Pretend chat 2

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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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And now it's gone!

This is the trouble with this strange ghost. How do you report something to our admin, Josh, when by the time he reads it the picture is gone?


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Where is Bill Murray when you need him?

Something strange…in the neighborhood…who us gonna call?

Yvonne G

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There's been another problem we've been experiencing. I wanted to post it here because this thread is very well read. It seems that we sometimes see the cache and not the current postings. When we try to read something that has just been posted it's not visible anymore. We read a PM and delete it, but the PM notification still shows up.

If you clear your computer's history/cache/cookies the problem should go away.


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littlestella said:
The bottom group to me looks slightly orange and depending on the color of the room may change the look you are going for. I liked the middle group because its pulling in the darker colors of the counters and the lighter colors of your chairs/furniture sort of blending the room. Take lots of pictures at different angles and lighting because it may take on a totally different feel.

Just finished working at our old house, still trying to get it ready to sell. Such a long tedious thing. I have officially finished painting every room in the house (...and I HATE painting) and pressure washed the house. That in its self took me 8 hours to do. Soon it will go on the market and be off my back :).

I hate painting too but I also am really bad at it, I am constantly stopping to wipe drips and getting it all over myself, it is so frustrating!! I have two showings tomorrow and while I was getting the last few things out of the house and wiping things down my lovely 2 year old opened the fridge that was not yet cleaned out and dumped maple syrup all over the inside of the fridge and kitchen floor. I only brought my vacuum, swiffer, winded & paper towels to clean because it is pretty clean but I have to go back with some 409 and scotch bright pads because I could not get the syrup up, waaaaa!!!


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From what I understand is there are these people called, “painters" and the have skills.
Get ready for the phantom picture.

There it is!!!!!


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Yep, but I'm pretty sure those people that call themselves painters want to be paid, yet I dont want to pay them. Catch 22. My husband tried to help me paint but after 4hrs of watching him paint one door frame I revoked his paint brush.

Working on that house has been kind of an escape. The house is empty except one chair, a radio and a bottle of wine. The kids aren't there and there's no phone to call me on... :) so mom sits, drinks and paints... not so bad now that I think about it.


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At least the torts are cute. It could be a yuck pic of tortoise poo.

What is a regular tv? Local stations? :D
Tomorrow I will be busy getting my hairs cut and my mani/pedi.
I got my mothers days gifts today. Mikes grandma got a card with an applebees gift certificate. Mine and Mike's mom got fancy chocolates and pandora beads.

Yvonne G

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I honestly would rather have some sort of acknowledgment (card, phone call, etc) rather than a gift, for birthdays and Mother's day, etc. I really hate to shop, and I'm afraid I put that feeling on other people. So when they buy me a gift, I can't receive it with grace because in the back of my mind I know they just hated going shopping for the gift. Personal hang-up.

And now you know more than you ever really wanted to know!


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Lol...if my husband took 4 hours to paint one door frame, I would've done the same:p I laughed so hard I started to choke. I can't paint to save my life. I would try not to get paint on the floor, or on other things, but I always manage to mess it up. I guess my hands shake too much. Once, I was varnishing a door, and didn't have proper ventilation, so I guess I got high...I recall singing and moving my hips as I was splashing varnish all over the door. The next morning, I noticed the varnish was put on too thick that I had to strip the varnish off. Not funny!

Btw, Erin, I'm with Jacqui on the stones. I also thought the black stones would make the kitchen too dark. It will bring out the orange color, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think that would go very well with the stainless appliances. Buy, I do like the design in the stones you picked better, though.
littlestella said:
Yep, but I'm pretty sure those people that call themselves painters want to be paid, yet I dont want to pay them. Catch 22. My husband tried to help me paint but after 4hrs of watching him paint one door frame I revoked his paint brush.

Working on that house has been kind of an escape. The house is empty except one chair, a radio and a bottle of wine. The kids aren't there and there's no phone to call me on... :) so mom sits, drinks and paints... not so bad now that I think about it.


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Isn't it funny how we suppose our feelings onto others? You feel that way about shopping for gifts and suppose others feel the same. But, why do we do that? The only time I feel that uncomfortable about buying a gift for someone is if I really don't know them very well and don't know what they would like. That's why I give money...can't be bothered racking my brains. I just like shopping for my pets, myself, my husband, and not in that order.
Yvonne G said:
I honestly would rather have some sort of acknowledgment (card, phone call, etc) rather than a gift, for birthdays and Mother's day, etc. I really hate to shop, and I'm afraid I put that feeling on other people. So when they buy me a gift, I can't receive it with grace because in the back of my mind I know they just hated going shopping for the gift. Personal hang-up.

And now you know more than you ever really wanted to know!


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CtTortoiseMom said:
Kerryann said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
RosieRedfoot said:
I need a haircut. I want to go to a cheap place like great clips to save money buuut I have fine curly hair and if you cut it wrong it frizzes and then just needs to be redone. Figure I should just suck it up and go get it done at the salon I usually go to.

