Pretend chat 2

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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Cowboy_Ken said:
Thanks, and happy Monday that's not!

I know it's Tuesday, not Monday but with Monday being tied to the weekend due to the holiday, this week it's Tuesday that gets to be the start of the week. Sorta like on long three day weekends Friday is considered part of the weekEND even though it is a week day. ;) :D


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I like that the state furlough day was planned well enough that state employees got themselves a 4 day weekend. Furlough days are in Fridays here in Oregon.


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A few houses down the neighbors brought out a small wire cage with two rabbits in it to put them on the grass. Poor rabbits, such a small cage and bringing them from A/C inside to direct sun at 80 outside could easily kill them. :(

Their house is such a mess outside I can only imagine the inside... Probably like an episode of hoarders.

I guess Rosie doesn't like bell pepper... She took a few bites then left me a giant turd baking in the heat lamp. Seriously, her poo is ridiculous sized. I'm so glad my dogs don't have the same output proportions >.>

Yvonne G

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We've got hot sun and strong wind. It must be in the 80's, but the wind is blowing to beat the band! I HATE THE WIND!!!!!!


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Yvonne G said:
We've got hot sun and strong wind. It must be in the 80's, but the wind is blowing to beat the band! I HATE THE WIND!!!!!!

I just saw that a tornado is supposed to be heading our way :p
I forgot to add why I quoted you.
I hate the wind too.
I am distracted working on something fun for a new business proposal. :D I had a great new business pitch today. :D:D:D:D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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I know I am getting tired of our weather loop, hot muggy days and then towards evening the tornado watches begin, the heavy rain and hail starts in, the lightening and thunder starts in, and the even stronger winds start in. :D

The positive note is I haven't had to turn water on a the brown house to fill up the buried hot tub turtle pool. I am not having to carry jugs of water down there for the garden either. Nor do I have to water anything else outside. :D


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Jacqui said:
I know I am getting tired of our weather loop, hot muggy days and then towards evening the tornado watches begin, the heavy rain and hail starts in, the lightening and thunder starts in, and the even stronger winds start in. :D

The positive note is I haven't had to turn water on a the brown house to fill up the buried hot tub turtle pool. I am not having to carry jugs of water down there for the garden either. Nor do I have to water anything else outside. :D

Yes the not having to water stuff is awesome. It was 40 yesterday and it's supposed to be 90 Thursday. I wish it'd be hot already :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Courtney.... very nice! I almost bought some of the white ones this year (and may still do so). I had not saw them before.

I saw a picure this morning of a beautiful yellow lilac. I'd love one of those, of course I still have not even gotten one of the really dark purple ones that I have wanted for years. :D


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CourtneyAndCarl said:
Jacqui said:

So purdy! Here's mine :)

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Pretty flowers. My irises haven't bloomed yet. It's sunny out right now so maybe I will get some flowers today :D

Jacqui said:
Courtney.... very nice! I almost bought some of the white ones this year (and may still do so). I had not saw them before.

I saw a picure this morning of a beautiful yellow lilac. I'd love one of those, of course I still have not even gotten one of the really dark purple ones that I have wanted for years. :D

I got a dwarf korean lilac bush this weekend at lowes for $5. Right now is the time to snatch up the lilacs since they are post bloom.


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I just learned that we have gotten at minimum, 4-1/4" of rain here since the 12th. 2-1/2 wks. No wonder Fred is so upset.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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It's another day of heavy rain, winds, heat and humidity... my hingebacks are loving it, me not so much. :D

KerryAnn, I do check out the clearance racks on plants (I seldom buy a plant not on sale). The problem with lilacs if I buy one not blooming, when it blooms the next year it is always the shades I already have. :( WalMart had some cheap ones this year, but not that dark purple I want or even the reddish purple ones. I may have to go to Lincoln this week to get Jeff's chemo pills (which are suppose to be at the Oncology pharmacy, but they say they have not gotten them). If I do then I will be hitting plant places. I also may go to Omaha for a reptile club meeting on Sat, so another chance for plant shopiing. :D


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Out here, dark purple lilac are a dime a dozen. Some are what I would call old growth. So we have white lilac as anchors for the landscaped parts of the front yard.

So has anyone heard from Sibi lately? Seems she hasn't been on for a few days.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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It's been a couple of days again since she has been around. :( Hopefully it is not her feet, elbow or anything else giving her trouble, but rather she is losing time while sitting outside watching Runt and the gang.


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Ok. I just got this from a friend and had to share. ImageUploadedByTortForum1369864595.786623.jpg

Hope y'all find it as funny as I did.
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Ken, was too small to read and when I enlarged it them it was too pixelly.

I just learned (and tried) an amazing home remedy for itchy bug bites! You apply air from a hair dryer on hot to the area until its unbearable and then the itching should subside! It uses up histamine in the skin I guess (from what others speculate) and increases bloodflow to clear it away. It itches really bad when you apply the heat at first but if you do it until it hurts (but not burns you) then the itch stops! Don't sue me for any self inflicted harm since this should be done at your own risk and discretion. Worked for me when Benadryl and cortisone weren't cutting it!


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I will try again. ImageUploadedByTortForum1369865292.936490.jpg

Hopefully I'll still have space for little Ricky photos.
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