Pretend chat 2

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Yvonne G

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Cute, Ken. Some people are just so inventive.

As to the itch thing - I only have a couple of spots that are bad, BAD itching, so it will be easy to try this remedy. Always willing to try something new. The Cortisone over the counter creams don't do diddly. If I keep hand lotion on the spot (keep it moisturized), it doesn't itch so bad. But when it dries out its BAD!


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Heat may not help a dry spot (or anything like eczema/allergy related) but it did wonders on my fire ant bites! Still no itchiness!

At work my supervisor told me to keep tabs on the cashier break schedule since she had interviews to do so we all would get our breaks, and when I went to remind one long time worker she blew up on me. Like how I am not her boss or her elder and she doesn't have to listen to me and that I shouldn't act like I am in charge. All I said was, hey Miss <name>, did you take your break at 2:15? And she blew up... I was like, I'm sorry if I overstepped but the supervisor put me in charge of reminding people, so I walked off after that and marked her off as having her breaks completed so I wouldn't get cursed out or something ridiculous.

Guess she either had a bad day or was jealous they trusted me more to keep tabs on the front lanes... The other cashiers that have been there a year plus didn't care when I reminded them so I know it wasn't my tone being condescending. They were just happy they still got their breaks.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Jacqui, you are good. I've been keeping appointments, and watching the babies do their things. It's so funny how Baby Runt learned to eat on my lap, and midway through his eating, he'll poop and pee on me. It's actually me who has learned to put a plastic bag on my lap so that I'm not having to change everytime he poops on me. I have finished the pool, but have held back from putting the morsite (cool deck) on because i want to get a custom designed land turtoise tile put in the middle of the pool. The woman who does this said it would take about 5 weeks to ship. I don't want to wait that long. But, if i do lay the morsite, i know I'll regret not putting in the tile. Help we decide, please! And yes, my arm is giving me trouble and pain, but the good news is that my foot is totally healed now. Thanks for your concern, and Cowboy, I especially thank you too.
Jacqui said:
It's been a couple of days again since she has been around. :( Hopefully it is not her feet, elbow or anything else giving her trouble, but rather she is losing time while sitting outside watching Runt and the gang.

For itch, I use witch hazel. It works like a gem. I have pretty bad itches from mosquitos. Don't know if it's my diabetes, but it seems like I'm more allergic to their bites than in recent past. The itch is simple unbearable. After the witch hazel, I put on an anti-itch cream and it would last for maybe 3 hours. My itches from bites last for over a month!

Kim, it's so good that I wasn't you when that worker cut into you. I would have gotten the supervisor to straighten her out because the next time, she's only gonna get more bolder. Who knows what she'll say next time...and, there will be a next time and a next time...

Courtney and Kerryann, your irises are so beautiful. I don't think they do very well here in Florida. Too hot. I do have night jasmine growing. The sent of their flower drives me nuts in ecstasy. I have tried for years to grow it here, and I never see the bush for sale here. They have a confederate jasmine, but it doesn't bloom at night, and its flower doesn't smell like the night jasmine.

Hey Jacqui, aren't you suppose to have bad weather tonight?

Where did everyone go? I've been gone a few days, and now I'm back, and everyone leaves...and don't understand it:p


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Jacqui said:
It's another day of heavy rain, winds, heat and humidity... my hingebacks are loving it, me not so much. :D

KerryAnn, I do check out the clearance racks on plants (I seldom buy a plant not on sale). The problem with lilacs if I buy one not blooming, when it blooms the next year it is always the shades I already have. :( WalMart had some cheap ones this year, but not that dark purple I want or even the reddish purple ones. I may have to go to Lincoln this week to get Jeff's chemo pills (which are suppose to be at the Oncology pharmacy, but they say they have not gotten them). If I do then I will be hitting plant places. I also may go to Omaha for a reptile club meeting on Sat, so another chance for plant shopiing. :D

Plant shopping is so much fun and you can't have too many lilacs.

sibi said:
Jacqui, you are good. I've been keeping appointments, and watching the babies do their things. It's so funny how Baby Runt learned to eat on my lap, and midway through his eating, he'll poop and pee on me. It's actually me who has learned to put a plastic bag on my lap so that I'm not having to change everytime he poops on me. I have finished the pool, but have held back from putting the morsite (cool deck) on because i want to get a custom designed land turtoise tile put in the middle of the pool. The woman who does this said it would take about 5 weeks to ship. I don't want to wait that long. But, if i do lay the morsite, i know I'll regret not putting in the tile. Help we decide, please! And yes, my arm is giving me trouble and pain, but the good news is that my foot is totally healed now. Thanks for your concern, and Cowboy, I especially thank you too.
Jacqui said:
It's been a couple of days again since she has been around. :( Hopefully it is not her feet, elbow or anything else giving her trouble, but rather she is losing time while sitting outside watching Runt and the gang.