Yay for relaxing days! I'd repaint my toenails while watching movies tonight but it's hard to multi task when watching 3D movies since I get to be a six-eyes with double glasses.
My daughter also has curly hair and we started going to someone who really knew what they were doing when she was about 10 and she also gets Jeratin treatments every 3 months which really helps control the frizz without having to use a ton of product everyday.

BTW- Hawaiian Pizza is my favorite!! Yours looked soooo good!

Did you mean keratin and mistype it? I use that on my hair and it really keeps me from getting split ends. :D
Haha, yep! She uses all of the keratin products and it extends the life of the treatment too. I just get my hair cut every 6 weeks and it takes 10 minutes. She goes every 8-10 weeks and it take min. 2 hours, ugh!

If you chatters want to vote on my back splash the contractor & electrition are coming to redo the kitchen on Monday, here are the samples of river rock that I liked for the back splash, I laid it against the granite to better see if it "goes" together my favorite is the middle one on the right. What is your vote?

I see it now. I like the black. I had an interior designer tell me it looks good to have a darker color under your cabinets. I cant remember why tough :p


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All I want for mothers day is a break!! Rob said he would take me out for breakfast which is my favorite meal to go out for but I don't want to cut everyone's food and take my two youngest to the bathroom 5 times a piece. I just want to sleep in and not wake up feeling like I am late starting my long list of mundane tasks!

Thanks for all your opinions on the the back splash. It's a huge help to have your opinions :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I have a hard time accepting gifts, because as a child I always thought my father was trying to buy me with gifts. Most of his gifts were money and to this day I dislike money or gift cards as gifts, because I feel like the person did not think enough of me to even try. I much prefer a gift that I may never use, but I know somebody went to some trouble to get for me.

Speaking of gifts, Shari's Berries is doing bunches of ads for Mother's Day. Now, thanks to a special person who got me some for Valentine's day, I not only know what they taste like, but keep getting a warm feeling and smiling remembering my special surprise gift and the person who sent them.


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sibi said:
Isn't it funny how we suppose our feelings onto others? You feel that way about shopping for gifts and suppose others feel the same. But, why do we do that? The only time I feel that uncomfortable about buying a gift for someone is if I really don't know them very well and don't know what they would like. That's why I give money...can't be bothered racking my brains. I just like shopping for my pets, myself, my husband, and not in that order.
Yvonne G said:
I honestly would rather have some sort of acknowledgment (card, phone call, etc) rather than a gift, for birthdays and Mother's day, etc. I really hate to shop, and I'm afraid I put that feeling on other people. So when they buy me a gift, I can't receive it with grace because in the back of my mind I know they just hated going shopping for the gift. Personal hang-up.

And now you know more than you ever really wanted to know!
I love shopping. Mike says shopping is my hobby :p
I was so excited to get the perfect beads today for the moms. I got my mom a heart that says mom in a bunch of languages and I got Mike's mom a capital M. I had seen a bead with a gold star of David and I was like wooooo... woooo.. eek... decisions.. but I went with the capital M. I will save the other one for another holiday. ;)
Then I tried to shop for myself but I didn't find a skirt that I wanted so I abandoned my mission. I am losing weight too fast to buy more clothes. :p


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Ugh, feet still hurt and am having no luck finding acceptable looking AND acceptable priced shoes that also fit. It's like I can get two out three >.>

Oh, and the boxer rescue posted pics of their adoptables and I asked if Ellie (the dog who gave me the look) had found her home since she wasn't pictured. Oh no.... Was thinking how I could actually get to the vet and groomer easier since could leave 2 together (Dante has separation anxiety BAD) and just take the one that's needed. Then for outings like walks/hikes there'd be both my bf and I... Shall see, depends if she's still available and if our landlord allows a third dog..

I think the last post gets the three rads.. Like the hot potato of random chat.


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It's always a tough thing when a parent tries to buy their kid's love. Fathers, in particular, do that more often than not. Again, it may be more because they don't know what their kid likes. If they give money to buy their kid's love, that's pretty sad. I understand how you can feel that way about money gifts. But, like I said to Yvonne, we sometimes suppose our feelings about something onto others. Generally speaking, not everyone who gives money gifts are trying to buy their affections. Most times, it's preferred. Now, if I know someone very well, and I received a money gift, I may feel like you only if a non-money gift was expected i.e. home warming party.
Jacqui said:
I have a hard time accepting gifts, because as a child I always thought my father was trying to buy me with gifts. Most of his gifts were money and to this day I dislike money or gift cards as gifts, because I feel like the person did not think enough of me to even try. I much prefer a gift that I may never use, but I know somebody went to some trouble to get for me.

Speaking of gifts, Shari's Berries is doing bunches of ads for Mother's Day. Now, thanks to a special person who got me some for Valentine's day, I not only know what they taste like, but keep getting a warm feeling and smiling remembering my special surprise gift and the person who sent them.

Kim, did you try that exercise with a liter bottle? Try it and continue to exercise with it.
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