Pretend chat 2

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Smart's gonna get you places. Yea, Target is like Kmart in that they'll train you for management positions, only they won't tell you it's a managers job, nor will they pay you either for the upgrade. However, if you put in the hours, work different shifts, and show that you are reliable, a non-complainer, you'll be offered something down the road. Don't know if you'll put up with in though. That's just how things are because they know that there are college kids out there waiting to take your job. One day, though, things are turn and they may just loose great employees because of their cut-throat policies.
RosieRedfoot said:
Sibi, they are training me this next week for price accuracy and guest services so hopefully that means a raise. At the very least it means more work shift opportunities. Oh, and I'd get to know when anything goes on final clearance in advance. I'm so happy I found the toilet bowl cleaner on clearance though since I needed some anyway. Was only $2.48 for 3 huge bottles.

And yeah, my bosses do like me and I once had the regional manager come through my line (to my ignorance) and she said I was an amazing asset and worker. So at the very least I have some good references...

And I figure I can't have anything but a sense of humor about it. I'm not starving, have a roof over my head, and no serious debt so it's not all that bad. I know most of my fellow graduates can only get jobs at places like pet stores/grooming or retail and it's just how things are right now. I have considered getting a masters in biology or genetics, but I don't want to go into extreme debt if there are still no jobs to be able to pay it off.

Looks like I got a random tort pic though!



Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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So nice that the forum is back up to speed. I came on for a bit this am and decided to go do some work and see if it didn't improve.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
*still chuckling at how big Misty's nose looks*

So I finished my reheated lunch (a Yvonne type meal of ham and beans), washed my dishes, fed a few more tortoises, walked the dogs, and then changed into my dirty mowing jeans because I was going to go pull weeds and knew it was wet and muddy out there from last night's storm. Went outside, collected my gloves, my bagbucket (small and easy to fill and then dump when in enclosures) and a garbage can. I no sooner got within ten feet of the first enclosure I was going to work on andddddd down came the rain. :( Guess I will just have to force myself to stay inside and watch some more Netflix huh? :D

Yvonne G

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We had a bit of rain a day or two ago, but it's bright and beautiful today! I was able to move the leopard/manouria fence 8' into the Manouria pen to give the leopard tortoises a bit more grass to eat this morning. Now I have to rake it good, water it well, and wait a month or so for any Manouria bugs to die before I can let the leopards on it.

Then I went into town. Yesterday in the mail I got a notification of a new hot dog place in town - California dogs. So I went with the intention of getting myself a yummy hot dog for lunch. They were supposed to open at 11, however when I got there at 11:15 they weren't open and no signs of life inside. I hate that. I made a special trip into town for nothing.

So instead I came home and made myself some chilli/noodles. I got the idea years ago from Bob's, home of the Big Boy. They serve a dish called Chilli spaghetti. It's cooked noodles (I use angel hair) with grated cheddar cheese on top, then chilli on top of that with onions. I buy the brick chilli from the freezer section. Man-o-man is that good!

Yvonne G

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I think the brand is Johnson's. You thaw it, add a bit of tomato sauce and heat it up. VERY good chilli. (no beans)

I forgot to mention that my family of Black Phoebes fledged a couple days ago. I was worried that the babies would fall to the ground in the back yard and I would unknowingly go out there with Misty and she'd get them before I could stop her. But, no...they were there in the a.m. when I went out, with tails and heads hanging all over the edge of the tiny nest, but gone later in the day. And not a Phoebe in sight!

But in the front yard it was another story. A mockingbird was dive bombing one of my cats, and later I saw a tiny fully feathered but not very good at flying baby on the ground.

As a owner of several cats, spring fledging season is not one of my favorites. I know its nature, but I hate to see the cats get the babies.


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sibi said:
Well, any help is good. I know how tough it is for kids coming out of college go find jobs. The market is improving, though. What is his major? At my husband's job, they've hiring college kids right out of college to train to become software engineers. That's why I asked.

The IT market in my area is hot. We are having a hard time finding people and have lost more people than we wanted too :(
IT is a great field.

Yvonne G said:
I don't know about Jacqui, but I had trouble getting on this a.m. Kept getting the BB message that the Forum was not available.

