Pretend chat 2

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Aug 23, 2012
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Hey Cowboy, so the outdoor enclosure for your one sully is gonna be 50' x 300'? Wow, with that, I can house a family of sullies. You're gonna have a dickens of a time trying to find your baby to put him in his enclosure at night. How do you expect to keep him safe from predators with that much space to explore?


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Jul 15, 2012
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Ouch.. I just cut my big toe open on something. Felt a sharp pain then I looked at the bottom of my toe and its missing a chunk of flesh! But some hydrogen peroxide and neosporin and a bandaid should do the trick.

Well, off to bed. Should know tomorrow if el perro número tres is a possibility. Not sure why my brain wanted to use Spanglish but for those that didn't follow, talking about adding a third dog. Pretty sure I'm crazy. (Known fact) But she's about 7 years old and for boxers that's fairly old and I feel every old dog deserves a loving final home. Just call it Kim's geriatric canine hotel! Sunbeams, glucosamine, weekly brush rub downs, and occasional trips to the lake! Plus all the squirrels and peanut butter kongs you could want!


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sibi said:
Hey Cowboy, so the outdoor enclosure for your one sully is gonna be 50' x 300'? Wow, with that, I can house a family of sullies. You're gonna have a dickens of a time trying to find your baby to put him in his enclosure at night. How do you expect to keep him safe from predators with that much space to explore?

Little Ricky won't be able to hang with the big kids for some time. He'll have his own raised garden type enclosure full of broadleaf plants. Fred is pushing 15 lbs and The Unnamed One is about the size of a cantaloupe.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

RosieRedfoot said:
Ouch.. I just cut my big toe open on something. Felt a sharp pain then I looked at the bottom of my toe and its missing a chunk of flesh! But some hydrogen peroxide and neosporin and a bandaid should do the trick.

Well, off to bed. Should know tomorrow if el perro número tres is a possibility. Not sure why my brain wanted to use Spanglish but for those that didn't follow, talking about adding a third dog. Pretty sure I'm crazy. (Known fact) But she's about 7 years old and for boxers that's fairly old and I feel every old dog deserves a loving final home. Just call it Kim's geriatric canine hotel! Sunbeams, glucosamine, weekly brush rub downs, and occasional trips to the lake! Plus all the squirrels and peanut butter kongs you could want!

I think you couldn't be more right about the old girl.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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.... wondering if she knows yet, if she can apply to get the boxer....


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Jul 15, 2012
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Landlord said an older one is fine (no puppies allowed due to high energy/housebreaking with carpet). So tomorrow we'll probably be doing a meet and greet to see how both our dogs like her. If they like her enough she will be my 2nd anniversary gift from the boyfriend. Will definitely be interesting coordinating vet visits/walks with three!

But three dogs, three rodents, and one tortoise doesn't make me seem crazy, right? :p At least not as crazy as the prancersize lady.


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Nov 18, 2011
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RosieRedfoot said:
Landlord said an older one is fine (no puppies allowed due to high energy/housebreaking with carpet). So tomorrow we'll probably be doing a meet and greet to see how both our dogs like her. If they like her enough she will be my 2nd anniversary gift from the boyfriend. Will definitely be interesting coordinating vet visits/walks with three!

But three dogs, three rodents, and one tortoise doesn't make me seem crazy, right? :p At least not as crazy as the prancersize lady.

We've got 13 tortoises, six cats, 4 aquariums of fish, 1 dog, 1 Uro. And I'm always looking to expand the tortoise herd. I'm not crazy, I don't Prancercize.

Congrats on the landlord being good about a new dog!!


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Oh come on, you cant tell me if you were walking through the park and saw it that your wouldn't start laughing, because I probably would.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

RosieRedfoot said:
Landlord said an older one is fine (no puppies allowed due to high energy/housebreaking with carpet). So tomorrow we'll probably be doing a meet and greet to see how both our dogs like her. If they like her enough she will be my 2nd anniversary gift from the boyfriend. Will definitely be interesting coordinating vet visits/walks with three!

But three dogs, three rodents, and one tortoise doesn't make me seem crazy, right? :p At least not as crazy as the prancersize lady.

