Pretend chat 2

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I'll be your over the shoulder boulder holder, what? You said you needed support.


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Yeah, I've been complaining about that too. I'm back home and had a ball!.


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I was just reading a lengthy report on possible upgrades coming with a summer release of an iPhone 6. My heart is racing a bit. Wireless charging? Really? What?


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Cowboy_Ken said:
I was just reading a lengthy report on possible upgrades coming with a summer release of an iPhone 6. My heart is racing a bit. Wireless charging? Really? What?

Would be nice!
Klamath River I love, Klamath desert? Egh....
Soccer player seems sick, Search and Rescue kid tore a calf muscle at yesterday's soccer practice. We will see what happens tomorrow!

Oh, I have no life obviously ;) It's all about the boys!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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sibi said:
Yeah, I've been complaining about that too. I'm back home and had a ball!.

So glad you did! Was it even better then you had been thinking it would be?

Good Morning TFO!!!​

Yvonne G

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Jacqui wished us all a good morning at 6a this morning and here it is already a quarter after 9a and no one has responded????

I guess they're all miffed at you, Jacqui, for having a sick computer and being gone for so long.

Good Morning, back attcha, Jacqui!!!!

Of course, you're already gone, off into the real world, pulling weeds, planting plants, killing ticks!

Yippee, yippee, hooray!!! (Pats herself on the back, injuring her rotator cuff in the process) One of my female eastern box turtles woke up with a R.I. and a double ear abscess. She's probably a wild caught animal because she's not tame AT ALL, and doesn't allow me to do anything to her. But I brought her in the house, set her up in a hospital tank, and I've been soaking her in Terramycin daily. There are many reasons the ears become infected and abscessed, and I don't know why this happened to this turtle. But because she won't let me grab her head to lance them, there's really nothing I can do but keep her warm and soak her in antibiotics.

So a few days ago she was laying under the light with her eyes closed and her head out. I got the razor blade and was able to slice the skin over one abscess before she pulled her head back inside. This a.m. I saw that my slice was successful and there was a great big gob of hard puss sticking out from the slice.

I took a chance that I might be able to administer to her this a.m., got all my supplies ready and held her upside down for a few minutes. She eventually put her head out enough that I was able to grab her behind her jaws and finish the job I started. I cleaned out both abscesses and squirted some Betadyne in the holes.

I feel so proud of myself! I would have hated it if she died because I wasn't able to get rid of those nasty infections.

So wake up everybody and tell us what big plans you all have for your week-end. The weather here is going to be the low 80's both days. I'm hoping to get a lot of yard work accomplished.


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Nov 4, 2012
Woke up this morning, see the bright sun and think its finally a nice day. Only to then see snow falling as well. Only in Michigan

Maggie Cummings

I plan on going out and trying to repair the damage to my pens that Bob did yesterday in his escape IF it ever stops raining. I have become a pretty good Oregonian as I will do a lot of my outside chores in the rain and don't care. But it's a hard rain this morning and we just had a hail storm so I'm gonna wait for a bit and hope it clears up some.
I am known in my neighborhood for the massive Sunflowers I grow but I have started 19 of them this Spring and so far they have all died. I'm thinkin it's because the sun never shines here.
I am also gonna cut some of the long grass in my front yard for Bob as he has grazed his pen down to nothing.
Yesterday I had my container and my scissors and was happily cutting away when a carload of teenagers drove by at the 10 MPH speed limit and one hollered "Hey lady, get a lawnmower"! The jerk.
Then I will go for a walk and collect some dandelions for my tortoises. In a 2 block area I will be able to collect 2 good sized bags as dandelions are the Oregon state flower...:)

I am very proud of my sis the surgeon. Congrats!


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Soccer players feeling good, we just arrived in Klamath Falls, 2.5 hours in the car. We are all a little nuts...
Game starts at 2...
It's cold and windy, but no rain yet!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Way to go, Ms Yvonne!! Hi Ms. Maggie!

I have been doing more removing of trumpet vines and trees. I haven't gotten any more ticks yet, as I think it may be back to being too cold for them. Would be the only thing good about the cooler weather. Sunday is going to be a bit warmer, but once more rain is sticking around. Would be nice if the wind would tapper off a bit.

I am sure you all remember how well the 'possums love to visit the cat feeders here at the house. Well yesterday I was sitting in my truck taking a break/warming up/ and reading a book, when I looked over at the front step where I feed the two cats who live at the brown house. There snarfing down catfood was a big fat 'possum. :( It was only like 5 pm, so not even getting dusk and there the pig was. Not quite as chubby as Ms. Waddles (the biggest fattest one who raids the food at my house), but still chubby.

