Pretend chat 2

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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
RosieRedfoot said:
I think tomorrow I need to go get new plants for my mailbox base since my pansies are stunted and wilting from our 90 degree days and no rain... Any plant suggestions?

That's the downside to pansies. If you want tall, I would go with daylilies. They come in many neat colors, bloom off and on all summer, they are a perennial, they can handle heat and other "abuse", always have those nice green leaves even when not blooming which you can also transplant in with your tortoises (great hides) and the blooms are a tasty treat for them..

Something short would be rose moss. Handles the heat well, nice bright blooms on a nice green succulent type stem/leaves, and often will reseed themselves making them something that will come back again.

sibi said:
Then who's irises are they?



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I've had moss roses before and liked them. I just need something semi cheap and very hardy. I forget to water them and we have lots of 90 degree days followed by torrential thunderstorms in the summer. I have red zonal geraniums on the balcony that are doing well. My candytuft and cilantro and basil all died. The lemongrass and sage and thyme are exploding growth, so at least some herbs made it...

Figure I'll just go to the local greenhouse and look over their ones best suited to our climate. And yes, I plan on feeding her the pansies that have survived thus far.


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RosieRedfoot said:
I've had moss roses before and liked them. I just need something semi cheap and very hardy. I forget to water them and we have lots of 90 degree days followed by torrential thunderstorms in the summer. I have red zonal geraniums on the balcony that are doing well. My candytuft and cilantro and basil all died. The lemongrass and sage and thyme are exploding growth, so at least some herbs made it...

Figure I'll just go to the local greenhouse and look over their ones best suited to our climate. And yes, I plan on feeding her the pansies that have survived thus far.

You could get California poppies and feed those too. They get by at my place with no attention, except from the tortoises.


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Went to a local greenhouse and while they had good selection their prices were a bit high. Like, $9 for a tiny succulent I got at lowes for $3.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Then who's irises are they?

Courtneys? I quoted Jacqui who quoted someone. Every ones irises have bloomed but mine around here.. I just got big buds.
My orchid is about to bloom again too

Jacqui said:
RosieRedfoot said:
I think tomorrow I need to go get new plants for my mailbox base since my pansies are stunted and wilting from our 90 degree days and no rain... Any plant suggestions?

That's the downside to pansies. If you want tall, I would go with daylilies. They come in many neat colors, bloom off and on all summer, they are a perennial, they can handle heat and other "abuse", always have those nice green leaves even when not blooming which you can also transplant in with your tortoises (great hides) and the blooms are a tasty treat for them..

Something short would be rose moss. Handles the heat well, nice bright blooms on a nice green succulent type stem/leaves, and often will reseed themselves making them something that will come back again.

sibi said:
Then who's irises are they?


That day lily is so pretty

Jacqui said:

What are the second flower


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Hi guys. Jacqui, I heard a song today that reminded me of you and Jeff. It is "when You Need Me." Have you heard the song? I had my first cardiovascular therapy today. Since my sugars have been registering normal, and I haven't had a low for two weeks, I was allowed to workout. Also, my AC1 was 8.9% which is a marked improvement over the 11% 3 months ago. Hurrah!!


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Glad you and Karen made it back safely Ken!

Good to hear things are looking up health wise, sibi!

And good news for us is the landlord will allow us to sign on for another year with no price hikes... Just don't know yet if a third dog (or boxer) is allowed until meeting with them in a few days to do paperwork.

I just noticed June is already knocking on the door... Where did May fly off to?


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I totally get that,Kim. I mean, the months just fly. Thanks for your encouragement. It's a milestone for me. Your new lease is rent hike! I hope you can get what you want with the Boxer. It would be interesting to see if boxers are excluded on insurance. Let me know when you find out.

I don't know if Cowboy is on tonight. He had a long trip and may be too tired. But, yeah, i too am glad that they had a safe trip:D


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Kerryann said:
sibi said:
Then who's irises are they?

Courtneys? I quoted Jacqui who quoted someone. Every ones irises have bloomed but mine around here..

