:
I have piper brainwashed so well... I gave her the option of what books to read. Either one about a teddy bear, puppy or turtle! As soon as she heard turtle she came running!

Who doesn't love turtles?


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Jul 15, 2012
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Last day of working early morning shifts tomorrow. Today I trained two new people.

We're working on redoing our living room so maybe I'll post before/afters... We only have seating for 3, so with luck we might add on a love seat so your options aren't someone's lap or dog fur covered floor, lol.

And the pie was delicious! I'd share if I could.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
sibi said:
Shoot...that's what you have living next to you? The bylaws state that they are in compliance with the laws of your township. Every township has laws against trespassing. With the appropriate signs, they has to stay off your property or you can call the police. Warning them in advance may just avoid bigger problems down the road. Be sure you first notify your homeowners assn of your intent. They may just be able to intercede on your behalf.

Just an afterthought...aren't neighbors fun? That's why I hate leaving my home. Some people *iss me off to no end. I'd love to live like Jacqui and Cowboy. No people for miles around, but just a couple of close friendships from time to time. And, forum friends are the best. They can tell you straight up how to do things. When you need TLC, they are there for you. And, it's not fake either. I hope things get resolved soon. Mikey sounds like a blast.

What's sad is the old adage it only takes one bad apple is so true. I have been trying to be the bigger person honestly and I thought maybe they'd see it's different here. It can't be pleasant since everyone avoids them. I have always had some guilt with my annoyance. They are from the area I grew up in so I have made the excuse in my mind that they were used to the country but my Mom was over once and saw the little girls in the road far away. When I told her they lived behind us she was horrified and said even where I grew up, in the neighborhood I was related to half of, that she wouldn't have allowed me to roam that far at that age. I think I felt guilty because I thought maybe I had gone so far from my roots and was acting snobby.
I an starting to do these treatments to areas of my lawn to get rid of some weeds.. I know weird huh.. Don't worry they aren't near the tortoise outdoor area.
Also I don't trust to leave my torts outside alone now too. :(

Night night :)


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Oct 17, 2009
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SF Valley, SoCal
Jacqui said:
Don't know about last night, but it was this am.

Couldn't log on earlier this morning. Was the site down?

Good morning everyone! Its going to be a beautiful day here, so I'm thinking about playing hookie from work and spending the day in the garden.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Shelly that sounds like a wonderful plan, go for it!!!

I am going to be leaving early this afternoon to go pick up Jeff's pills, then after killing some time waiting for him to get there, he has offered to take me out to supper as my reward. :D

After deciding I couldn't work at my old greenhouse, seeing them setting up has got me a bit down. I had noticed the two local WalMarts were looking for part time temp cashiers and greenhouse folks, so on a whime I applied. (Not sure if they even still have openings at those two since I waited a few days... okay perhaps a week to apply). I did the WalMart app online early yesterday afternoon. I was shocked to go up and get on my cell and have a message from one about my app. I have never had somebody reply back in less then 24 hrs. Bad news is, when I was applying I said within 50 miles, they listed this location as one and I said I was interested because I couldn't really remember how far away it is. This is the one WalMart I only get to like once every three years. :D So I looked it up, it's an hour and 15 mins away. :( :( Why is it the one so far away is interested, but not the ones close enough to actually work at. :(
The drive would be fine, but not paying for all that gas. The gas would take all the money I might make.


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Kingman, Arizona
Karen just said, “Ummmm, you invited everyone in the forum to our house?"
I probably should have run that past her it would seem…


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I think Ken that might have been a good idea to ask first. :D


5 Year Member
Oct 17, 2009
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SF Valley, SoCal
Cowboy_Ken said:
Karen just said, “Ummmm, you invited everyone in the forum to our house?"
I probably should have run that past her it would seem…

Yes, probably. She sounds very patient.


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Jul 15, 2012
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Had an exciting find at work today... They sell these air terrariums for only $3! They hold air plants like tillandsia and are cheap (for once). If interested in them, check what target calls one spot (aka the $3 or less section usually full of hello kitty crap).

Now I need to find air plants and a good place to put these! I bought three and may buy more (in case one breaks).

Here's a picture of one:


And the packaging for anyone who might be seeking them:


Yay! I love air plants :D
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I saw my first bloom while walking this afternoon
It's sad and wants friends!!

Hey Jacqui, the home depot near me has a huge garden section and I thought of you when I saw it. Do you have a home depot near you, if so, maybe they are looking for people in their plantscdept. Because spring & summer is coming.
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Cowboy_Ken said:
Mrs.C. , how did adventures in doctorland go today?

No answers yet, just lots of bloodwork and we should know results in a week.

Ken, did you see the new gun laws that went in effect at noon today in CT? Check them out, if you haven't. I don't want to clog chat up with gun talk or accidentally start a debate. So just check them out.
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