For itch, I use witch hazel. It works like a gem. I have pretty bad itches from mosquitos. Don't know if it's my diabetes, but it seems like I'm more allergic to their bites than in recent past. The itch is simple unbearable. After the witch hazel, I put on an anti-itch cream and it would last for maybe 3 hours. My itches from bites last for over a month!

Kim, it's so good that I wasn't you when that worker cut into you. I would have gotten the supervisor to straighten her out because the next time, she's only gonna get more bolder. Who knows what she'll say next time...and, there will be a next time and a next time...

Courtney and Kerryann, your irises are so beautiful. I don't think they do very well here in Florida. Too hot. I do have night jasmine growing. The sent of their flower drives me nuts in ecstasy. I have tried for years to grow it here, and I never see the bush for sale here. They have a confederate jasmine, but it doesn't bloom at night, and its flower doesn't smell like the night jasmine.

Hey Jacqui, aren't you suppose to have bad weather tonight?

Where did everyone go? I've been gone a few days, and now I'm back, and everyone leaves...and don't understand it:p

I'm here. :) I spent all night making my eyes tired looking at data.
My irises haven't bloomed yet :p
How are your feet?

Oh and the red wings have tied game 7.. Go wings


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Sibi, did you see my pictures yesterday of Little Ricky's new enclosure?

Our irises have come and gone.


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No, but I'm gonna check it out. Will get back to you in a few.
Cowboy_Ken said:
Sibi, did you see my pictures yesterday of Little Ricky's new enclosure?

Our irises have come and gone.

Cowboy, where are the pics? Is this the enclosure you made of that beautiful wood? Because, if it is, yes I've seen it a while back. Lil Ricky's pic on the thread that CTTortoisemom posted for you is soooo cute, and perfectly smooth. I wish I could've gotten a baby from Tom's collection. But, now I have three, and that's about it for now.


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As it turns out, the new design is almost too efficient. I like the cool side to be 80-85f and now it's 92-97f. After much conversation with our resident Tom, he has assured me all is good. The next will be 4'x4'x2' high. This one is 2'x4'x2'. With a 100watt MVB I am reaching those temps. I've started basically giving my 160watt MVB's away because their too big in the heat producing range.


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I'm glad I'm not the o ly one who don't like the 160w mvb in small enclosures. Too intensely hot for lil ones. So, Ricky is getting a new enclosure with the same kind of wood? I love that enclosure. The wood is absolutely stunning.

So, not to change the subject, but what do you think I should do about the wait time for the tortoise tile?
Cowboy_Ken said:
As it turns out, the new design is almost too efficient. I like the cool side to be 80-85f and now it's 92-97f. After much conversation with our resident Tom, he has assured me all is good. The next will be 4'x4'x2' high. This one is 2'x4'x2'. With a 100watt MVB I am reaching those temps. I've started basically giving my 160watt MVB's away because their too big in the heat producing range.


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I could if I weren't going to put the cool deck coating in it. But, that coating keeps the pool from getting too hot for the torts to bathe in. I could put the coating on hold, but then I'd have to check every hour to make sure the water isn't too hot. On second though, I'm out there often anyway. I can put it on hold and let the torts enjoy the bathe, which they don't seem to be interested in now anyway.
Cowboy_Ken said:
Can you use the basin as is and then dry it in the toasty Florida sun once the tile comes in?


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Yay. Impasse has been overcome!

I have nothing against 160 watt MVB's , my enclosure design has just evolved beyond them.


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I have nothing against them either, but I hate to think of owners who use them in small enclosures. It makes the air temp in the enclosure for babies too hot, and if there isn't enough humidity because of it, well, you get the picture. So, when do you plan on making Ricky's enclosure bigger?


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Mentally designing his 4'x4'x2' tall one now. My only hang up is I like the sliding window and 4' is a bit much for my reach. I'm thinking of a half top on a hinge design but I need to do some lay out first and I don't want to fire up my computer, so it's all mental and probably gonna keep me awake tonight from being unable to shut it off. You know what I mean?


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Sibi, good to see you! I figured the fight wasn't worth it. I just won't say much more than hi to her from now on or go out of my way to help her. Others there have said she sometimes has a short fuse (why she's not working customer service and I am). It's not worth my effort to make an enemy at work since she usually doesn't even work the same hours I do and I see her maybe twice a month max.

I think tomorrow I need to go get new plants for my mailbox base since my pansies are stunted and wilting from our 90 degree days and no rain... Any plant suggestions?


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Yeah, you can get a perennial so you won't have to do it every year. Some of my favorites are Forget-Me-Not, painted daisy, Flax (blue), or Alyssum.

I didn't mean to suggest fighting/arguing with the girl. I mean, you need to have the supervisor be aware of her attitude, otherwise, it will happen again at some point. If she happens to be on when you are at CS, and you're told to remind the cashiers to take their breaks, what will you do next time? That's all. But, like you suggested, we all have ways to handle things differently. Hope the flowers helped.


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And you can feed the forget me nots to your tortoises as well.

I've got to go. I've got an early, full day tomorrow with lots of driving, may even get stuck in rush hour traffic.
Sibi, it was nice to have you drop in.
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