Pretend chat 2

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Great Thank you, I will get the hang of this one day. Now I just need to see if my little man will eat these. He wont touch squash flowers or dandelions, which I find weird. A stubborn Russian, image that! hahaha


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littlestella said:
Great Thank you, I will get the hang of this one day. Now I just need to see if my little man will eat these. He wont touch squash flowers or dandelions, which I find weird. A stubborn Russian, image that! hahaha

The not a foodie is the weird part. Mine loves flowers or food of any type.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Kerryann said:
littlestella said:

Two things, I am testing how photo bucket works and does anyone know what these are? Are they Day Lilies?

P.S. Good morning all.

Those are day lillies yes ;) You grab the IMG link like this

NO!!! Do NOT feed these. They are not daylily, they are another type of lily. Asiatic or Oriental Lily is what your showing a picture of. Notice the leaves do not look like long thick blades of grass coming from the ground. Daylily has the grass like leaves. These have leaves coming off a main stem. If you dug them up you would see they come from a bulb. A general saying I go with is if comes from a bulb, do not feed it to your tortoises. I don't know if others have fed these, but I go with safe over sorry on them.


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Jacqui said:
Kerryann said:
littlestella said:

Two things, I am testing how photo bucket works and does anyone know what these are? Are they Day Lilies?

P.S. Good morning all.

Those are day lillies yes ;) You grab the IMG link like this

NO!!! Do NOT feed these. They are not daylily, they are another type of lily. Asiatic or Oriental Lily is what your showing a picture of. Notice the leaves do not look like long thick blades of grass coming from the ground. Daylily has the grass like leaves. These have leaves coming off a main stem.

Sorry Jacqui.. you are right, i didn't look at the leaves. I have some day lillies that are that orange and red color :p


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OK, Thank you for noticing that, I will go check. He wont wake up for hours so nothing fed to him yet. I try to be very cautious as to what he eats but its weird that he hates flowers. Rose buds are the only exception that I found at this point.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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littlestella said:
OK, Thank you for noticing that, I will go check. He wont wake up for hours so nothing fed to him yet. I try to be very cautious as to what he eats but its weird that he hates flowers. Rose buds are the only exception that I found at this point.

A lot of it may be that he doesn't know flowers are good to eat. Keep trying him on them.



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You guys with all your flower posts! Karen does a great job here with the flowers and whatnot growing in the yard, and I've thought of posting a few pictures of flowers she has growing, but then I think of the ribbing I could be setting myself up for.


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The landlord dropped the lease by today and I totally forgot to ask but he'll be back by tomorrow to pick up the rent check and can ask then.

I may plant creeping phlox or verbena as ground cover since both can handle the soil conditions and climate.


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Jacqui said:
I can't forget to say, "Good morning to Yvonne", so this is for her. This little stinker is a free born one that came up out in the yard and I have been enjoying him for a couple of weeks. He has a friend who is another color about a foot away in the grass. Funny thing is, none were planted out in that area and no other ones have ever come up from last year's seeds for me. Every time I see him, I think of you, Ms Yvonne.

We've got those violas growing everywhere here. Two years ago, Karen had some growing in a planter and now they have spread out upto 100' away from the original area. Our parking area is gravel, and they grow very well there as well. I like to bust on friends who park on them, pointing out they parked in our flower beds. Lol.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Cowboy_Ken said:
Jacqui said:
I can't forget to say, "Good morning to Yvonne", so this is for her. This little stinker is a free born one that came up out in the yard and I have been enjoying him for a couple of weeks. He has a friend who is another color about a foot away in the grass. Funny thing is, none were planted out in that area and no other ones have ever come up from last year's seeds for me. Every time I see him, I think of you, Ms Yvonne.

We've got those violas growing everywhere here. Two years ago, Karen had some growing in a planter and now they have spread out upto 100' away from the original area. Our parking area is gravel, and they grow very well there as well. I like to bust on friends who park on them, pointing out they parked in our flower beds. Lol.

Are they sun or shade? Are they a good ground cover?
I'm in Columbus Ohio at a vegan restaurant


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Mine are direct sunlight. Not sure of the ground cover idea. Save yourself, there's got to be a burger joint nearby.


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CourtneyAndCarl said:
sibi said:
Where do you live Courtney? After all these storms in the Midwest, I wouldn't be able to sleep either.

I live in Nebraska. Probably like 3 or 4 hours away from Jacqui, I think. :)

I did not think Nebraska was that big. I figured you were all like an hour or two away from each other. :p


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Cowboy_Ken said:
Mine are direct sunlight. Not sure of the ground cover idea. Save yourself, there's got to be a burger joint nearby.

After being a vegetarian that's now mostly vegan for years it'd make me sick. :( but now a nice portobello cap mmmm.. Though I am avoiding wheat these days :(


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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jaizei said:
CourtneyAndCarl said:
sibi said:
Where do you live Courtney? After all these storms in the Midwest, I wouldn't be able to sleep either.

I live in Nebraska. Probably like 3 or 4 hours away from Jacqui, I think. :)

I did not think Nebraska was that big. I figured you were all like an hour or two away from each other. :p

:p Here I thought you were a smart and educated fellow, boy was I wrong. :p :D


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Jacqui said:
jaizei said:
CourtneyAndCarl said:
sibi said:
Where do you live Courtney? After all these storms in the Midwest, I wouldn't be able to sleep either.

I live in Nebraska. Probably like 3 or 4 hours away from Jacqui, I think. :)

I did not think Nebraska was that big. I figured you were all like an hour or two away from each other. :p

:p Here I thought you were a smart and educated fellow, boy was I wrong. :p :D

I don't want to brag but I did graduate high school. :D:D


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I was just mowing a section of our pasture and spooked 2 big garter snakes. I was gonna jump off and grab them for a picture for you guys, but thought that may not be the most prudent thing to do in that I could, in theory, have injured myself. I always have my deck set at 7" for the first cutting so as to give the little guys a chance to move. The worst part is the old growth plantain and dandelion that gets mowed. Walking the pasture, I don't see it, but watching the front end, I always do. This was the pre mow for the 50'x300' sulcata enclosure I'm making.

Go big or go home…wait, I am home.
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