Pretend chat 2

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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Cowboy_Ken said:

Huh? Drunk fashion? Where is sibi? The one night I'm up later and that chica is mia. My toes are cramping. What's the cure?

Cowboy_Ken said:
Isn't that the reason for drinking beer? Or it's the flavor, right? Because beer tastes so good.

And your burn is as good as I got fishing. Mine was on my arms though. Ranch boots and shorts is no fast ion statement I'm willing to make. Lol.

Oh I see it now.. :) The neighbor guy likes it when I edge in my short shorts and motorcycle boys so maybe you are onto something. It's not fashion but it hurts when you whip something our of the ground up like a rock and it hits you in the shin.
I have a farmers burn on my arms too


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Boot-shorts fashion.
Toe cramps can be fixed by baring down on them from the front balls of your feet with toes extended out. Avoided by eating the bovine specie. Or potassium supplements. But I'm not a doctor, I just play one on TV.


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Dec 31, 2011
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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Cowboy_Ken said:
Boot-shorts fashion.
Toe cramps can be fixed by baring down on them from the front balls of your feet with toes extended out. Avoided by eating the bovine specie. Or potassium supplements. But I'm not a doctor, I just play one on TV.
The toe stretching like you say always does the trick. A few nights ago I had a dream I broke my foot. I think I slept through a toe cramp. Am I the only person they attack when sleeping or trying to?

My doctor told me they are caused by dehydration and magnesium being to low. He said I should take supplements but I haven't been :(

Almond milk cured it :)


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Jul 15, 2012
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Gah.. too many freaking bugs here! Last night we had 3 palmetto bugs inside so I had to go around putting down boric acid and new roach motels. Then today I noticed some weird segmented cylindrical things on my geraniums outside and there are leaf footed bugs ALL over my herb garden and flowers. I was wondering why my hibiscus plant was yellowing and not blooming anymore. I had hoped to be able to feed my plants/herbs to Rosie, so for now I sprayed the leaves down with diluted dawn soap to hopefully kill the existing bugs naturally, but it probably won't work. And in the 4 minutes I was outside I got bit by like 10 mosquitoes. Between the heat, humidity, and bugs it's a tropical heaven and a human hell. >.> Just hate spending money on plants only to have them destroyed by pests! I could never be a gardener here. I thought of growing my own tomatoes and lettuce and such but I think between the million insects and roaches and birds, they'd never last!


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Dec 31, 2011
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Jacqui said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
Kerryann said:
Juice! Almond juice! Almonds have no teats! Just saying…gosh

:D :D :D Thank you Ken for the chuckle!

Almonds make the best milk ever though.. You all just haven't seen the mama almonds. :D
I had beverly hillbilly drama this morning. Here's what happened and I was soooooooooooooo mad. soooo mad. like snuffing people out mad. This morning I got up like normal and got ready. The last thing I do before I leave is to take my dogs out to go to the bathroom. So I let the dogs out back and I am on the deck. Then the neighbors slider opens and it's the little girl letting the dog out. The dog escapes her since he's big and shes small and comes barreling into my yard. So i get my dogs and put them back in the house. Now the dog apparently ran away two days go but came home later in the day. So the dog is running around my yard and I am trying to get him.
the little girl is running after him so I run and get cici's lead and go running down the road after the dog. I chased that dog around my yard for probably 5 minutes and not one adult came out of that house.
So then I am running down the road chasing after the dog and trying to capture him. He took off into the woods and I was so upset. I head back home. I was running after him for probably 15 minutes. Still not one parent or adult outside at that house. I got in my truck and tried to find the dog and then went home. I tried to let my dogs out but the commotion had them so excited I couldnt get them to potty. I had their leads on too because who knows when the kid or dog are going to barrel through my yard again. the dogs wouldnt potty because they were all riled up
still no adults from that house.. no cares that the dog is gone or the kid is gone..
so i got my stuff for work and drove down buy the woods again and then drove out on the other side of the woods looking and just went to work


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I was waitin on the cē ment pond part!
Or the, “best part of fried possum innards, is theys just as good the next day!"


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I'm making mango margarita pie and shepherds pie (with sweet potato) for dinner.

