Pretend chat 2

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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
KerryAnn they often have them out in the middle of a grass area, in this case your lawn. Normally they will come back to their young. We run over atleast 2-3 nests each year sadly it seems we also normally find it after we kill some of the babies. :( Actually while mowing between my neighbor's and my place this week, I too found a nest. Mine had no babies which made me glad. Feel bad for the female having to start all over with a new nest when she must be so close to delivering. :( Funny thing is, I rarely see any rabbits near the house. Our brown house is where we normally find the nests and see adults.


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Kerryann, rabbits often leave their young to go feed and often re-breed. They only nurse them once or twice a day. Kind of like how deer leave their fawns hidden when they're off feeding.

I once found a mouse nest outside and watched in horror as my dog ate the mom and half the babies in one swoop. I had a momma mouse at that time who had a litter of babies so I tried fostering them to her by rubbing mom scent all over them but I came back to find she ate all but five (out of 9 of her own and 3 fosters). She was grossly bloated after that and after that whole ordeal I stopped owning any mice.


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I read that about Mom buns. I wonder if it's the bun that lives under our deck. Kyle saw it yesterday but didn't know what it was. I told him not to more near the babies. How long do baby buns take to grow up?
I'm off to sleep.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I had the most unexpected, but very pleasant surprise when my daughter showed up tonight.... she brought her younger brother with her! It has felt like forever (okay since Easter) that I got to see him. He's done with college for the summer, so I should be getting to see him more and hopefully get to have him use some of his muscles to do some work for me. :cool:

Just got an alert about a severe thunderstorm in the area. It sure is making a pretty light show. Funny when I was talking to Jeff a little bit ago, he was saying the same thing about where is he at (Kentucky).


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA guys, Cowboy can't stand NYC, and by extension, CT. We'd have to meet someplace like CA or OR in order to get Ken to go. Ha!
Cowboy_Ken said:
Currently the Dahlia Lama is in town visiting.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Kerryann said:
I read that about Mom buns. I wonder if it's the bun that lives under our deck. Kyle saw it yesterday but didn't know what it was. I told him not to more near the babies. How long do baby buns take to grow up?
I'm off to sleep.

A couple of weeks and then they will be running around.

sibi said: guys, Cowboy can't stand NYC, and by extension, CT. We'd have to meet someplace like CA or OR in order to get Ken to go. Ha!
Cowboy_Ken said:
Currently the Dahlia Lama is in town visiting.

Works for me, just stop and pick me up along the way. :D


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Haha, that's funny. I like Karen's sense of humor.
Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi, today Karen is home. She is out doing yard work, and asked herself, “whats that noise? Oh, it's Ken, vacuuming the pasture" then I informed her of yours and my plans and she said, “you two are gonna be on the news with the pythons!" I laughed and continued on with my vacuuming. Lol.

I'm so happy for you that your son is gonna be around to help you out around the house. Did you get the branches out of your yard yet?
Jacqui said:
I had the most unexpected, but very pleasant surprise when my daughter showed up tonight.... she brought her younger brother with her! It has felt like forever (okay since Easter) that I got to see him. He's done with college for the summer, so I should be getting to see him more and hopefully get to have him use some of his muscles to do some work for me. :cool:

Just got an alert about a severe thunderstorm in the area. It sure is making a pretty light show. Funny when I was talking to Jeff a little bit ago, he was saying the same thing about where is he at (Kentucky).



Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
sibi said:
I'm so happy for you that your son is gonna be around to help you out around the house. Did you get the branches out of your yard yet?

:D Which branches? I got trucked up to the burn pile several loads that were covering the parking pad at the brown house. I still have loads of trees to cut down, branches that are down to load off, old vines to cut out, and an entire lot filled with old weeds to cut/pull out. :D It never ends here. :D

While I want and need Josh's help, the reality is I hope he finds a good job for the summer. (one that perhaps he can keep even when in college or maybe get rehired for after graduation). At best, he may come down once a week at most to help for a few hours... which is better then none, so that is not really a complaint.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Well, any help is good. I know how tough it is for kids coming out of college go find jobs. The market is improving, though. What is his major? At my husband's job, they've hiring college kids right out of college to train to become software engineers. That's why I asked.


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I've got a B.S. in Animal Science and am utilizing it to the fullest by working as a cashier at Target. Well, both fields deal with a bunch of crap daily and unruly herds so it's not too different...


Well-Known Member
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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Lol, at least you have a good sense of humor about it. You would think that Target would train you for a management position since you do have a degree.

RosieRedfoot said:
I've got a B.S. in Animal Science and am utilizing it to the fullest by working as a cashier at Target. Well, both fields deal with a bunch of crap daily and unruly herds so it's not too different...


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
sibi said:
Well, any help is good. I know how tough it is for kids coming out of college go find jobs. The market is improving, though. What is his major? At my husband's job, they've hiring college kids right out of college to train to become software engineers. That's why I asked.

