Pretend chat 2

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I stink at math :p
I realized today while I could be a salesperson, reconciling invoices makes me want to claw my eyes out. I'd rather let me
Y eyes bleed from log reviews. :huh:


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Kerryann, sometimes houses are custom made for little people (politically correct). But, at least now Erin can upscale her kitchen:p

I'm not the best at math either, buy when I worked at a bank in New York, I worked in reconciliations and absolutely loved it. I had to figure out where certain funds came from, or who it belonged to. Then, I would correct the transaction and all was good. It was like being Sherlock Holmes unraveling a mystery.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Kerryann, sometimes houses are custom made for little people (politically correct). But, at least now Erin can upscale her kitchen:p

I'm not the best at math either, buy when I worked at a bank in New York, I worked in reconciliations and absolutely loved it. I had to figure out where certain funds came from, or who it belonged to. Then, I would correct the transaction and all was good. It was like being Sherlock Holmes unraveling a mystery.

I used to watch the show little people big world and they had a custom kitchen made. It was cool.
That sounds a lot like what I was doing tonight. I like the detective work but the math is so not my strong suit.
Did you get your new shoes? How are your feets?
I'm off to sleep chicas and chicos.


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Nope, no new shoes yet. Will figure out tomorrow what size/width/type I should be wearing to hopefully alleviate the daily foot pain.

And as for the third dog, we'd get her in a heartbeat if someone would just sponsor the heart worm meds... It's just the extra $20ish a month for flea/hw meds alone that just adds up so quickly. I did like the rescue group on Facebook though, just in case some rich benefactor does want to "donate" ;) They can buy me some new shoes too if they so wish. Juuust kidding on the shoes, but a pet sponsor wouldn't be turned down :p


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Well, I got fitted for the shoes. I have to wait 3 weeks for it to come in custom made. I had ulcers on my right foot, and I'm still trying to keep it from getting infected. If I have to wear these special shoes to keep my feet from drying and cracking, then I will. The thought of my foot being amputated is so scary, that I'm actually watching what I eat and recording my BS at least 4 times a day.


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Jacqui said:
littlestella said:
Funny, Im in the same boat, had a lovely injection into my left arch yesterday and let me tell you that felt wonderful... (yes sarcasm).

I cringed at the thought of that, why did you need that done?

Plantar Fasciitis, it's been killing me. Truefully the shot hurt no worse then the pain of standing up. Today was the first day in a long time I could walk without pain. Totally worth it! Any since I am doing the 40mile Avon walk for Brest Cancer in a few months, pain walking is no good.



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So I've never offered cucumber to any of my tortoises. Yesterday was the first. I did it mainly out of concerns of hydration due to the unseasonable hot weather we've been having. The russians had no problem figuring out what to do with it. View attachment 43706
I like that they've scalloped the outer edges to resemble a dandelion leaf.
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I had the same pain in my feet. Yes, I said feet. In both feet. I was beside myself in pain for 6 months!!!!! Then, one day, it just went away. I hope it never returns, but I heard that people with flat feet get this pain. Do you have flat feet?

littlestella said:
Jacqui said:
littlestella said:
Funny, Im in the same boat, had a lovely injection into my left arch yesterday and let me tell you that felt wonderful... (yes sarcasm).

I cringed at the thought of that, why did you need that done?

Plantar Fasciitis, it's been killing me. Truefully the shot hurt no worse then the pain of standing up. Today was the first day in a long time I could walk without pain. Totally worth it! Any since I am doing the 40mile Avon walk for Brest Cancer in a few months, pain walking is no good.

Cowboy, the cucumber looked might enticing. Can't blame your torts for really enjoying it. So cute!!



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A friends wife just told Karen that her husband was cleaning out a storage shed for an older gal today, and she indicated one box he could have. In the box were 7 original Barbie dolls in their boxes. He threw it away because he didn't know any better, (moron) and instead brought home a dancing chicken doll, (really?)
By the way, one of the Barbies is listed on eBay for $1000.00 and still going up. What a maroon!!!


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Wow, I wouldn't even ha e sold it. It would be worth so much more later. Yea, he was a moron alright. Hey, btw, am I ever gonna get the dandelion seeds?


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Sibi, yes. Very sorry. Many brands in the fire. I Should have taken care of that when offered. I shall strive to make in roads tomorrow. Kappish?

Best part about the one on eBay, it's not one of the ones he tossed into the dumpster. Sighhhh.


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sibi said:
I had the same pain in my feet. Yes, I said feet. In both feet. I was beside myself in pain for 6 months!!!!! Then, one day, it just went away. I hope it never returns, but I heard that people with flat feet get this pain. Do you have flat feet?

No just the opposite, very high arches. I think years of wearing Converse caused most of it. Hopefully this will be the end.

Think I need to get some cucumbers tomorrow, they sure look like they enjoyed it.


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littlestella said:
sibi said:
I had the same pain in my feet. Yes, I said feet. In both feet. I was beside myself in pain for 6 months!!!!! Then, one day, it just went away. I hope it never returns, but I heard that people with flat feet get this pain. Do you have flat feet?

No just the opposite, very high arches. I think years of wearing Converse caused most of it. Hopefully this will be the end.

Think I need to get some cucumbers tomorrow, they sure look like they enjoyed it.

You know what I heard is a cure? Take a liter bottle of soda(empty, of course) and lay it on the floor so that you can roll your foot over it back and forth. It will take the pain away without pain management, or special shoes.


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sibi said:
Well, I got fitted for the shoes. I have to wait 3 weeks for it to come in custom made. I had ulcers on my right foot, and I'm still trying to keep it from getting infected. If I have to wear these special shoes to keep my feet from drying and cracking, then I will. The thought of my foot being amputated is so scary, that I'm actually watching what I eat and recording my BS at least 4 times a day.

Did you like the shoes you picked out?
That is a great way to control the issue. I track all of my food too. i use an online app called

I was up at 2 am dealing with hateful client issues. ugh... seriously???


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Are these things that could not wait until say 7 am to deal with?


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Jacqui said:
Are these things that could not wait until say 7 am to deal with?

Apparently not.. and they were angry with me specifically for doing what they wanted me to do.. aka the one who was angry obviously doesn't know his manager authorized me to change his (the managers) access at the request of their internal security personnel. I was overly polite as usual. I couldn't fall back asleep.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I think you need to turn off all phones ring tones and put the answering machine on. I know you want to give great service, but there needs to be limits. You have needs to including a good night's sleep and time off from worries about the job.


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Good Morning, it is dark & rainy here but I am happy about it because Ian waiting for the electrician and have a lot of cleaning to do so it is a great day to stay inside.

Here is my kitchen. It is not built for "little people" just the cabinets are low and done people don't mind a counter microwave but I think it takes up too much space. Also the appliance are being taken out and replaced with stainless as soon as the carpenter is finished so here I'd the before...

& here is my new kitchen table and cute painting I bought.nothing is centered because Rob ripped a cabinet untit off of the wall so I temporarily hung the painting over the non painted area until the painters can paint it...
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Are you replacing the cabinets?
The old house is moved out of, and ready for lookers?
Have you met your new neighbors and asked about winter power outages at your new place?
We've all got questions.
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