Here's the dessert cooling ImageUploadedByTortForum1368736805.574036.jpg
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Kerryann said:
Jacqui said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
Kerryann said:
Juice! Almond juice! Almonds have no teats! Just saying…gosh

:D :D :D Thank you Ken for the chuckle!

Almonds make the best milk ever though.. You all just haven't seen the mama almonds. :D
I had beverly hillbilly drama this morning. Here's what happened and I was soooooooooooooo mad. soooo mad. like snuffing people out mad. This morning I got up like normal and got ready. The last thing I do before I leave is to take my dogs out to go to the bathroom. So I let the dogs out back and I am on the deck. Then the neighbors slider opens and it's the little girl letting the dog out. The dog escapes her since he's big and shes small and comes barreling into my yard. So i get my dogs and put them back in the house. Now the dog apparently ran away two days go but came home later in the day. So the dog is running around my yard and I am trying to get him.
the little girl is running after him so I run and get cici's lead and go running down the road after the dog. I chased that dog around my yard for probably 5 minutes and not one adult came out of that house.
So then I am running down the road chasing after the dog and trying to capture him. He took off into the woods and I was so upset. I head back home. I was running after him for probably 15 minutes. Still not one parent or adult outside at that house. I got in my truck and tried to find the dog and then went home. I tried to let my dogs out but the commotion had them so excited I couldnt get them to potty. I had their leads on too because who knows when the kid or dog are going to barrel through my yard again. the dogs wouldnt potty because they were all riled up
still no adults from that house.. no cares that the dog is gone or the kid is gone..
so i got my stuff for work and drove down buy the woods again and then drove out on the other side of the woods looking and just went to work
Sorry!! That is not a good way to start the day!! I hope your day got better after that!!


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
CtTortoiseMom said:
Kerryann said:
Jacqui said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
Kerryann said:
Juice! Almond juice! Almonds have no teats! Just saying…gosh

:D :D :D Thank you Ken for the chuckle!

Almonds make the best milk ever though.. You all just haven't seen the mama almonds. :D
I had beverly hillbilly drama this morning. Here's what happened and I was soooooooooooooo mad. soooo mad. like snuffing people out mad. This morning I got up like normal and got ready. The last thing I do before I leave is to take my dogs out to go to the bathroom. So I let the dogs out back and I am on the deck. Then the neighbors slider opens and it's the little girl letting the dog out. The dog escapes her since he's big and shes small and comes barreling into my yard. So i get my dogs and put them back in the house. Now the dog apparently ran away two days go but came home later in the day. So the dog is running around my yard and I am trying to get him.
the little girl is running after him so I run and get cici's lead and go running down the road after the dog. I chased that dog around my yard for probably 5 minutes and not one adult came out of that house.
So then I am running down the road chasing after the dog and trying to capture him. He took off into the woods and I was so upset. I head back home. I was running after him for probably 15 minutes. Still not one parent or adult outside at that house. I got in my truck and tried to find the dog and then went home. I tried to let my dogs out but the commotion had them so excited I couldnt get them to potty. I had their leads on too because who knows when the kid or dog are going to barrel through my yard again. the dogs wouldnt potty because they were all riled up
still no adults from that house.. no cares that the dog is gone or the kid is gone..
so i got my stuff for work and drove down buy the woods again and then drove out on the other side of the woods looking and just went to work
Sorry!! That is not a good way to start the day!! I hope your day got better after that!!

Thankfully it did. I had a nice day. I had lunch with a girlfriend and took a nice walk. Then I had a local IT community leadership meeting and just overall felt like I got a lot done :)
How is everyone else's day so far?


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Jul 15, 2012
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Columbia, SC
Lol they enjoyed themselves. Dante found some poop to roll in so my boyfriend picked up Dante and threw him into the lake since he wouldn't go in willingly to rinse off. He screamed like a girl (the dog that is) and then refused to go swimming again and just stood on the bank wading in.

It's a free boat launch about 20 minutes from us and doesn't have any 'no dog' signs so we just go to the secluded part of the launch to exercise the dogs. It's mostly rednecks going out bass fishing anyway so they just comment on how we have well trained retrievers. Makes me want to go fishing though lol.
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