So I went out and picked up horse poop!

Now it is incredibly slow.

No college education here. I started off as a telephone operator for AT&T, and retired 30 years later from a Communication Engineer position.

Hope all is well with all our chatters. It's going to be a good day here, with weather in the 80's. I'm expanding the leopard tortoise pen by 8' which means the Manouria rain forest is shrinking by 8'. The leopards are eating the grass down to the nubs and the Manouria don't eat so much grass. Trouble is, where the fence line is moving to has so many darned cottonwood tree roots its awful hard to dig post holes.

Hope everyone has a good day and not too much weather!!!

And right now...I had this whole thing typed and it wouldn't post. I typed it right after Sibi asked if anyone was on line and was finally able to get it posted a half hour later.

Here's the latest pictures of Misty:



And now I see that even though it got the internal server error my post actually DID post. Sorry for the duplicate. I was patting myself on the back for thinking to "copy" the post, and I guess I didn't need to. HAH!

She's such a cutie :D I love your puppy from afar :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Yvonne G said:
I think the brand is Johnson's. You thaw it, add a bit of tomato sauce and heat it up. VERY good chilli. (no beans)

It's not chili if it doesn't have beans. :p :D


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I love beans in my chili!

I made pizza from scratch today. We had a pizza stone for the grill. Made two "mini" Hawaiian pizzas. Here's a few pics of it:


My slice

The crispy bottom

I made the sauce and dough from scratch and bought the Canadian bacon and pineapple. Also bought the mozzarella cheese and shredded it myself. So no, didn't butcher the pig, grow the pineapple, or milk the cow to make the cheese buuut it's pretty close to all from scratch :p At least by today's standards, lol.

Prince's "I'll trade you my favorite toy for your pizza, mom"
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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
You know I was sitting here eating my yogurt and feeling okay about it and then somebody (see ^ above post) had to come on and show a picture of pizza. Suddenly the yogurt is just not cutting it as "real" food. :(


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Haha. Kim could be so mean:p Jacqui, must imagine you're eating ice cream with chocolate syrup and fresh strawberries.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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sibi said:
Haha. Kim could be so mean:p Jacqui, must imagine you're eating ice cream with chocolate syrup and fresh strawberries.

*blushes* I actually had that for lunch dessert. :rolleyes: :D


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I made a fabulous bean enchilada dinner with a side of sauteed veggies with chili powder on them. :D It was so yummy and my snack was air popped popcorn. I am getting pretty close to my goal weight.
Oh I forgot to tell/warn you all that I have tomorrow off. I am not sure what I am going to do but it may involve relaxing.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Kerryann said:
I am not sure what I am going to do but it may involve relaxing.

Is hell freezing over tomorrow? :p :D Seriously, it's about time.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Am I reading this for real? Relax.....Kerryann, do you know what it means? You may actually add a few more days to your life span!:p
Now, all you have to do is do it at least once a week, and you'll live to be 100! I'm proud of you.
Kerryann said:
I made a fabulous bean enchilada dinner with a side of sauteed veggies with chili powder on them. :D It was so yummy and my snack was air popped popcorn. I am getting pretty close to my goal weight.
Oh I forgot to tell/warn you all that I have tomorrow off. I am not sure what I am going to do but it may involve relaxing.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Am I reading this for real? Relax.....Kerryann, do you know what it means? You may actually add a few more days to your life span!:p
Now, all you have to do is do it at least once a week, and you'll live to be 100! I'm proud of you.
Kerryann said:
I made a fabulous bean enchilada dinner with a side of sauteed veggies with chili powder on them. :D It was so yummy and my snack was air popped popcorn. I am getting pretty close to my goal weight.
Oh I forgot to tell/warn you all that I have tomorrow off. I am not sure what I am going to do but it may involve relaxing.

I may go get one of my hairs cut too. I have to see if my hair cut chica is in.
I know.. Getting to relax is crazy. I didn't get schedule a facial. Next week I have a doctors appt so maybe I'll do it that day. :)
I have a Mani Pedi date on Saturday too


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Aug 23, 2012
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Good for you! If you're gonna relax, you might as well spend it up!!!
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