Pretend chat 2

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Jacqui said:
I have a hard time accepting gifts, because as a child I always thought my father was trying to buy me with gifts. Most of his gifts were money and to this day I dislike money or gift cards as gifts, because I feel like the person did not think enough of me to even try. I much prefer a gift that I may never use, but I know somebody went to some trouble to get for me.

Speaking of gifts, Shari's Berries is doing bunches of ads for Mother's Day. Now, thanks to a special person who got me some for Valentine's day, I not only know what they taste like, but keep getting a warm feeling and smiling remembering my special surprise gift and the person who sent them.

I like to get personally picked gifts too. Last year though I sent this beautiful potted gardenia plant for Mikes grandma and she hated it. Mike thought she would like the applebees gift cert more. :( It's weird how when you get old you get more excited about giving gifts than you are about receiving them. :p


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Is anyone still on? If not, I'll talk to you all tomorrow. I'll still be on for a little.


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Jul 15, 2012
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Someone attempted adopting the boxer but she was too much for their two little dogs and didn't click with the people. She's out on yet another adoption day tomorrow so we'll see. She may get adopted. I need to speak to the landlord and figure out if they're willing to let us sign on for another year or two so we know by that future time either one or more of the dogs may not be with us due to old age or we'll own a place and not have to worry if three is too many for renting. Our landlord now loves dogs though.


They put up a picture of the "old gal"
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Aug 23, 2012
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Is the boxer in the pic the one up for adoption?
RosieRedfoot said:
Someone attempted adopting the boxer but she was too much for their two little dogs and didn't click with the people. She's out on yet another adoption day tomorrow so we'll see. She may get adopted. I need to speak to the landlord and figure out if they're willing to let us sign on for another year or two so we know by that future time either one or more of the dogs may not be with us due to old age or we'll own a place and not have to worry if three is too many for renting. Our landlord now loves dogs though.

They put up a picture of the "old gal"



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Yes, that's her. She was abandoned and was only 35 pounds when they found her.

She's estimated to be 6 years old. If we are allowed to get her it'll be the old folks doggy home. Glucosamine for all!


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Aug 23, 2012
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Well, I hope you get her, poor gal. Just be super careful with the new dog and your torts. I don't need to tell you what could happen, right?

pid='666856' dateline='1368253165']
Yes, that's her. She was abandoned and was only 35 pounds when they found her.

She's estimated to be 6 years old. If we are allowed to get her it'll be the old folks doggy home. Glucosamine for all!

TommyZ said:
mctlong said:
Not a dumb question at all. Torts from the same clutch can produce offspring, technically. However, its not a good idea to breed them. The same genetic concerns apply to tortoises as all animals, including mammals. Recessive, potentially maladaptive genes are more prevalent in the offspring of closely related animals. This results in a higher incidence of birth defects. The more closely related the animals, the more birth defects you will see.

I see, so, lets say you have a single male to several females. Female 1 has a clutch, female 2 has a clutch, can babies from those two clutches from different mothers breed together with no risk of defects even though they have the same father? or is that also a risk? Im asking because down the road i would love to breed these torts, but being that i only have 1 as of now and it is not sexed, id like to best plan how to assemble my group. Is it best to buy a few more hatchlings and see where nature takes me, or better to buy older, sexed torts? Id lean towards sexed ones, only cuz knowing my luck id wind up with 4 of the same sex, lol.


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Awww, I hope you get her! She has sad eyes:(. Happy Saturday. I hope you all have a great weekend!!!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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She looks like a great dog. I have a personal weakness for old dogs... and tortoises. :D


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Nope, my two dogs and tort don't mix any way either. My dog loves balls and killing small animals so a tort would be his favorite.


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She looks so sweet. I hope you can save her. I got my hairs cut yay. My Saturday is off to a relaxing start.
The Mom bunny came last night. We have been monitoring the babies.


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She's about 55-60 pounds, mostly leg. My other two are 70 and 85, so she'd be the smallest.

Main concern is the landlords insurance doesn't allow boxers, so have to check that first of all.


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Good Morning All.

Most insurance companies have policies for Pit bull and Akitas', but that's all I have heard of (at least for California that is).


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I heard that most insurances won't insure Pit bulls, Shepards, certain terriers, boxers, and any dog that have histories of aggressions or attacks.

Good morning my friends!


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Ours I know doesn't allow German shepherds, pits, bull terriers, dobermans or rotties but don't know on boxers.


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I just had to get new insurance on my home last month and the agent went through a bunch of dogs that insurance carriers don't insure. It' pretty much a nationwide policy because the underwriters are all over the country and generalize dogs based on their stats of aggression/attacks/claims. Boxers were named at one by my agent; so, don't know about your landlord's policy, but I hope boxers are not among them for the dog's sake. I really think you had a great connection with her too. Frankly, I don't understand why your landlord wouldn't allow her. Even if the dog is uninsured, all that happens is that if the dog does bite or cause damage to one's property, it would have to come out of your own pocket. Many people have these types of dogs in their home; it's not like it's against the law to have them. However, landlords may be afraid that any claims that can result in a lawsuit can be made against him too.
RosieRedfoot said:
Ours I know doesn't allow German shepherds, pits, bull terriers, dobermans or rotties but don't know on boxers.

Yvonne G

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I told a lady on the phone early this week that I would baby sit her Greek tortoise while she's away for 10 days. She's supposed to bring it this morning sometime. I hate waiting around for people. This lady had a VERY strong accent and I had a heck of a time understanding her. I think she told me her life story for about 20 minutes before she got around to why she was calling. I only think it was her life story, because I couldn't understand a word of what she said. I don't think it mattered to her though because she never had a question mark at the end of any of her sentences so I didn't need to respond.

So, this is me....waiting.


...and waiting...


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I think the kitty is soooo cute! I can see you doing that too Haha. Well, in some cultures, talking about life is done as part of the greeting. Greek and Koreans are like that. So, it'll be interesting, if she ever shows up, to find out where's she from. Do ask her, please. I'm dying to know now.


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Yvonne, you do tortoise sitting? I may have to remember that for this summer. Your outside of Fresno, right?


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Yeah, it depends what they say. There are a lot of stupid rules out there. Like, if you have a pit bull and it passes canine good citizen and is a therapy dog, but can't be allowed because of its breed, then you can have a chihuahua that's bitten 2 people (more likely) and it's ok. If any of my dogs aggressively attacked a human, without warning and unprovoked, I would have them euthanized. I love dogs, but I understand they still have animal baser needs and it's my responsibility to keep them safe as well as keep the general public safe from my pets. But I rarely take my dogs out off leash in public, so not like they'd bite someone unless they were breaking in and deserved it. But even then, my two labs are meat heads. The landlord laughed when he saw the beware of dog signs since he said, "beware of what, getting licked?"
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