He is business and accounting, either getting a job and taking classes to continue for CPA (?) or just staying in school until he has it all. My daughter is also doing business something or other and is pretty close to finishing her two degrees. My oldest is doing accounting I believe. The oldest daughter is done with degrees in religion and audio engineering or something along those lines.

I can't see these days where you can justify so many of the degrees and schooling kids take with job potentials. Tonight they were talking and the daughter is taking summer courses. Her two courses are going to cost her $1,200. The debt these kids are wracking up is unbelievable, makes me so glad none of them are going for being Doctors. My daughter is paying $800 a month on her loans and it will be several years before she is paid off and that's with having had two years of a pretty good grant.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Man, they can't possibly beat my student loans. I did a double major too, and let me tell you, I will die before I get to pay it off. And my husband shouldn't be responsible for it either because it was incurred before i married him, and he was unaware of my debt until I married him. But, we pay regularly each month. Fortunately, he has zero debt for his college and he was a double major too.

Jobs today require college degrees for jobs I use to qualify for years ago. I mean, I've seen college grads working at Burger King. I recall that I never wanted to leave school. I just wanted to keep getting degrees in various disciplines, and my son was the same. Finally, after getting his masters in business, he joined Homeland Security. Go figure.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! Where's Jacqui? I can't believe I'm the first one on today. Anyone there?

Yvonne G

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I don't know about Jacqui, but I had trouble getting on this a.m. Kept getting the BB message that the Forum was not available.

So I went out and picked up horse poop!

Now it is incredibly slow.

No college education here. I started off as a telephone operator for AT&T, and retired 30 years later from a Communication Engineer position.

Hope all is well with all our chatters. It's going to be a good day here, with weather in the 80's. I'm expanding the leopard tortoise pen by 8' which means the Manouria rain forest is shrinking by 8'. The leopards are eating the grass down to the nubs and the Manouria don't eat so much grass. Trouble is, where the fence line is moving to has so many darned cottonwood tree roots its awful hard to dig post holes.

Hope everyone has a good day and not too much weather!!!


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Me too, same connection problems. Now, it's real slow. At least I know now it's not on my end. I think Jacqui may be having some bad weather. Here it's warm and sunny. My sullies are having a ball, I mean grass.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I don't know about Jacqui, but I had trouble getting on this a.m. Kept getting the BB message that the Forum was not available.

So I went out and picked up horse poop!

Now it is incredibly slow.

No college education here. I started off as a telephone operator for AT&T, and retired 30 years later from a Communication Engineer position.

Hope all is well with all our chatters. It's going to be a good day here, with weather in the 80's. I'm expanding the leopard tortoise pen by 8' which means the Manouria rain forest is shrinking by 8'. The leopards are eating the grass down to the nubs and the Manouria don't eat so much grass. Trouble is, where the fence line is moving to has so many darned cottonwood tree roots its awful hard to dig post holes.

Hope everyone has a good day and not too much weather!!!

And right now...I had this whole thing typed and it wouldn't post. I typed it right after Sibi asked if anyone was on line and was finally able to get it posted a half hour later.

Here's the latest pictures of Misty:



And now I see that even though it got the internal server error my post actually DID post. Sorry for the duplicate. I was patting myself on the back for thinking to "copy" the post, and I guess I didn't need to. HAH!


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Oct 26, 2011
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I am in the UK and can't get the web browser version of TFO to work at all. I am using the app on my Samsung Galaxy Note and that works fine. I just tried the app on my iPhone and that works fine too.

Whatever is happening seems to be to do with the version you use on an ordinary computer through Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or whatever.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Good morning all. I won't be on much today. Helping the in-laws out at their new place. I did, though, want to let everyone know that this weekend on CBS, the PBR event, “Last Cowboy Standing" will be airing at 4:00 pm est both Saturday and Sunday. Record and watch, or just watch. The 50 top bullriders of the world will be going head to head until only one is left.


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Jul 15, 2012
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Columbia, SC
Sibi, they are training me this next week for price accuracy and guest services so hopefully that means a raise. At the very least it means more work shift opportunities. Oh, and I'd get to know when anything goes on final clearance in advance. I'm so happy I found the toilet bowl cleaner on clearance though since I needed some anyway. Was only $2.48 for 3 huge bottles.

And yeah, my bosses do like me and I once had the regional manager come through my line (to my ignorance) and she said I was an amazing asset and worker. So at the very least I have some good references...

And I figure I can't have anything but a sense of humor about it. I'm not starving, have a roof over my head, and no serious debt so it's not all that bad. I know most of my fellow graduates can only get jobs at places like pet stores/grooming or retail and it's just how things are right now. I have considered getting a masters in biology or genetics, but I don't want to go into extreme debt if there are still no jobs to be able to pay it off.

Looks like I got a random tort pic though!
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