Pretend chat 2

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I got a new baby yesterday!

Just a weird off hand question... how big do ficus trees get and how long does it take them to grow? I was told I could put one in a 16x16x20 enclosure but I'm pretty sure they get bigger than 20 inches, right?

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CourtneyAndCarl said:
I got a new baby yesterday!

Just a weird off hand question... how big do ficus trees get and how long does it take them to grow? I was told I could put one in a 16x16x20 enclosure but I'm pretty sure they get bigger than 20 inches, right?

Sent from my LG-LS970 using TortForum mobile app

Any particular type of ficus you're thinking about? They only get as big as you allow, you just have to keep it trimmed.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

jaizei said:
CourtneyAndCarl said:
I got a new baby yesterday!

Just a weird off hand question... how big do ficus trees get and how long does it take them to grow? I was told I could put one in a 16x16x20 enclosure but I'm pretty sure they get bigger than 20 inches, right?

Sent from my LG-LS970 using TortForum mobile app

Any particular type of ficus you're thinking about? They only get as big as you allow, you just have to keep it trimmed.

Here's silly old me, not realizing there is more than one type of ficus, hahaha. I was just planning on using the first ficus under 20 inches that I could find.

Cowboy_Ken said:
Gargoyle ! Run!

Oh c'mon, they are adorable!


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Well I did once have a shrew, a muskrat, and a vole. The shrew and muskrat were only for a few hours but the vole was caught by my friend's cat and I nursed it back to health then released him into the woods. Probably to be eaten by some other animal but oh well. He wasn't happy in captivity and I gave him a few safe weeks of life.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Gargoyle ! Run!

ahh you crack me up!

RosieRedfoot said:
I had rats and enjoyed them. My boyfriend hates them :(

I may get some again after my gerbil pair passes on.

Melly, if you have hamster questions let me know. My friends and family used to call me the "rodent queen" since I had basically every (domesticated) rodent at some point in time.

Thank you very much! I have had them before but I never really made as much stuff for them as we are making for this one. Its been fun because it gives my daughter and I something to do together and it helps her learn other things she can do for Skits that doesn't involve holding him or taking him out of his cage.


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So I decided to water my flowers seeing as it's 90 degrees and been about 2 days since any rain and I got about 30 mosquito bites on my calves/feet just from that alone. And they're the asiatic tiger ones that carry disease like west Nile and dengue fever... Yay, fun >.>

They swarmed me like wasps in full sun. I don't think we had them this bad last year but since we got a lot of rain then heat they've come out.

Here's to hoping I don't contract some freaky disease!


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:D Today was so nice out. I took the torts out for quite a while. Betty loves the garden and was out there trying to eat everything. :) Henry hid under a rose bush and ate some stuff. The kid next door came over and started trying to touch them so Mikey got nervous and packed them up.


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Today was wonderful here, as well. After yesterday's fun and trauma, we stayed home and just sort of took it easy. Little Ricky got to go outside to the big boys enclosure but all he wanted to do was eat Fred's feces, so he had to come in after about 10 minutes. Soaked the pancakes today, and Karen said, “ Ken, don't you have anything else to tell me about the tortoises that doesn't involve feces?" She, as usual, was right. So then I told her about that with the micro fauna in the gut track of some desert tortoises, they are as efficient as thoroughbred race horses in the breakdown and use of forage. She looked at me and said, “Fascinating, Ken. That's fascinating." I think there was a tad bit of sarcasm in her voice…

And WTH? Sibi is once again MIA?


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Cowboy_Ken said:
Today was wonderful here, as well. After yesterday's fun and trauma, we stayed home and just sort of took it easy. Little Ricky got to go outside to the big boys enclosure but all he wanted to do was eat Fred's feces, so he had to come in after about 10 minutes. Soaked the pancakes today, and Karen said, “ Ken, don't you have anything else to tell me about the tortoises that doesn't involve feces?" She, as usual, was right. So then I told her about that with the micro fauna in the gut track of some desert tortoises, they are as efficient as thoroughbred race horses in the breakdown and use of forage. She looked at me and said, “Fascinating, Ken. That's fascinating." I think there was a tad bit of sarcasm in her voice…

And WTH? Sibi is once again MIA?

Ha you were telling her romantic stories huh :p
Yea sibi hasn't been around. I miss her sunshine


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So we had some chicken breasts in the fridge that I forgot to use or freeze and they smelled a bit off. I told my boyfriend "Well it seems the chicken has gone... Dare I say it?.. Fowl"

He shook his head and walked off, totally unappreciative of my awful pun while I laughed for a good minute.


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RosieRedfoot said:
So we had some chicken breasts in the fridge that I forgot to use or freeze and they smelled a bit off. I told my boyfriend "Well it seems the chicken has gone... Dare I say it?.. Fowl"

He shook his head and walked off, totally unappreciative of my awful pun while I laughed for a good minute.

I get that alot too.


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Melly-n-shorty said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
Melly-n-shorty said:
is she the one that went missing last time?

No, that was you! LOL!

Oh Geeze... that took a little bit to click.

I thought you were talking about your tortoise... then it clicked...

And rosieredfoot had foul chicken.

Kerryann said:
That was me talking “dirty" to her, LOL.
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