Pretend chat 2

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Yvonne G

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Tell me about it. I worked for 30 years for the phone company, the first half of that as an operator. We had to work every holiday, every Sunday, nights, all the time. There always has to be an operator there for you when you dial "0". Mother's day was our busiest day of the year.

I imagine it's changed quite a bit now with cell phones, etc. But I'm glad to be out of it. I suppose having to work all those holidays is what made me so blase about holidays. They're just not important to me anymore.


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Most of them are Hallmark holidays anyway focused on spending money instead of their "true" meaning.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

RosieRedfoot said:
I'm not a mom, and I get to work today.. Whee.

If you do go out to eat for brunch or whatnot be sure to tip your servers extra (as long as they deserve it).. Seeing as it's a crazy busy day and most of them are spending it serving your family instead of with their own!

As a cashier I hate how grumpy people get around holidays like Mother's Day and Easter because they feel like they need to buy gifts then wait till last minute. Don't take it out on us, it's not our fault the card/candy you wanted is gone at 10pm the night before the holiday! /endrant

I went grocery shopping today and the line for getting grocery store plants, cards, and flowers was crazy. The store was almost empty for regular shoppers but pushing through that area to the fruits and veggies was hard work. I did get my Mom a little two person cake even though where we took her had a dessert buffet. It was too cute to pass by. :D
I have had a wet spot in my family room since yesterday and I thought the slab had an issue. I came home from taking Mom out and oy vey the fish tank is only half full. I traced it back to a leaky hose. Luckily it's a slow leak... Well not slow.
Mikes axles are in and it looks great. It's huge with 40 in mtrs

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I'm quite surprised that no one has made any comments about the horribly deformed sulcatas that I have up for adoption. We are all very quick to come down on the craig's list ads showing deformed sulcatas, why so quiet about the three I posted? They are badly deformed and you have to feel very sorry for them.


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Yvonne G said:
I'm quite surprised that no one has made any comments about the horribly deformed sulcatas that I have up for adoption. We are all very quick to come down on the craig's list ads showing deformed sulcatas, why so quiet about the three I posted? They are badly deformed and you have to feel very sorry for them.

They are deformed but they look to be able to eat and get around.

Yvonne G

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They are actually very nice animals. The deformity happened with their first owner, who sold them to the latest owner when they were already in bad shape. A lot can be said for this guy who gave them to me. He brought them back from a back case of MBD and they've grown a lot in his care.

They get along very well with each other, sleeping together at night and never fighting. They eat a LOT!!! and poop and LOT!!!

(nice car)


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Yvonne G said:
They are actually very nice animals. The deformity happened with their first owner, who sold them to the latest owner when they were already in bad shape. A lot can be said for this guy who gave them to me. He brought them back from a back case of MBD and they've grown a lot in his care.

They get along very well with each other, sleeping together at night and never fighting. They eat a LOT!!! and poop and LOT!!!

(nice car)

That's how I got my Betty. She will always be deformed but she's healthy.


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I thought their shells were kinda neat, kinda pretty, and kinda sad at the same time, but couldn't figure out how to say it.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Jacqui said:
I thought their shells were kinda neat, kinda pretty, and kinda sad at the same time, but couldn't figure out how to say it.

They have character


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Kerryann said:
Jacqui said:
I thought their shells were kinda neat, kinda pretty, and kinda sad at the same time, but couldn't figure out how to say it.

They have character

Lacks details, but good term! :D


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I just got home from the four hour round trip of taking my stepson home. Karen and I picked him up Friday so he could spend the weekend with her. It was a great visit with him. He and I get along smashing well and neither of us are ashamed when we tear up sharing our mural respect for each other. I cooked breakfast for Karen today, she had a good weekend.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Cowboy_Ken said:
I just got home from the four hour round trip of taking my stepson home. Karen and I picked him up Friday so he could spend the weekend with her. It was a great visit with him. He and I get along smashing well and neither of us are ashamed when we tear up sharing our mural respect for each other. I cooked breakfast for Karen today, she had a good weekend.

Sounds like Karen had an awesome Mother's Day weekend with your help.


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That is so sweet. I could remember when I was young doing things like that with my siblings to buy our mom a nice gift. Now, I don't do anything because most holidays were originally celebrated differently and were originally not practiced by Christians. Anyhow, my kids don't remember me even if i did celebrated them. It would make it unbearable if i celebrated holidays and they wouldn't call, visit, or buy a gift. So, I'm actually happy that things are the way they are.

Don't get me kids love me and i love them, but they're too busy with their own families and in-laws. I have two out of three kids that still call and occasionally visit me. It' only after the heart attack that they call a little more often. I wasn't thay way with my mom, but these are different times.


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My mum passed 5 yrs or so ago, and I miss her enough that I teared up writing that. View attachment 44087

She sent this to me when I turned 40. And we were Bestest friends!!!
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Aww...Cowboy, I know you miss her. I think you were a good son to her. I too lost my mom in 2005. I suffered so much because I was her caregiver for three years before she died, and I saw her die a little everyday. I' sad for you today, but one day you'll see her again, I really believe that.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Good Morning!

My Mom and I were best friends too. She lived an hour and a half each way, but we still found a way to see each other about once a week and call each other several times a week. It makes me feel so happy, to know my youngest daughter and I are moving towards that close type of friendship. My oldest daughter doesn't live near, but we still exchange texts and facebook messages all the time. My youngest son usually does not come to visit without reason (like to do yardwork with me), unless he can hitch a ride with his sister. He's too cheap to spend gas money on "fun". :D My oldest is just too busy always working it seems between two jobs, school, a gf, and the fact he hates driving makes visiting Mom a rare thing.

I was raised that family is important and it does me good to see my kids also put family pretty high up there. Yvonne thinks I am a bit spoiled by them, but I think Moms deserve to be a bit spoiled by their kids. :p :D


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My mom and I are close, but she is now about 5000 miles away.

She recently lost both her parents so now I'm down to the one grandma who isn't doing very well.

I can't imagine losing a parent since it's one of those things I don't think anything in life prepares you for. Hoping it doesn't happen for a long while.,

But, on a cheerier note, I have the day off work annnd it's sunny. Plus my bf did the mountain of dishes :) I went to bed at 1am and somehow I slept in till noon. Thats what happens when I don't set an alarm!

Now it's time to catch up on laundry and grocery shop for the week.
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