Not mine! They were Jacqui's, I've only posted pictures of my columbines :)

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It has thunderstormed every night here since Monday. Now I can't sleep because it's so quiet! :s

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Where do you live Courtney? After all these storms in the Midwest, I wouldn't be able to sleep either.


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Jacqui said:
The second flower is phlox.

That looks so different than my phlox. I will have to find some that look like that. I love the phlox. I have them in my gardens with stone edges so they can drape over.
My yard is starting to look like a golf course from all of my treatments and my overseeding. :) I am so excited!!

sibi said:
Hi guys. Jacqui, I heard a song today that reminded me of you and Jeff. It is "when You Need Me." Have you heard the song? I had my first cardiovascular therapy today. Since my sugars have been registering normal, and I haven't had a low for two weeks, I was allowed to workout. Also, my AC1 was 8.9% which is a marked improvement over the 11% 3 months ago. Hurrah!!

That is awesome :)
I have been working on this project that is supposed to help people with health problems and it has been very exciting for me personally because it's so personal to me after having my heart problems and type 2 diabetes. Once I have it launched I will share some information but I find out today if we got the work. I am hoping it can help so many people. :D

Today I am off work (though I am online and am working :D) but Mikey and I are headed to Columbus Ohio this afternoon. We are driving down and then coming back after picking up some jeep parts. He found us some great vegan restaurants we can hit tonight in Columbus. I love road trips with my Mikey.
I went out shopping last night and I dropped another clothing size finally. It feels great being able to fit in the clothes I like and feeling like I don't look bad in them. I have been working out every morning and still keeping my calories around 1200 a day. I got this super cute skirt and a floral dress. :D
It rained like crazy this week here too. Yesterday I thought a tornado was hitting because it started hailing and then the wind was so strong it was blowing down trees and the rain was so heavy it was impossible to see and the rain was coming down at an angle. I hope the rain goes away tomorrow because we finally got our kayaks and I want to go kayaking tomorrow. I am so excited.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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CourtneyAndCarl said:
It has thunderstormed every night here since Monday. Now I can't sleep because it's so quiet! :s

That's because the storm moved through earlier in the evening rather then giving us a nighttime light show. :D Bu never fear, looks like it's still going to be staying close by for the next week. :cool:

RosieRedfoot said:
And good news for us is the landlord will allow us to sign on for another year with no price hikes... Just don't know yet if a third dog (or boxer) is allowed until meeting with them in a few days to do paperwork.

I just noticed June is already knocking on the door... Where did May fly off to?

That is good news and I hope the news gets even better and you learn you can get the old boxer. I agree days seem to race past faster and faster every day.

Kerryann said:
That looks so different than my phlox. I will have to find some that look like that. I love the phlox. I have them in my gardens with stone edges so they can drape over.

The reason it looks strange is you have CREEPING phlox and the one pictured is a tall standing one.

Hope the rain holds off so you can get out on the water. Also congrats on getting a size smaller.


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It double posted for some reason.. actually it acted like it hadn't posted so i pushed post again :shy:
Creeping phlox??? You are so right.. creeping phlox sounds like a dirty disease. I will have to look for the regular phlox. It is so pretty!!!
We have came up with a game plan to sequester the neighbor and put in picker bushes to stop the cross yard path they are creating. We were out working in our yard last weekend and realized that there used to be grass in that area and it has been worn off through the path. I think Mikey about came unglued :p

RosieRedfoot said:
Glad you and Karen made it back safely Ken!

Good to hear things are looking up health wise, sibi!

And good news for us is the landlord will allow us to sign on for another year with no price hikes... Just don't know yet if a third dog (or boxer) is allowed until meeting with them in a few days to do paperwork.

I just noticed June is already knocking on the door... Where did May fly off to?

I hope you can get the doggie too :D
I can't believe it's almost June here. The flowers that normally bloom in April are just starting to die. :p We didn't really have a spring here based on the weather.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I can't forget to say, "Good morning to Yvonne", so this is for her. This little stinker is a free born one that came up out in the yard and I have been enjoying him for a couple of weeks. He has a friend who is another color about a foot away in the grass. Funny thing is, none were planted out in that area and no other ones have ever come up from last year's seeds for me. Every time I see him, I think of you, Ms Yvonne.

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