Not at all and yay :)


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Aug 23, 2012
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Does anyone know when we can see the pics of the contest?


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
There was a contest with the theme of April showers and blooming flowers or weeds. The rules were that there had to be a real tortoise in the pic, and artificial flowers were allowed, etc. Don't tell me you didn't know about it. Jacqui announced it on chat and on a thread. Yesterday was the last day for submitting the pic, I think today we were able to see all the pics that entered. And voting begins, ? I would have to check Jacqui's thread.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
sibi said:
There was a contest with the theme of April showers and blooming flowers or weeds. The rules were that there had to be a real tortoise in the pic, and artificial flowers were allowed, etc. Don't tell me you didn't know about it. Jacqui announced it on chat and on a thread. Yesterday was the last day for submitting the pic, I think today we were able to see all the pics that entered. And voting begins, ? I would have to check Jacqui's thread.

Tomorrow morning when I come on is when voting will start. That gives everybody 24 hours to be sure what is showing is what they thought they entered or that their entry is not missing.

To check that your entry is correct:

Cowboy_Ken said:
Just me, or is this bat turd crazy?

Hey seems to work for her.

RosieRedfoot said:
Landlord said an older one is fine (no puppies allowed due to high energy/housebreaking with carpet). So tomorrow we'll probably be doing a meet and greet to see how both our dogs like her. If they like her enough she will be my 2nd anniversary gift from the boyfriend. Will definitely be interesting coordinating vet visits/walks with three!

So glad you accomplished the first step. Good luck on the meet and greet!


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Cowboy_Ken said:
Just me, or is this bat turd crazy?

I am not sure the jacket is a normal work out gear and those pants left umm nothing to the imagination there.. haha

Jacqui said:
sibi said:
There was a contest with the theme of April showers and blooming flowers or weeds. The rules were that there had to be a real tortoise in the pic, and artificial flowers were allowed, etc. Don't tell me you didn't know about it. Jacqui announced it on chat and on a thread. Yesterday was the last day for submitting the pic, I think today we were able to see all the pics that entered. And voting begins, ? I would have to check Jacqui's thread.

Tomorrow morning when I come on is when voting will start. That gives everybody 24 hours to be sure what is showing is what they thought they entered or that their entry is not missing.

To check that your entry is correct:

Cowboy_Ken said:
Just me, or is this bat turd crazy?

Hey seems to work for her.

RosieRedfoot said:
Landlord said an older one is fine (no puppies allowed due to high energy/housebreaking with carpet). So tomorrow we'll probably be doing a meet and greet to see how both our dogs like her. If they like her enough she will be my 2nd anniversary gift from the boyfriend. Will definitely be interesting coordinating vet visits/walks with three!

So glad you accomplished the first step. Good luck on the meet and greet!

Oh there are so cute.. how will everyone decide?
Hens and bets were outside today and had some fun in the sun :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Before I came online this time, I had been out in my far back yard working. Mostly doing the ever fun hand cutting of tall grass growing in and around flowerbeds (and grapes, and trees, and you get the idea it's tall grass heaven). Now I was a bit down today because I was suppose to see Jeff last night and then his load got changed, so I couldn't. To add to it, he went to sleep before we could even chat this morning. :( (Yes pity party time)

In my village today there was a bike show at the park. My far back yard shares an alley with part of the park. As I was coming in tonight, a gentleman stopped me in the alley. He was showing at the bike show and had come from 100 miles further North. He took the time to catch me before I left to let me know how much he appreciated my backyard. How relaxing he had found it to look across and see it. That it had made his day. We stood and talked for a few minutes comparing plants and things. He made a comment about my hummingbird feeder. It just so happened at that moment there was a hummer feeding on some blooms, so I pointed it out to him. He loved it. It just made my whole month hearing something positive about my weed patch.

It's amazing the power of a positive comment, even from a stranger.

Kerryann said:
Hens and bets were outside today and had some fun in the sun :D

Was too cold here, only got to 66. We had wind too, so it was chilly enough most folks were wearing jackets.
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