Yvonne G

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Oh, I'm so happy to hear that someone else warms up in their vehicle besides me. My house is always so cold in the " 'tween seasons" know, the time when its too warm outside to build a fire in the woodstove...and I love to park out side the garage in the sun and just sit in there and warm up.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Just thinking about Maggie's person saying get a mower and wondering what folks think about me collecting weeds from the park and across the street at the vacant lot. :rolleyes: :D

emysemys said:
Oh, I'm so happy to hear that someone else warms up in their vehicle besides me. My house is always so cold in the " 'tween seasons" know, the time when its too warm outside to build a fire in the woodstove...and I love to park out side the garage in the sun and just sit in there and warm up.

:D My truck is becoming my favorite spot to read my books in. No doubt another thing being added to my list of "What the Crazy Lady is Doing now" list being kept by my fellow villagers. :D


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sibi said:
Hi everyone. We went in style to the wine festival. We're eating pizza now's been raining and cold lime nothing I've seen this time of year. But I've tasted some many different red wines, I feel nothing! Speak to you all later and will post pics of the evening.

woo I love merlots.. I am extra jealous because i loved wine and my allergies robbed me of it :p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I keep trying different wines, but so far have not found one I really like.

Kerryann, did you get to have a relaxing day?


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So here is a recap of my last two and a half days:
Thursday 6:30 pm, client site goes down and wont stay up and I see tons of traffic hitting it and can't figure out the surge in traffic. I stay up and review logs until 2 am. We get the site stabilized and I go to bed. My alert goes off at 4:30 and I am up working on figuring out what is spawning the traffic. I take henry and betty to the vet. Bettys shell is mostly healed and he said she looks good. She got her heavy antibotic and both torts went up a lb in the last year. I took them home and drove to work. I worked until 4pm and then rushed home so we could get on the road to Mikes parent's for his birthday dinner. Hooked my laptop to my phone as a mobile hotspot and worked for the two hours in the car. On my drive we determined a development change caused the issue and disabled it but the traffic would take a while to kill. Went to dinner with the inlaws and worked only some during dinner. Worked until 1 am and saw the traffic subsiding. Went to bed and was awoke at 3 with a site outage notice. Left at 8 am and went out on my hubs bday trail thing he wanted to do. I worked in the jeep until around 4pm and then came up with the solution to fix the issue and worked with the admins to get the site finally stabilized.
What is this sleep stuff?? I think it's over rated :p
But I am sooooooo happy to report that both bettuce and henrus are the shining examples of health. Bettys beak deformity was caused by her malnutrition but if I keep it filed she should be just fine.
Mikeys pre birthday was fun but I think he wants to snuff me for working through his special weekend. Apparently Tuesday I am not allowed to work under any circumstance


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Aug 23, 2012
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Hi Maggie, glad to be reading your post and that you are up and about doing things again. I had a great Friday evening. I went to a wine fest in Sandestin in a Hummer limo with 14 other wives of my hubby's work. We had a ball despite the cold rain. After a while, though, I wasn't feeling a thing:p Today, my hubby, mil, and me were placing concrete blocks around the perimeter of the backyard where my sullies will have their permanent outside/indoor enclosure.
We're exhausted, and are resting right now.
maggie3fan said:
I plan on going out and trying to repair the damage to my pens that Bob did yesterday in his escape IF it ever stops raining. I have become a pretty good Oregonian as I will do a lot of my outside chores in the rain and don't care. But it's a hard rain this morning and we just had a hail storm so I'm gonna wait for a bit and hope it clears up some.
I am known in my neighborhood for the massive Sunflowers I grow but I have started 19 of them this Spring and so far they have all died. I'm thinkin it's because the sun never shines here.
I am also gonna cut some of the long grass in my front yard for Bob as he has grazed his pen down to nothing.
Yesterday I had my container and my scissors and was happily cutting away when a carload of teenagers drove by at the 10 MPH speed limit and one hollered "Hey lady, get a lawnmower"! The jerk.
Then I will go for a walk and collect some dandelions for my tortoises. In a 2 block area I will be able to collect 2 good sized bags as dandelions are the Oregon state flower...:)

I am very proud of my sis the surgeon. Congrats!


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Jacqui said:
I keep trying different wines, but so far have not found one I really like.

Kerryann, did you get to have a relaxing day?

After like 4 pm yes... And I'm now in my own bed and I'm sleeping tonight:)


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
So glad to hear you will get son sleep. After yesterday, I sleep like a good baby.
Kerryann said:
Jacqui said:
I keep trying different wines, but so far have not found one I really like.

Kerryann, did you get to have a relaxing day?

After like 4 pm yes... And I'm now in my own bed and I'm sleeping tonight:)
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